Has OBAMA brought hope and change?
lol @ hope.
i "hope" politicians do all sorts of things, i expect next to nothing of their rhetoric.
having to deal with reality is nother thing entirely.
change? we've had some of it. enough to say i'm not entirely displeased.
lily ledbetter? good change.
tax breaks for those who work? good change.
government no longer holds the risk for student loans that banks profited from risk free? good change.
competition among schools for higher funds, rather than more rigorous standardized testing? good change.
a more lenient policy on medical cannabis than any other president? good change.
digitalize the medical records? good change.
pre-existing conditions gone, lifetime caps gone, more options for health care? good change.
infrastructure improvements that we ignored because we were too busy invading iraq? good change.
gays no longer banned from openly serving? good change.
bin laden killed and his effects gathered from a daring raid that allowed us to collect intelligence? good change.
a higher focus on illegal immigration with priority to the violent illegal immigrants? good change.
i could make a much longer list of changes that fell short of what i would call a good change, or where they never changed at all. an individual mandate is pointless without further market controls on the price of health care. a public option, at the very least, would be satisfactory for now. i know america is not ready for a rapid change to better medicine.
obama's inaction on illegal immigration was a big disappointment to me, personally. his reluctance to announce what we all knew was his true stance on same sex marriage is somewhat of a disappointment too. bittersweet.
some lefties may complain that he has done absolutely NOTHING on gun control. i am not one of them. i feel our current gun laws are sufficient. we don't need anything much more or less than what we currently have.
so, what change has rustled your jimmies, kellygirl?