Worms in my dirt!


Active Member
I was thinking of pulling an all-nighter and robbing the earth of all the night crawlers it has to offer. If I throw them directly into my plants, will they eat my roots, destroy my babies, or tear a hole in the time-space continuum?


Well-Known Member
no...worms will actually process the dirt into more usable nutrients for your roots, and help feed micro organisms that thrive in organic soil. I doubt highly that they will do any damage to your plant. If they did any damage..plants wouldnt exist because worms are everywhere where plants grow in nature.


Well-Known Member
Worms are great. Just build a trap for them. GF get pissed when they step on them. So keep them in the plants.


Active Member
I forgot to mention that this is an indoor grow op, would directly putting them in my pots have any detrimental effects? Or should I just make a worm casting box with newspaper for food?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member

Earth worms are absolutly amazing for plants my freind..
Only if I could throw some in MY pots :(
why cant you put any in your pots?

also, for OP, worms digest the dead plant material and wood chips and shit in most commercial potting soils, making food for plants, they aerate your soil with their tunnels, and deposit loads of friendly helpful bacteria in your dirt. worms dont eat live roots, they massage them, and give them cups of cocoa with mini marshmallows in it, fluff their pillows, and warn their slippers. worms are your plant's best friend!


Active Member
You don't have to wait for nighttime to collect red worms...just take a pitchfork or similar object...i've used bbc fork before....and stick it in the ground where worms would likely reside and tap the handle...vibrating the earth...the worms come to you! It's why you see so many after a good rain storm...the rain is pounding the earth and the vibrations bring them up! When you are done just tamp the ground back...no harm no foul! Trick I learned from my grandparents.


Well-Known Member
Worms are great, but remember they don't like kelp or egg shells. They love decomposing newspaper, garden compost, and hot organic potting soils. I usually just toss a bag of potting soil on the ground and after a few days they're digging into the bag all on their own. To attract them to your plants, put a nice layer of potting soil around the base of the stem. One to two inches works pretty good.


Active Member
whenever they feel like it? I don't know, but I imagine they don't waste anytime. I want to say their lifespan is 2 weeks but don't hold me to that.


Active Member
My grandparents and uncle ran bait and I don't ever remember them hunting for redworms. so they prolly are pretty prolific.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You don't have to wait for nighttime to collect red worms...just take a pitchfork or similar object...i've used bbc fork before....and stick it in the ground where worms would likely reside and tap the handle...vibrating the earth...the worms come to you! It's why you see so many after a good rain storm...the rain is pounding the earth and the vibrations bring them up! When you are done just tamp the ground back...no harm no foul! Trick I learned from my grandparents.
I use a thumper to attract Shai Hallud!


The Spice Must Flow!