The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i did say sorry but only as i wanted to, i was free to say fuck off to the lot of you but i do love good full on banter and the uk thread was good for that but then along came little unlucky and she verbally abused you all on her own...;-)....... shitters ................ you lot getting softy pants............ im thinking pussy whipped at home so take it out on unlucky...bunch of bully boys ;-) x
Soft hahaha im as soft as a wire brush u fuckin fat ugly mug so go find another dart board as u now you ve had more pricks on that second hand cunt lol!!


Well-Known Member
Lmao im the biggist billshitter here hahaha unlucky your sure know how to open that can of worms lmfao rofl and yo im likin it every1 is bac from the dead haha
its down to ones like me that make the world keep turning............... still yes i can defo smell cheese............. ;-)


Well-Known Member
i see the lights and the plants and i also said sorry biiiiatch lololol
Haha sambo i love the tag bullshitter lmao like u love the fat ginger scottish cunt haha na lad i can see why peeos would call us out over my heavy claim but ive offered more than once to a few they could come help out at chop lad ive nothin to hide and believe me it not a dick throwin contest at my end hence why i neva said wot i pulled this round haha


Well-Known Member
shut up girly hands, bet you glad you have little helps it to look big ;-)
Real wemon like nice hands haha unlucky u do make us laugh girl 600 plant wannabe to a 4 plant wannabe now haha shit sort it out ay its cannabis not a flower bed of poppys if u need help just ask ic3 lmfao he ll sort ya out ;-)


Well-Known Member
Haha sambo i love the tag bullshitter lmao like u love the fat ginger scottish cunt haha na lad i can see why peeos would call us out over my heavy claim but ive offered more than once to a few they could come help out at chop lad ive nothin to hide and believe me it not a dick throwin contest at my end hence why i neva said wot i pulled this round haha

too right chedz its all part of the fun cause u do grow what u say and im no fat ginger scottish cunt lol u seen the vids lol still all part of the fun tho....


Well-Known Member
Real wemon like nice hands haha unlucky u do make us laugh girl 600 plant wannabe to a 4 plant wannabe now haha shit sort it out ay its cannabis not a flower bed of poppys if u need help just ask ic3 lmfao he ll sort ya out ;-)
lost :wall: where do you get it from im down to your fucking 4plant wanna fucking beeeeeeeeee ;-)......... he can fuck right off he is one knobhead


Well-Known Member
too right chedz its all part of the fun cause u do grow what u say and im no fat ginger scottish cunt lol u seen the vids lol still all part of the fun tho....
Yo at the end of the day why lie internet or not im a man of my word fuck bein a dick and that even tho i ve the biggest haha. trust me i love growin and thats all there is to it plus its a fuckin very nice income tax free;-);-)

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
i aint been on as u no but whats the point yorky of all the ethugness lol its sad its the fucking net m8 and beleive me more than a few vets on here tell i lie or 6 lol

i couldnt fight me way outa paper bag im only 7stone really lol but NEVER will i threaten violence over the net its sad n stinks of ethug..............
I'm not being an ethug as you put it mate or threatening violence. Unlucky is a trolling, slanderous pathological liar and a liability to the users of the thread.

I for one certainly do not lie on here,ever! All you have in life is your word and if you talk shit on a forum where nobody knows you then your worth fuck all in the real world!

This whole community is made what it is by the people that contribute to it and Unlucky brings nothing to the table yet takes plenty away.


Well-Known Member
I'm not being an ethug as you put it mate or threatening violence. Unlucky is a trolling, slanderous pathological liar and a liability to the users of the thread.

I for one certainly do not lie on here,ever! All you have in life is your word and if you talk shit on a forum where nobody knows you then your worth fuck all in the real world!

This whole community is made what it is by the people that contribute to it and Unlucky brings nothing to the table yet takes plenty away.
wot the fuck happened to the like button haha im likin dis haha


Well-Known Member
I'm not being an ethug as you put it mate or threatening violence. Unlucky is a trolling, slanderous pathological liar and a liability to the users of the thread.

I for one certainly do not lie on here,ever! All you have in life is your word and if you talk shit on a forum where nobody knows you then your worth fuck all in the real world!

This whole community is made what it is by the people that contribute to it and Unlucky brings nothing to the table yet takes plenty away.

yorky i got no probs with you but u gotta member these post are written i carnt be bohtered to scroll back to ur messages of womnen or not id knock u etc but i read them


Well-Known Member
I'm not being an ethug as you put it mate or threatening violence. Unlucky is a trolling, slanderous pathological liar and a liability to the users of the thread.

I for one certainly do not lie on here,ever! All you have in life is your word and if you talk shit on a forum where nobody knows you then your worth fuck all in the real world!

This whole community is made what it is by the people that contribute to it and Unlucky brings nothing to the table yet takes plenty away.
shut the fuck up you prick................... grow the fuck up you prick.................. what is it i take from the table ?....................... its banter you silly yorky prick.........