The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Eazy guys no net till next week forgot to pay bill duh!
Started flushing me donkey dik last night seems ready like 80% orange hairs but don't smell propper weedey I gussa that's the nutes and ell sttart getiin better flushin em out

Ttt got the lead mate wrong one like thaqts far to big mong hahaha

Anyways I'm on mates blackberry and it suks ass typin


The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Yorky how much can you fit in that thing an how longs it last? looks spot on mate just thinkin could get smelly havin to top up specialy with the blues lol
Well the best way to use it is to make sure that your product is absolutely bone dry and grind it into as fine a dust as you can,this creates a greater air/surface area ratio making the vaping more efficient.

If ground into a dust you could probably get about a 1/2gram maximum in it but if you try to cane that in one sitting you'll be planted on your arse scratching your fried head!
A large bong scoop worth will get you about 6 good long tokes before it's done, using it like that will get you more mashed than a good joint but uses about a third of the gear.

It's quite a simple piece of kit.
Essentially it's a copper cylinder with holes in the bottom that you fill with herb then cover with a gauze,the copper cylinder warms up to the set digital temp then you suck through the tube forcing air into the bottom of the cylinder that gets warmed up with the herb and out through the tube letting you breath in the vapourised resin.

Vape 1.jpgVape 2.jpg

I stopped smoking cigs 4 years ago and I've been hitting this since, I also have a glass bubble pipe for the quick hits though because the vape IS stronger but it takes a little longer for it to get you there.

I can get to the point of drooling into the sofa with about a 1/2g of good herb with the vape though.
Comparing the effects of vaping to the effects of smoking is like comparing eating it to smoking it if that put's it into perspective?

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
And I've taken the apical tips from my sativa dom lanky phenos,I had no choice to be honest I've got about 4 feet of vertical space left in the veg tent!

New Clones 1.jpgNew Clones 2.jpg

Soon to be mothers!

Still dying to see a photo of dad Tip Top,these fan leaves on lanky are getting bigger and longer by the day!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Cheers mate!!! I'm liking the look of that, I'll get one in a couple of weeks, that really is quiet small and looks a hell of a lot simpler than the others I was looking at in the past.
lmao sitting in the cinema with a maccy d's drink smoking away sound like a much better way to watch a film, I usually have a joint on the way and then spend a small fortune on the pick n mix with a few other munchies, turns into an expensive night when it only lasts about 2hrs.
We go to Tesco Express on the way and fill her handbag with Haribo and Minstrels.
Fuck paying cinema prices for a munch,£4 for a large popcorn? Yeah right, I'm full of them tricks me!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
OK - convinced - but how long do these dudes take to deliver?
Next day if you order before 3.30pm I think (defo on seed orders), I paid them £12 for them to send mine to me by private courier so I could have it by 9.00am the next morning and I ordered it at around 4.00pm I think.

Give them a ring,they're all sound guys and usually have some crazy Dubstep blasting in the office in the background!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well so long as IM has nothing yet either that slightly puts my mind at ease, nadda for me yet though :( damned postie ruining my weekend plans. Had a tiny toothpick size joint of amnesia haze in the garden out front with the street cleaner after work and it was good enough that i figured i'd buy an 8th just in case it shouldn't turn up.

I bought a spare phone battery and that took 2 days from being dispatched to arrive when posted first class. fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
Well so long as IM has nothing yet either that slightly puts my mind at ease, nadda for me yet though :( damned postie ruining my weekend plans. Had a tiny toothpick size joint of amnesia haze in the garden out front with the street cleaner after work and it was good enough that i figured i'd buy an 8th just in case it shouldn't turn up.
U had any mail come at all today???

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Aye, post is getting through and the mail man is turning up. although something else posted on tuesday arrived on wednesday. Both 1st class standard.


Well-Known Member
HE did indeed come today. The mail was sent on tuesday.
My maik was sent in the day tues but it was after 2pm on my reckonin and pukka got his so i cant see why yours donna get there the same as ic3's package the package was absolutly smell proof so i cant see why it wont arrive lad


Well-Known Member
aint we had ne numptys in here recently i can i wind up? another vods a couple of bombs n i think il be in the mood lol

scrap that we need to attract more females to the thread every1 nos i grow the best weed, rip u all to shit and i got a 9inch cock............



Well-Known Member
aint we had ne numptys in here recently i can i wind up? another vods a couple of bombs n i think il be in the mood lol

scrap that we need to attract more females to the thread every1 nos i grow the best weed, rip u all to shit and i got a 9inch cock............


9" knob is a good thing to have but unless you got a bird to stick it in it's pretty much useless lol


im panicking! i moved to cornwall, had a good supply to last until i could set up a grow or meet a dealer, a week in i cant find my stash! i had it bagged up in week bags and i think i left 5 bags in my old place D:
im freakin out !!