trayvan martin


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The only injuries to martin are a single gunshot wound and scraped knuckles consistent with pummeling someone, Zimm never attacked him, if he had the evidence would show it.
so it's not possible that zimm grabbed martin by his hoodie to try to detain? didn't otherwise try to grab him?

you have no idea what happened, but are trying to act like you do. :dunce:

it is entirely possible that zimm tried to grab and detain martin, after all, these assholes were always getting away and zimm told dispatch to have the police call him for location, not meet him at a specific spot.


Well-Known Member
you keep implying it all day long.

meanwhile, you make sure to handle zimm with kiddie gloves.

again, i'm sure you would be saying the same if it were your kid. right? of course you would.
I've not "implied" a thing. I've tried to be respectful of BOTH parties. I know neither, so I won't judge. :roll:

Do you have children Buck? Because that argument is SO WEAK!!!!!!!!! Where to begin???? If you have kids of your own, you would certainly know that virtually ANY parent will defend their children regardless of what they've done. No matter how heinous the alleged crime, no matter how glaringly apparent their guilt may be, as parents it's OUR DUTY to defend our children. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but the vast majority of parents have a hard time seeing the forest for the trees when it comes to our children. We love them unconditionally so even when they fuck up we defend them unconditionally. One day you may be a parent. When you are, you will understand this.;-)


Well-Known Member
I've not "implied" a thing. I've tried to be respectful of BOTH parties. I know neither, so I won't judge. :roll:
that's just LOL. i could go back through your posts and compile a list of how many times you've implied something negative about martin versus how many times you've implied something negative about zimm, or similarly how many times you've defended one or the other, but that would just make you look silly.

but i could, so don't act like you don't have a favorite, because you clearly do.

Do you have children Buck? Because that argument is SO WEAK!!!!!!!!! Where to begin???? If you have kids of your own, you would certainly know that virtually ANY parent will defend their children regardless of what they've done. No matter how heinous the alleged crime, no matter how glaringly apparent their guilt may be, as parents it's OUR DUTY to defend our children. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but the vast majority of parents have a hard time seeing the forest for the trees when it comes to our children. We love them unconditionally so even when they fuck up we defend them unconditionally. One day you may be a parent. When you are, you will understand this.;-)
so this specific case, with what details we know happens to your kid, are you still going to have the same ratio of bad implications and/or defenses of each party?


Well-Known Member
so it's not possible that zimm grabbed martin by his hoodie to try to detain? didn't otherwise try to grab him?

you have no idea what happened, but are trying to act like you do. :dunce:

it is entirely possible that zimm tried to grab and detain martin, after all, these assholes were always getting away and zimm told dispatch to have the police call him for location, not meet him at a specific spot.
There would be a torn hoodie, Like I said before there is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that supports Zimm attacking Martin, NONE AT ALL! ALL of the evidence supports the martin attacked zimm scenario any way you cook it.


Well-Known Member
I've not "implied" a thing. I've tried to be respectful of BOTH parties. I know neither, so I won't judge. :roll:

Do you have children Buck? Because that argument is SO WEAK!!!!!!!!! Where to begin???? If you have kids of your own, you would certainly know that virtually ANY parent will defend their children regardless of what they've done. No matter how heinous the alleged crime, no matter how glaringly apparent their guilt may be, as parents it's OUR DUTY to defend our children. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but the vast majority of parents have a hard time seeing the forest for the trees when it comes to our children. We love them unconditionally so even when they fuck up we defend them unconditionally. One day you may be a parent. When you are, you will understand this.;-)
No way Buck will be a parent, his wife's Uterus NEEDS Daily BC pills, favorably the ones that Taxpayers foot the bill for.


Well-Known Member
There would be a torn hoodie, Like I said before there is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that supports Zimm attacking Martin, NONE AT ALL! ALL of the evidence supports the martin attacked zimm scenario any way you cook it.
is his hoodie made of paper?


it's entirely possible that zimmerman attacked martin by trying to grab and detain him. in fact, it would make perfect sense since martin was the innocent kid who was fleeing a mentally unbalanced pederast looking man who was chasing him with a gun.


Well-Known Member
No way Buck will be a parent, his wife's Uterus NEEDS Daily BC pills, favorably the ones that Taxpayers foot the bill for.
she pays for her own to the tune of hundreds of dollars each year.

you can thank us later for our responsible family planning practices.


Well-Known Member
is his hoodie made of paper?


it's entirely possible that zimmerman attacked martin by trying to grab and detain him. in fact, it would make perfect sense since martin was the innocent kid who was fleeing a mentally unbalanced pederast looking man who was chasing him with a gun.
you have no idea what happened, but are trying to act like you do. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
she pays for her own to the tune of hundreds of dollars each year.

you can thank us later for our responsible family planning practices.
OMG Hundreds per year? Which costs more, your tobacco habit or her BC pills?

BTW I find it odd that you would claim she spends "THOUSANDS" per year in the stupid Georgetown Hussy thread, but now it is hundreds. When we attempt to deceive....


Well-Known Member
that's just LOL. i could go back through your posts and compile a list of how many times you've implied something negative about martin versus how many times you've implied something negative about zimm, or similarly how many times you've defended one or the other, but that would just make you look silly.

but i could, so don't act like you don't have a favorite, because you clearly do.

so this specific case, with what details we know happens to your kid, are you still going to have the same ratio of bad implications and/or defenses of each party?
lol! You go ahead and compile whatever you want. I tend to favor the underdog. I also didn't weigh in on this case or this thread until it became apparent that the media's attempt to demonize the man were not simple "mistakes" but apparently deliberate. People said the same thing when I discussed the Casey Anthony case. "Doc, how can you defend that baby killer?" I never defended her, but I did show how weak the state's evidence against her was, and given that it was so, she would likely be acquitted. I actually had death threats against me! lol! Guess what? I was right! ;-)

I know your reading comprehension skills aren't the best, but go back and re-read the post...........I think I already answered your "question" satisfactorily.:dunce:


Well-Known Member
you have no idea what happened, but are trying to act like you do. :dunce:
i'm just saying that it is entirely possible that zimmerman attacked martin by trying to grab and detain him, which you have tried to rule out as a possibility because you were there and videotaped the whole thing, apparently.



Well-Known Member
OMG Hundreds per year? Which costs more, your tobacco habit or her BC pills?

BTW I find it odd that you would claim she spends "THOUSANDS" per year in the stupid Georgetown Hussy thread, but now it is hundreds. When we attempt to deceive....
well, when you count the cost of her monthly premiums, it adds up to the thousands.

but fact is that many women simply can not afford to pay hundreds per year for basic, preventive medicine.


Well-Known Member
i'm just saying that it is entirely possible that zimmerman attacked martin by trying to grab and detain him, which you have tried to rule out as a possibility because you were there and videotaped the whole thing, apparently.

Argumentum ad nauseam is strong with you tonight.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
what a steaming pile of garbage.

you'd think an article titled "what the medical reports tell us about martin and zimmerman..." would mention the fact that zimmerman was taking medications for his mental instability.

lulz, we all know fox is not news, they are an entertainment group. fact.
So far as I know, there is no evidence that Z was taking any kind of drugs on that day. Do you have a link to verify that?