light leaks


Active Member
can anyone help with this in flowering 12/12....growing in a 8x8 closet thats in my bedroom...plants are very healthy but im wondering during the dark period while the door is open in my closet does the t.v light or my regular 100 watt light bulb leaks to the closet and effects the dark period???


Active Member
I would say yes.
Have a buddy zip u up inside and check to see if u see any lights shinning threw thas the only wat to kno fersure


Well-Known Member
When the light hits the plant it produces antiflorigen I think it is called.
when it is in its dark period trying to produce florigen (sp?) and the light hits it the levels are messed up
and it is bad. I have read that 99% compared to 100% darkness can mean the difference of 30% yeild. Maybe Ed Rosenthol?
I do not remember who, I read a lot. Even if that is not a scientific fact I would go to GREAT measures to
make 12 hours of light and 12 hours of complete uninterrupted dark. Why worry or make hermies and waste your time
and money. These little bugs can be a challenge to work out but that is part of the experience.


Active Member
if anymore light gets in than what the moon provides in nature your gonna have a problem but that dosent mean to limit the darkness. shut that door and give that plant complete darkness, its trying to sleep and the tv is keeping it awake.


Well-Known Member
I wish someone would put me in the closet with the lights out. I cant make myself to turn the tv off or sleep.


Active Member
It will affect it some... Nail a blanket over the closet door where the light leaks in... Make sure you have good ventilation in there still though...


Well-Known Member
Any light leak that reaches the leaves in any capacity has the potential to cause issues.
Any light leakage inside your flower will cause problems. For sure, if you have light leaking inside get rid of the problem and cover it up.. My only question is when is it most likely to cause problems? do you guys think at the begging or end of flower? i switched my babies to 12/12 a few weeks ago.. the first 3 days of my flower, there was some light leakage.. not much, but definitely as much light or a little more then the natural moon light would illuminate.


It's really not that serious as people make it. I've had my 1.2x1.2x2m DarkRoom grow tent for a few years now as my flowering room. With all the use on the zippers and other seams I see some a light coming through it when the lights are on which means theres light going in when the lights are off and it hasn't caused any issues so far and I've grown a lot of different strains during this time. Anyways I wouldn't recommend having any birght(brighter than moon, yes I know moon doesn't reflect right spectrum of light anyway) light in your room during the dark.


A good trick is to put a camera on video mode, or a webcam, in the cupboard and shut the doors etc.... Good luck mate. :)


Well-Known Member
has everyone forgotten the moon?? The tv light will not be a problem even with door open if plant is at back of closet where the corner cuts off most of the light. But the morning sun that shines through windows at like 6:30am will penetrate deep enough, so what i do is before i go to sleep i leave door opened, but with a sheet connected to end of door and then connected to the wall next to it which leaves a big open spot at the top for air to circulate just have a fan going in the closet 24/7...that easy ladies and gentalmen (i havnt pulled a hermie yet)