Anyone use ladybugs for mites???


Well-Known Member
So I've got a pretty bad spider mite problem on my hands, been buying $10 bags of lady bugs, at first they seemed to work great but now I just checked a few plants that are 4 weeks in flower and I see the brownish mites crawling around my tricombs!!!. I used azamax in veg and have been using the ladybugs in flower. Anyone use ladybugs for mites?? If so is there a trick to get them to eat more?. We're talking about 500-1000 lady bugs here!
how many plants? obvi outdoor right? if not ur fucking crazy man. buy if you have more then 10 plants ide say honestly....more ladybugs. thet are prolly getting full coincidering they are having a feast.
Nd like 6 plants is what I've got, 2 of those were just put into flower about 10 days ago so really 4 that vegged for 2 months and are now 4 weeks into flower
Do the ladybugs need like a source of water? Like should I leave out a bucket of water for them or some kind of fruit or something ? Idk anything about lady bugs lol
Good luck .... they will suck your buds dry from the inside. Once you see the "amusement park like webbing" your fucked!!!! Take drastic measures or harvest early. Drastic would be hand washing every millimeter with something that isn't toxic.:peace:
are you in cali? dont answer if ya dont want to im just curious because it seems like all the spider mite cases i see are growers in or near cali?!!! do spider mites require a warm climate?
The ladybug larvae actually eat more than the adults. Little black and orange critter.
I'm in Michigan ! How do I get the ladybugs to bang? Lmao I want the larvae so that's what I'd need to do right?
Lady bugs don't like eating spider mites because they are so small and usually cant control a breeding population, they are more effective against aphids. If you wanna use a predatory mite they work the best but you have to set the proper humidity and temp for them otherwise they will die. And you cant apply them to any plants that have been sprayed with insecticide within 4 weeks. With azamax you can't spray at all because the predatory mites loath its residual oil on the foliage and die soon after exposure. Mesoseiulus Longipes are the most tolerant of predatory mites but will not work on a heavy infestation. Get down to a point were you only use isopropyl alcohol on your plants every week and have a light infestation(they will travel down to the base of the plant gradually as you spray and move up to the top when they are colonizing, so keep them from going up) at this point wait a week after you spray isopropyl and then introduce 1000-5000 longipes early in the morning at lights on with a light mist of RO water. To ensure proper feeding and traveling make sure 1 fan leaf of each plant is touching another plant. They immediately go to the bottom of the foliage(as this is were SM nest) to feed. Oh and they usually are sold in a corn maze substrate to increase surface area...DO NOT SHAKE OVER FLOWERING PLANTS! The corn gets stuck on the tricomes and you end up smoking that shit later which is nasty.

If the conditions are good for the longipes they will reproduce and spread to every plant, you will never have to buy them again until you accidentally do something to kill them :[
or if you want to poison the little bastards, pyganic EC 5, that will run you 180 bux a quart. Do the mighty wash, you won't regret.
Lady bugs don't like eating spider mites because they are so small and usually cant control a breeding population, they are more effective against aphids. If you wanna use a predatory mite they work the best but you have to set the proper humidity and temp for them otherwise they will die. And you cant apply them to any plants that have been sprayed with insecticide within 4 weeks. With azamax you can't spray at all because the predatory mites loath its residual oil on the foliage and die soon after exposure. Mesoseiulus Longipes are the most tolerant of predatory mites but will not work on a heavy infestation. Get down to a point were you only use isopropyl alcohol on your plants every week and have a light infestation(they will travel down to the base of the plant gradually as you spray and move up to the top when they are colonizing, so keep them from going up) at this point wait a week after you spray isopropyl and then introduce 1000-5000 longipes early in the morning at lights on with a light mist of RO water. To ensure proper feeding and traveling make sure 1 fan leaf of each plant is touching another plant. They immediately go to the bottom of the foliage(as this is were SM nest) to feed. Oh and they usually are sold in a corn maze substrate to increase surface area...DO NOT SHAKE OVER FLOWERING PLANTS! The corn gets stuck on the tricomes and you end up smoking that shit later which is nasty.

If the conditions are good for the longipes they will reproduce and spread to every plant, you will never have to buy them again until you accidentally do something to kill them :[
Damn this seems like a lot of work. I'd like to try something more simple. After these 4 finish I'm moving my grow and plan on fogging it out pretty good before I move anything in. I'm just trying to get through this next month. What could I use as a simple solution without damaging the buds??
or if you want to poison the little bastards, pyganic EC 5, that will run you 180 bux a quart. Do the mighty wash, you won't regret.
How's the mighty wash effect the buds?? I've heard of it but ya know there's a billion things out there!