Technas Grow 2 "DWC" (Hydro) Hindu Kush 400W HPS


Well-Known Member
Currently in grow one i am about a month into flowering my Soil Based Fox Farm Grow. The Grow went well and so far everything is 100%. For this Grow i have built 2 DWC (Deep Water Culture) systems to grow 4 clones. The plants will rooted in Rapid Rooters. They will be transplanted into 6in Grow Nets containing Clay balls. The Nets will be inside of a Plastic 10 Gallon Container. I will be using a single air stone per container. The only Nutes the plants will receive will be Fox Farm Grow Big During Vegetative Growth, then during flowering they will receive Fox Farm Big Bloom and Fox Farm Tiger Bloom. They will Veg For a period of 3 Weeks from Transplant.
The plants will Veg under 20,000 Lumens of CFL's and flower under a 400W HPS lamp. Looking to Yield 3oz Per Plant with a total of 12oz of dried bud.

*Please Feel free to add comments and suggestions*

Day 0

We will remain at "Day 0" Till the clones are ready to transplant, this may take some time, updates will still follow but i will not start counting till they are in vegetative state.
  • Prepare all equipment
    • All equipment gathered and set up.
  • Test all eqipment
    • All equipment in working order
Pictures Day 0

* Bottom of Page! *


Well-Known Member
Right on! This sounds to be an exciting grow! I am a complete FF user myself(just in soil so far) which makes this even cooler. I am very interested in a dwc set-up(I do my clones in a dwc bubbler-is my only experience), though I 've been considering a waterfarm set-up.
I 've used nothing other than all FF for the past few years with awesome results.:hump: I 've heard mixed reviews in these threads but I think the unsatisfied growers usually are the ones that try to add nutes to the ffof too quick, or get too heavy on the macros in 12/12, not following a program---or maybe it's the price.......

Anyway, I wish you great luck with this; I very much will be looking forward to your results as well!!



Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by growinman

I love FF products as well, ive been eager to jump into a DWC system so tonight i finally finished building it, stay around in a few weeks thinks should start getting exciting.


Well-Known Member
The Camera has been fixed but its in the mail on the way back! should be here anyday!


Well-Known Member
Right on!! That does look pretty simple---about the same set-up as my cloner. Is that how you clone as well(bubbler)? How will you transfer your clones to the clay stones?? I imagine you keep your water level below the baskets??
Well, this is real cool looking, techna!:hump: In fact, I am already hooked.... I have all of the stuff, just need to get baskets and hydroton and I will give it a go too. I have some Northernberry and SuperSkunk clones in the bubbler that should be ready. Or do you think going from RapidRooters would be better?

:roll:sorry!!! Not trying to hijack your thread!!!<----I am really just here to watch:hump::joint: Keep up the great work and awesome pics!!
Have a great friday night:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Day 0

  • Purchased Full Coning Equipment
    • I will be using a humidity dome, with rapid rooters, Shults Cloning Powder, perlite under the Rapid Rooter Holders For added Humidity, a heat mat will also be used.
  • Awaiting Mother Plant to produce more Cloning locations
    • Only about 4 available clones, no need to stress the mother out, waiting for at least 10 cloning locations, plant should be ready in 1-2 weeks.





Well-Known Member
Right on!! That does look pretty simple---about the same set-up as my cloner. Is that how you clone as well(bubbler)? How will you transfer your clones to the clay stones?? I imagine you keep your water level below the baskets??
Well, this is real cool looking, techna!:hump: In fact, I am already hooked.... I have all of the stuff, just need to get baskets and hydroton and I will give it a go too. I have some Northernberry and SuperSkunk clones in the bubbler that should be ready. Or do you think going from RapidRooters would be better?

:roll:sorry!!! Not trying to hijack your thread!!!<----I am really just here to watch:hump::joint: Keep up the great work and awesome pics!!
Have a great friday night:bigjoint:


Water level is right at the bottom of the baskets, it will lower as the plants roots start do decend.


Active Member
hey techna i had a question in the dwc do you have to run a drip feeder at all or is just the buket with the water nutes and air stone if you could let me know that would be great i am a dirt guy that would really love to go hydro so if you could help me out a lil that would be greatly appreciated

just L

Active Member
so far looks good, im very interest to see how it turns out. how big is your air pump? one or two?