Molly Tickle Tac - A novelty night (Review)


Well-Known Member
Last night my brother and I decided to go out on a whim and buy a novelty which were sold at a liquor/smoke shop near my house called Molly's Tickle Talc. We weren't expecting much sense we both had tried bath salts and hadn't really enjoyed the experience.

Once we got home we immediately took our novelty. about 20 minutes in I start to feel my vision vibrating. I felt really disoriented, dizzy and anxious, this lasted about 5 minutes. After drinking a big glass of cold water the novelty started to take full effect. I don't really know how to describe the feeling of it, so I will try my best.

When the effects started to kick in my body was hit with this tremendous amount of energy, nothing like amphetamines or MDMA. If anything it was MDMA x1000 and I am saying this in all fucking seriousness. It was like my whole body and mind had collided. I wanted to dance, I was impulsive... Life turned into this blissful, energetic, euphoric nothingness and i was in-sync with it all. I was incredibly social, I wanted the most out of love and life, I felt the compassion to share what I had to offer. Our eyes were saucers, everyone who was sober stared at us like we were crazy druggies (even though everyone in the house was heavily into drugs and alcohol).

This novelty makes you very impulsive, you want to do everything that is on your mind but you still have the ability to think logically (barely). I was dancing for hours by myself, It reminds me of my youthful alcohol days but without the intoxication, weighed down thoughts, and sickness and with all the above stated effects^.

I won't go into much more detail about this novelty because there really is no words to describe the effects... You could relate it to MDMA but far more intense.

9.5/10 I would recommend if you find this novelty to take them with atleast one person, It makes it alot more enjoyable. Also don't start drinking on it even though it seems like a good idea, me and my brother did 8+ shots that night without even realizing it. You get very impulsive to the point everything sounds like a good idea so just stick to music like techno.

Question, does anyone know what ingredients are in these novelty molly pills and are they safe? The next day I couldn't stop shacking, little task's turned into complicated confusing obstacles. I am feeling better now but this kinda scares me.



Active Member
Bath salts. Not really too good for you man. I took some called Flight 300, and the same effects which you mentioned happened. IMHO stick to straight Molly. It is hard to find moonrocks now days but it is safe and the cleanest feeling you will recieve while rolling. Continue having fun with your life My Dude.
Bro..... Don't take that shit again. If you're going to take anything take molly or some kind of Ecstacy. This shit will kill you because you really have no idea what it is. It will be illegal soon. At least for x you can go on pill and go see whats in the bean and the contents of it and what not


Well-Known Member
Now I'm coming to realize the chemical in those Molly pills were something called 6-APB which is a research chemical similar in effect to pure MDMA.

Anyone heard of it?


Well-Known Member
Not bath salts, more similar to MDMA.

The man eating faces was probably fucked off of more than one drug or either had mental health issues... oh and must have snorted tons of it.


Bro..... Don't take that shit again. If you're going to take anything take molly or some kind of Ecstacy. This shit will kill you because you really have no idea what it is. It will be illegal soon. At least for x you can go on pill and go see whats in the bean and the contents of it and what not
And you know 100% what's in the pill you took?


You didnt eat any faces? these bath salts must suck
The face guy was on many. It wasn't salts. Cloud 9 is what they mentioned, but they also have "incense" with some extra ingredients that others don't. That ingredient is in three or four other herbal smoke products.
So, wasn't salts.

Plus, the ingredients in the original salts are illegal and have been for almost a year.

But POLITICIANS and the POLICE force needed a new boogie man and salts fit the bill. They need more money to fight it, don't they? See how it works? And politicians can say they did something to save the children. While alcohol is left alone and kills more kids. But they get tax money from alcohol, so that's OK. It's all about money.


Well-Known Member
I wont hate lol, I HATED using bath salts. There was white rush, and that made me literally just have a panic attack. I was in a 'loop' of paranoid thoughts. Just not a good time. Then recently I used this stuff called.. Shit what was it called?? I fucking forget ahahahaha!! But it was fun, however the comedown was just absolutely horrid.

Hows the comedown on that stuff?

Im not into trying it I am just curious.. I always hated even MDMA's come down as my body cannot handle stimulates the same way others can. Even caffeine.


Well-Known Member
Yeah bath salts made me panic also High, It hit me in waves... It felt like very dirty energy that would just make you really sick.
It wasn't worth it, i do recommend this novelty though.

The comedown i couldn't really tell which was effecting me because I had drank alot that night...


Well-Known Member
Understandable, I just stay away from stimulate nowadays I was just interested in how this compared with MDMA. Except the occasional phenthylamine :p

anyways, glad you had a good timne