Leaf browning on young plant.


Well-Known Member
I'm experiencing some leaf browning and curling on my young fruit fem auto. The first picture was taken yesterday while the plant was still under a 44watt CFL watering every 24-36 hours (1" rockwool cube dries up quickly). Rockwool was properly soaked, no nutrients were used at all yet, temperatures never exceed 80F during light on, drop down to 60-65F during lights off (cold nights recently). New to rockwool/hydro/hids, so not sure what was going on, so I ignored it.

Dropped the plant in the waterfarm last night, ph adjusted and 30ppm Flora Nova Growth on 250ppm water (well water). It is under a 600 watt HPS as shown below. Symptoms got much worse since yesterday, so I need to figure out what is going on before I lose her. It is not burning from heat, the tent has a 770cfm blower on a cool tube taking the air out of the room (Cool tube glass is cool to the touch). Can it be from too much light? Is the 600 watt too close for it being this young? Or should I even go back to 44watt 2700k CFLs (I have a bunch)? I flushed the res just a minute ago, so now it is just straight water at around 5.5ph, too early for nutrients? Light cycle is 18/6, I keep the top drip running 24/7. Not really sure what is going on.

Plants on right were just a test run, they sat at a window sill for 3 days before going in the waterfarm


Well-Known Member
Its a root system issue from saturating the cube, only ever 1/2 water it after germination. Start again if youve got another one as stressed seedlings usually dont come back.
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Well-Known Member
Its a root system issue from saturating the cube, only ever 1/2 water it after germination. Start again if youve got another one as stressed seedlings usually dont come back.
I'm really tight on seeds. Do you think it will recover if left alone in the waterfarm?