This post exemplifies the psychological divide between the "gimme class" and the "fuck you, work for it" class. First off, it denigrates the SYG law because it is "idiotically written", no specific objection to any part, just idiotically written.
What specifically is wrong with a law that says, in essence, "if a person has a right to be where he is, and is not committing a crime, and does not start a violent confrontation, and is then accosted with violence and reasonably believes his life and limb is in danger, that person has a right to use lethal force to defend himself"?
The post then ends with, "Hell, why not just make it legal to shoot looters..". Are you so unaware of recent history that "Looters will be shot" is a pretty standard threat in the wake of natural and man made disasters. Is it preferable to you that Hurricane (tornado, earthquake, riot) victims become the "midnight madness sale, everything must go" aisle in society? Is this your idea of "social justice"?