How big of an led to replace a 400 or 600 hps?


Well-Known Member
Is it possible? I see some awesome led grows on YouTube but no specs. Looking to have a 4x4 tent


Well-Known Member
If your led is using 500 watts for a 2x3, I'd think a 400 hps would do that, where is the gain with LEDs made? I was looking at mostly electricity cost


Active Member
my whole setup runs me only like 20 bucks a month... which includes (6) 2ft fluorescent light fixture on 24/7, 500w 12/12, 1 water pump 24/7, and inline fan 24/7..


Well-Known Member
You cannot think in terms of replacing an HID with an LED. They are completely different animals. One is successful by flooding the plants with huge amounts of semi-usable lumens and the other is a very low intensity light that has nearly 100% usable lumens. You really cant compare them at all.


Well-Known Member
I have a 4' x 2' x 5' grow tent with a 90 watt led from htg supply and 110 watt t5 running power cost is very low and with both lights going they put off little to no heat to speak of i have only 2 plants going at this time but all is working out great. To me the benefit of the led and t5 lights are you dont have all the heat to vent off like you do with hps or hid lights and you do not have the extra cost on power. Good luck with your grow and be safe.


Well-Known Member
From what i have read and seen a 180 watt up to a 240 watt led would replace you 400 hps fine from what i have learned myself messing with the led lights is they do work pretty good


Well-Known Member
Not sure what happened there on my last post but anyway as i was saying the led lights will work fine if you get a good quality light and you really need a tent or something similar to grow in to get the best results with the led lights.


Well-Known Member
i would go with several smaller leds. better coverage, more wattage. 4 pro grow 180's will cover a 5x5 at just half a foot away from canopy, they each pull 160watts that will total 640 watts. that will out perform a 600 hid probably even a 1000 hid. that will run around $1100 for all 4. or around 300 each. but the more you buy the more they discount.

for led thats the best deal for the money. better leds cost 3 times as much. but perform close to the same

also lumens are irrelavent. lumens by definition is visible light to the human eye. plants dont absorb that spectrum of light. they absorb high blues and reds and low greens and yellows


Well-Known Member
I'll have mine in the attic in the winter and will need some heat off the bulbs so it may be best to go with hps for me...

I was hoping to have like a 400-600 watt hps in a 4x4 raising like 10 autos at a time


Well-Known Member
i would go with several smaller leds. better coverage, more wattage. 4 pro grow 180's will cover a 5x5 at just half a foot away from canopy, they each pull 160watts that will total 640 watts. that will out perform a 600 hid probably even a 1000 hid. that will run around $1100 for all 4. or around 300 each. but the more you buy the more they discount.

for led thats the best deal for the money. better leds cost 3 times as much. but perform close to the same

also lumens are irrelavent. lumens by definition is visible light to the human eye. plants dont absorb that spectrum of light. they absorb high blues and reds and low greens and yellows
^^ This. I have a PG 180, but after using it for 2 months, it is only good for 2-3 plants at most. If another LED panel has the same dimensions but more wattage, I'm sorry, but the effective footprint is not that much better.


Well-Known Member
Although there is some appeal to the LEDs it seems the hps systems are tried and true and not much guess work.

I'm thinking of a 4x4 tent with a 600HPS and probably try to grow 10-12 autos, but maybe that's to many.


Well-Known Member
I think your right.. you cannot compare the 2 to each other. But we can compare plants grown under both. Anyone have any success with LEDs start to finish? I used t-8s for my first grow & it worked for me. NOt as good as I get now with HPS.. but still certainly smokable. DEpends on what your looking for I guess.
You cannot think in terms of replacing an HID with an LED. They are completely different animals. One is successful by flooding the plants with huge amounts of semi-usable lumens and the other is a very low intensity light that has nearly 100% usable lumens. You really cant compare them at all.


Well-Known Member
Check out Keep in mind you need to move around in a 4 X 4 space so 3 is about max. PSUagro recently started a thread on riu