I have no idea what's wrong, first time grower


Active Member
Here are a few images through their life cycle, starting with young going to old. They are over 60 days old. They are on a strict 12/12 light schedule, they are being watered every few days. They used to be on miracle grow, but that has since been stopped. We just killed off all the small ones in the pot this morning, and all thats left is the tall ones. However, we have no idea what sex they are, nor when they are going to bloom. Help! More pics available upon request.



Well-Known Member
first of all , you should never plant more than one plant per pot.

And second i reckon that you have ph problem.Are you phing water ? You should test your run off see what ph that is.


New Member
Roastedtoasted, when you cull the males, try to cut them off below the soil line. If you just pull them out, you're going to mangle the girls too. It might be a good idea to pull out the rootball and divide it up so you can repot individual plants. The sooner the better though; how long have you been on 12/12?

What are you replacing the Miracle-Gro with? If you're not growing organic (you're not), miracle-gro is as good as the next stuff. You just have to go light and use nothing but water for the final 3 weeks before you chop.


Well-Known Member
I give you props for the fact that they have made it that far with whatever lights and dirt u are using, but they do look weak. Is there a fan blowing on them, they need one to make the stems strong. And like the others have said, at least one of those plants looked to be messed up my nutrients, probably too much. And those weak ones you killed.....You could have just cloned em, then pull pulled the stem out of the pot. But for CLONGING you would need another set of LIGHTS........ANOTHER TIMER AND LIGHT SCHEDULE.....some READING up on CLONING on THIS FORUM........TIME.....uh........EFFORT...........ROOTING HORMONE...........Anything else?...........Oh a fat sack of buds for some inspiration!


Active Member
Forgive us, but we were just growing this like any other herb (ex. basil, rosemary, etc. etc.). We really had no idea what we were doing. We planted these in early Feb. and we still dont know when they will bloom....any tips?

We were fertilizing these EVERY watering, which was not a good idea I would assume.

BTW, anyone know what the sex is on these things? I could take a closer picture if needed. And when we pulled out the others in the pot this morning, we pulled them out roots and all....


Well-Known Member
Forgive us, but we were just growing this like any other herb (ex. basil, rosemary, etc. etc.). We really had no idea what we were doing. We planted these in early Feb. and we still dont know when they will bloom....any tips?

We were fertilizing these EVERY watering, which was not a good idea I would assume.

BTW, anyone know what the sex is on these things? I could take a closer picture if needed. And when we pulled out the others in the pot this morning, we pulled them out roots and all....
If they have actually been on absolute 12 hours light, 12 hours dark, they should show in within a week or 2. Mine need water pretty much every 3 days.I water them 2 times with nutrients then a good flush on the 3rd watering. Watering is a weird word...........


Active Member
Oh come on, don't be so harsh on the guy. I know the feeling of uncertainty when you're a first time grower, I am one myself. My limited advice would be to water them every 3 days or so, just stick a finger in the soil to check moisture, don't water if it's still moist about 1-2 inches from the surface. I've heard someone on this board say that they water every 3 days and feed nutes every other watering. Oh, and with nutes, use only about 1/4 of what the bottle says, normally less is more. Also buy a ph kit, and always test the water you're watering your plants with, make sure to keep the ph between 5.5 and 6.5, everyone has their magic number, but around 6 is ideal afaik.
I don't have enough experience to tell if your plants can get better, but they probably should (I hope they do) if you better your water/nuting schedule. And you need a better light set up probably, look into a cheap high pressure sodium (HPS) or metal halide (MH) lights, they can run between 100 and 200 bucks for a decent new one, check eBay maybe.
I wonder if you can transplant your plants at this point, it's best to only plant one per pot, maybe someone with more experience will be able to tell if they'll survive the shock. Also have an oscillating fan blowing at the tops of the plants, the resistance to wind (?) makes the stems stronger, as they would in nature. And consider investing in some extras such as ph/humidity/temp/total dissolved (tds) meters.
I hope this helps, best of luck!


Active Member
dude, first of all looks like the heat in the room is a lil too much, notice the saggy-ness and droopy-ness of the leaves? they are narrow and long which is great and good for growin dank bud, but its past its limit and starting to turn yellow. Keep a "oss-ill-ating" (cant spell) fan on em'. USE MORE LIGHTS


Active Member
check the info on the fertilizer it will tell you how often. probably every 7-14 days. the light cycle 12/12 imitates the fall season which is, in nature, the time these plants flower. the easiest way to put it is that the males look like mini grapes and the females have two little white hairs that stick out. read the FAQ


Well-Known Member
I have seen much worse, believe me.
Lol, growingpassion420

Don't hate on this guy. He wouldn't be the first person to just plant some stuff to see what happens, and later realize he needs help. Its not easy to come ask a group of strangers for help.


New Member
I dont care what anyone says, under better light, those plants would puff up and turn into monsters in no time. If i am looking at scale right, they are not small. Just need a high powered laser cannon about twelve inches from the top.