"Stand Your Ground" laws, are they a good, or bad idea?


Well-Known Member
name me all of the anti-second amendment actions this administration has taken.


i will now sit back and enjoy a good laugh. eventually. even if it happens by me rubbing this one in your face.
didnt you hear its because they havent made any second amendment actions that we KNOW that they're planning on doing it?


Well-Known Member
didnt you hear its because they havent made any second amendment actions that we KNOW that they're planning on doing it?
exactly. the CIA birthed a mixed race kid in kenya. they snuck some ads into hawaii newspapers for no apparent reason. to cover their trail, they moved the kid to hawaii. then indonesia. they groomed him for presidency for 40+ years, making sure that he smoked weed and did cocaine along the way, then they rigged the election so he would become president. and he did.

there were several gun violence incidents, gabby gifford and trayvon martin among them, but he played it cool. never even tried to renew clinton's brady bill, which would have lessened the gabby giffords massacre by 50% if enforced.

then and only then, after narrowly defeating romney in an election that the CIA rigged once again, obama took everyone's guns away.

UB still keeping the croud busy I see. :)

I like a consistant / motivated man. <3
gotta stay up. thieves abound. investment at risk.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
What libruls really want is for there to be NO guns and for you to have NO defense.
Bucky proved you wrong. Liberals just want to define immediate, imminent and necessary force. Whatever the hell those mean. It's there to allow responsible people to defend themself. If you're having amusement, an NRA member, or other non-liberal, you're supposed to pull down your pants, bend over and say,"please sir, may I have another."

"I want to have Obama's baby, hate Bush and the NRA, and I was so scared, your honor."

Case dismissed!

So yeah, Buck proved you a total idiot.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
i am fully supportive of the second amendment.

as for no defense, you're talking to a guy on 24 hour greenhouse patrol. i know a little about defense. if my state had SYG laws, one of two things would happen:

1) i'd have gotten ripped anyway. guns are of no use when thieves on your property are stealthy enough.

2) i'd have a dead teenage kid in my greenhouse over vegging plants. do you really think the 14 veg plants i have lost are worth a stupid teenager's life?

defense is security. prevention, determent, vigilance. offense is stand your ground. just look at the cases where it has become a controversy.

"i'm safe in my home, but some guys are robbing my neighbor's house while he is not home and the cops are 30 seconds away. i'm going to grab my rifle, leave my house, shoot them dead, and walk." - joe horn

"i'm safe in my truck, but some kid is walking around in the rain and the cops are on their way. i had better actively pursue him several times, confront him, and shoot him dead if anything escalates. i'll say i was standing my ground when i left my place of security." - george zimmerman

the two men joe horn shot dead posed no threat to his life or property. the kid that george zimmerman shot down was not even stealing anything, he was just walking around.

why people feel that proactive deadly force is a good idea baffle me. that they start threads praising proactive deadly force is beyond me.

i would never employ deadly force unless it was the last option. even then, i would try my best to disable rather than kill. after i told my neighbor about the GH break ins, she let on that she had killed a home invader some years ago, and that it haunted her for a decade. she had nightmares for years on end. imagine if that were just a dumb kid who tried to steal some veg plants worth a total of $100 or so.

by the way, i never hear you SYG people say the same thing about what happened in waco. as fucked up as that was on both sides, you guys say it is better to be tried by 12 then carried by 6. shouldn't that apply to waco as well? shouldn't they have just submitted to the search warrant and tried it rather than fight a suicide battle?

fuck all of you homicidal maniacs. every human life is just as worthy of protection and regard as every other human life. you already have every right to defend your life when necessary without SYG. stop encouraging this vigilantism and psychopathy.
So, you think SYG will allow you to kill somebody over property? Good luck with that. "... reasonably fears great bodily harm or death..."

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Let me be sure I understand you position, UB. The SYG laws are unnecessary because they are redundant? Standard self defense laws already give a person the same legal protections that SYG laws offer?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
name me all of the anti-second amendment actions this administration has taken.


i will now sit back and enjoy a good laugh. eventually. even if it happens by me rubbing this one in your face.

The 2nd amendment doesn't count if you're a pot smoking hippy. Since we all know mmj is a lie. Marijuana has no medical used. All it does is changes you into a black, if you weren't one already, man who rapes white women and listen to jazz. Just look at our president, he used to be black in that blunt picture. Ever since he quit, he's now an upstanding WASP Irish man putting those nasty marijuana users in jail where they belong.

Romney is no different, but at least with Obama it's by a real christian without magical underwear and I can look forward to rope and chains. Obama 2012! Obama 2016! Obama 2020! Obama forever!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Let me be sure I understand you position, UB. The SYG laws are unnecessary because they are redundant? Standard self defense laws already give a person the same legal protections that SYG laws offer?
SYG laws block loop holes favoring murders, rapists and theives. That's unfair! Everyone deserves to make a living.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
i am fully supportive of the second amendment.

as for no defense, you're talking to a guy on 24 hour greenhouse patrol. i know a little about defense. if my state had SYG laws, one of two things would happen:

1) i'd have gotten ripped anyway. guns are of no use when thieves on your property are stealthy enough.

2) i'd have a dead teenage kid in my greenhouse over vegging plants. do you really think the 14 veg plants i have lost are worth a stupid teenager's life?

defense is security. prevention, determent, vigilance. offense is stand your ground. just look at the cases where it has become a controversy.

"i'm safe in my home, but some guys are robbing my neighbor's house while he is not home and the cops are 30 seconds away. i'm going to grab my rifle, leave my house, shoot them dead, and walk." - joe horn

"i'm safe in my truck, but some kid is walking around in the rain and the cops are on their way. i had better actively pursue him several times, confront him, and shoot him dead if anything escalates. i'll say i was standing my ground when i left my place of security." - george zimmerman

the two men joe horn shot dead posed no threat to his life or property. the kid that george zimmerman shot down was not even stealing anything, he was just walking around.

why people feel that proactive deadly force is a good idea baffle me. that they start threads praising proactive deadly force is beyond me.

i would never employ deadly force unless it was the last option. even then, i would try my best to disable rather than kill. after i told my neighbor about the GH break ins, she let on that she had killed a home invader some years ago, and that it haunted her for a decade. she had nightmares for years on end. imagine if that were just a dumb kid who tried to steal some veg plants worth a total of $100 or so.

by the way, i never hear you SYG people say the same thing about what happened in waco. as fucked up as that was on both sides, you guys say it is better to be tried by 12 then carried by 6. shouldn't that apply to waco as well? shouldn't they have just submitted to the search warrant and tried it rather than fight a suicide battle?

fuck all of you homicidal maniacs. every human life is just as worthy of protection and regard as every other human life. you already have every right to defend your life when necessary without SYG. stop encouraging this vigilantism and psychopathy.
This is just a spittle flecked rant with no substance.

1. Guns may be of no use to you. That is a judgment call on your part, and certainly your right to make.

2. SYG laws do not give anybody the right to kill people over property. Cite the passage that justifies the claim.

3. Joe Horn was brought before a grand jury and they returned "no bill", apparently a jury thought it was a justified shooting. Wiki has a page (surprise!!!) about the Joe Horn incident that gives a bit more detail than the 911 recording As far as I can tell, SYG was not a factor in the Joe Horn case, it was standard castle doctrine, i.e. ordinary self defense. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Horn_shooting_controversy.

4. George Zimmerman was violently assaulted and reasonably feared "great bodily harm or death", this seems like a legitimate use of SYG although SYG has not yet been cited as far as I know.

5. SYG does not promote "proactive deadly force". Cite the passage that justifies the claim.

6. Your "disable before I kill" policy is contrary to the advice and training of experts in the matter.

7. Your anecdote about your neighbor is believable. I think I would probably suffer some emotional damage as a result of killing somebody as well. Would she be better off if the intruder had killed her?

8. I don't understand what the Waco incident has to do with this discussion, so no comment.

9. If everybody who supports SYG laws are homicidal maniacs, then there ought to be a big pile of bodies somewhere. Speaking for myself, I have never murdered anybody, or even justifiably killed anybody; I hope it stays that way.


Well-Known Member
" Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence" http://www.bradycampaign.org/ Everyone knows the only way to prevent gun violence 100% is if guns didn't exist. :dunce:
yeah i saw that link already and it does nothing to back up this statment
What libruls really want is for there to be NO guns and for you to have NO defense.
i do realize that you live in a crazy paranoid world where you belive white is black and that theres hoards of ebill librulls waiting around every corner waiting to steal you wages and shit on your freedom. but even with all that aside a group campaigning for "sensible gun laws" =/= "libruls really want is for there to be NO guns and for you to have NO defense." or is it that they're not trying to get your guns that gives the game away that they're trying to ban all guns?
The Brady Campaign works to pass and enforce sensible federal and state gun laws, regulations, and public policies through grassroots activism, electing public officials who support common sense gun laws, and increasing public awareness of gun violence. Through our Million Mom March and Brady Chapters, we work locally to educate people about the dangers of guns, honor victims of gun violence, and pass sensible gun laws, believing that all Americans, especially children, have the right to live free from the threat of gun violence.
Q. Is Brady a "gun ban" organization? A. No. Brady believes that a safer America can be achieved without banning guns. We believe that law-abiding citizens should be able to buy and keep firearms. And we believe there are sensible gun laws that we can and should insist upon when it comes to gun ownership. First and foremost, we should try to keep dangerous weapons out of the wrong hands, including criminals and children. Second, there are certain classes of weapons that should be out of bounds for private ownership. They include Saturday-night specials, which are used almost exclusively for crime, military-style assault weapons like Uzis and AK-47s, and .50-caliber sniper rifles, which serve no ordinary sporting purpose. Third, we believe that those who do own guns ought to be held to the highest standards of safety. They should be well trained in the use of their weapons and they should be required to keep weapons secure, so that neither innocent children nor prohibited persons can get a hold of them.


Well-Known Member
I think as long as they clear it up a bit by wording the laws concisely and also clear up the confusion about what ground you can legally stand, nobody should be locked up for a genuine self defense case. I don't think that a citizen should be allowed to do anything that a police officer can not legally do in self defense outside of their home. Inside the home, I think that the intruder has already forfeit life. I'm all for the 2nd amendment, but I'm also for increased control in the form of training. I think this will also take care of some of the problem with accidents. I agree with UB though, stuff<life. However, I think that SYG laws (after refining to clear up confusion) should actually be extended such that one can defend other people where they have a legal right to be. Better believe that if you come charging at a member of my family you will notice my presence. If it happens in my house though, you won't ever know I was there until you are a ghost. In fact I think a man has an obligation to defend his family in his home and should possibly face charges himself if he doesn't do what he can. He should at least be ridiculed. So I think the law should actually be more 'liberal'.

As a combat veteran, I know that not everyone has the nerve to show restraint even if they have the desire. Some people will scheme to find a way to commit homicide and claim that they were defending themselves and the law should not be removed simply to prevent this, it should be refined. Castle Doctrine doesn't need to change much, but SYG applying outside the home should be limited to places one truly has a right to be, this obviously excludes someone else's property and particularly if the owners of said property have expressed that one is not welcome, regardless of how loud the music is and if they are fucking one's wife.

A police dispatcher telling a citizen not to pursue should be a legal counter to a self defense claim in any case where lethal force is used outside of one's home. Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
So, you think SYG will allow you to kill somebody over property?
why you start threads without understanding the topic is beyond me.

read the link you provided in the OP. you can shoot someone dead for entering property or stealing stuff. see joe horn.

i would be embarrassed if i were you. so fucking stupid.


Well-Known Member
Let me be sure I understand you position, UB. The SYG laws are unnecessary because they are redundant? Standard self defense laws already give a person the same legal protections that SYG laws offer?
the redundancy makes it unnecessary. the legal pathway to murder makes it fucking retarded.

unless, of course, you're a homicidal psychopath.


Well-Known Member
2. SYG laws do not give anybody the right to kill people over property. Cite the passage that justifies the claim.
In 2007 Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 378 which extends a person&#8217;s right to stand their ground beyond the home to vehicles and workplaces, allowing the reasonable use of deadly force when an intruder is:

  • Committing certain violent crimes, such as murder or sexual assault, or is attempting to commit such crimes;
  • Unlawfully trying to enter a protected place


3. Joe Horn was brought before a grand jury and they returned "no bill", apparently a jury thought it was a justified shooting.
so he's in his home, safe as safe can be, clutching his rifle. he then leaves his house and shoots two people dead seconds before cops arrive.

he wasn't defending himself, he was serving vigilante justice.

4. George Zimmerman was violently assaulted and reasonably feared "great bodily harm or death", this seems like a legitimate use of SYG although SYG has not yet been cited as far as I know.
he was not on defense, he was on offense. he chased the kid. he left his place of safety. it can not be called self "defense" when he was on the offense.

5. SYG does not promote "proactive deadly force". Cite the passage that justifies the claim.
you can shoot someone who is not threatening your life just because they are breaking into someone else's house or protected place. you should probably read the stuff in your own posts, genius.

6. Your "disable before I kill" policy is contrary to the advice and training of experts in the matter.
fuck your experts. if i can neutralize the threat without a person's life on my hands, i will do just that.

8. I don't understand what the Waco incident has to do with this discussion, so no comment.
nuts that support SYG also generally stand with the branch davidians who wrote their own death certificate. should they have been tried by 12, or carried by 6, as SYG promoters often like to say?

defense is one thing, going on the offense to kill someone is another, and that's what SYG allows. if your life is truly threatened, you are able to use deadly force without resorting to SYG. SYG is a license to legal murder ad vigilantism.


Well-Known Member
In 2007 Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 378 which extends a person&#8217;s right to stand their ground beyond the home to vehicles and workplaces, allowing the reasonable use of deadly force when an intruder is:

  • Committing certain violent crimes, such as murder or sexual assault, or is attempting to commit such crimes;
  • Unlawfully trying to enter a protected place


so he's in his home, safe as safe can be, clutching his rifle. he then leaves his house and shoots two people dead seconds before cops arrive.

he wasn't defending himself, he was serving vigilante justice.

he was not on defense, he was on offense. he chased the kid. he left his place of safety. it can not be called self "defense" when he was on the offense.

you can shoot someone who is not threatening your life just because they are breaking into someone else's house or protected place. you should probably read the stuff in your own posts, genius.

fuck your experts. if i can neutralize the threat without a person's life on my hands, i will do just that.

nuts that support SYG also generally stand with the branch davidians who wrote their own death certificate. should they have been tried by 12, or carried by 6, as SYG promoters often like to say?

defense is one thing, going on the offense to kill someone is another, and that's what SYG allows. if your life is truly threatened, you are able to use deadly force without resorting to SYG. SYG is a license to legal murder ad vigilantism.
Hello, you're dead.