4k watt medical


Well-Known Member
Hahaha yeah shits comedy. People try to hop in this shit and get 1 good run under their belt. Then their automatically "pro". Shit don't work like that. I still consider myself a intermediate grower, and I've been doing this for close to 6 years now.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha yeah shits comedy. People try to hop in this shit and get 1 good run under their belt. Then their automatically "pro". Shit don't work like that. I still consider myself a intermediate grower, and I've been doing this for close to 6 years now.
im definitely still a novice haha. guilty of over water and over nutes this batch. still gona be a fatty, just gota learn from it and do better the next one :idea:


Well-Known Member
yeah, i'm an above average grower too. but that's all i want to be. some guys get too involved in certain aspects of growing that to me just isn't worth it. guys looking at spectral charts with fine tooth combs or going all into breeding and stuff like that. for me that's just more than i want to get involved. i'm an expert though at designing and building rooms though.


Well-Known Member
found some budrot on one of my bubblegums.. i cut down the whole arm and salvaged what i could. reallly pissed about it. i put another fan in there, i hope that helps. i hope i got it all.. that fuzzy shit really gets in there, it looks damn near impossible to catch before your just fucked. should i clean up all my fan leaves for some more air flow?

what are the main causes of bud rot?


Well-Known Member
I'd do some minor trim for sure, you need adequet circulation if your using an enclosed space. Pm and bugs are the worst thing.


Well-Known Member
found some budrot on one of my bubblegums.. i cut down the whole arm and salvaged what i could. reallly pissed about it. i put another fan in there, i hope that helps. i hope i got it all.. that fuzzy shit really gets in there, it looks damn near impossible to catch before your just fucked. should i clean up all my fan leaves for some more air flow?

what are the main causes of bud rot?
air circulation and humidity. i have my dehumidifier set on 30%...and it's usually around 35% in the room at all times. also, plenty of air circulation. sometimes it's hard to prevent cause the buds are so dense and moist at this stage. what do you have your humidity set at? maybe an extra fan or two as well.


Well-Known Member
Definitely probably a circulation issue. I can't remember how many of those wall mounts you have but i'd definitely have one on ever side of the room....and then maybe a blower moving air under the canopy.


Well-Known Member
My room has 5 60w green light bulbs for me to work during sleep hours. Kind of hard to see but I was told it worked and I had no issues, I even left them on several times by accident all night and never had a problem the crop was fine in the end. I bought them at lowes just regular looking bulbs but green.

Im in California, im up in the mountains so i run at night so i can take advantage of the cold to cool my lights. Its starting to get warmer during the day so its not staying as cool with the dehumidifiers pumpin. I've considered leaving my inline fan on 24 hours a day to see if that would keeep it cooler, but theres bacon on the block so i try to keep it as low key as possible. fingers crossed for a mini split this week, then ill just get to stress about having someone come charge it up lol. I got a small mite problem right now, been spraying with avid and floramite hoping to get it completely handled soon.

I was wondering if anyone knew about green lights? i have a headlamp but its a pain in the ass not being able to see anything but where the headlamp shines when your trying to do a thorough spray. A buddy of mine threw a green florescent 13w in his room and got a hermi that batch. he swears it was because of that green bulb lol. So i was just wondering if thats bullshit? As of right now im waking up waaay to early in the morning to catch the last 20 mins of lights on to spray lol