Should I start flowering?


Hello everyone, I'm back again with a new problem, but not that important, I came back from my holidays, so I didn't see my babies for 1 week, got a friend to take care of them, He doesn't know what he's doing so I just told him to water once at the end of the week when the soil was crusty... Anyway that's not my point...

When I came back my girls grew quite a bit, I'll give you a few details and I'll show you some pics.

Lights: Dual Spectrum CFL 125w
Grow room: Wardrobe, covered with white mylar
Reflector: Home made thing, you can see in photos.
Strain: Nepalese Dragon, Ministry of Cannabis
Age: 5 and 1/2 weeks from seed in soil.

My girls

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So the question here is, should I start flowering them? They are 13" tall.

Oh and 1 more thing, I fed them a bit before I went on my holidays, so I just want to know if this is nutrient burn on deficiency?


Thanks in advance :)


I know it's up to me, and I can flower earlier or later, I'm just asking for advice.

I was wondering is it any better to wait longer?
Any idea what my girls might yield?
How much more would they grow during flowering?
I also read something about leaving the lights off for 24hours before chaning to 12/12, anyone want to comment on that?
Any comments are greatly appreciated :)


Active Member
and some better circulation otherwise flowering at this point is counterproductive...mybe scrog nexttime


Well-Known Member
How many plants have you got there? 125w of CFL is really only good for about 2. As to the "deficiency", hard to say since we have no clue what you are growing in and what nutes you might be using.


I don't have any more space now, It's my first grow, so I wasn't sure about anything here.

After this grow I'll get a bigger grow room and a better set up, I'm only using 125watt cfl, and kept everything under 100 euro's, started off nice and cheap.

How can I have better ventilation and still keep the grow room really during the off part of the day? when it's on I usually leave the wardrobe open.


Oh and there are 5 plants in there, I don't think I over fertilized them because I only put a wee bit before I left for holidays, and the person who took care of my plants didn't feed them, only watered them once.


Well-Known Member
I'm using Plagron Lightmix Soil
And (Don't attack me for this but) I'm using Miracle Grow
Not familiar with the soil, and not going to diss you for using MG.

What MG are you using, how often, and do you know what the pH of your feed water is?


I chose the Plagron Lightmix because it had little nutrients in it, so my plants wouldn't get burned at the start.

And about the fertilizer, here it is.

The pH of the water that I use is 7, That's another question how can I lower my pH, atleast a 'tad bit because I feel like it's too high, I don't have a pH meter so I'm not sure.


You Should be able to buy a bottle of "PH Down" wherever you got the soil from, most bottles will come with a basic PH Tester. You ideally want your PH around 6 - 6.5.
Its pretty cheap and you only need to use a couple drops max. Make sure you measure the PH after you add nutes when you are feeding as well


Allright, so about the main question, when should I start flowering?
It's week 5 and a half since I put the seed in soil, it's 13" tall.
Should I start flowering now? Will it grow much higher throughout flowering stage?


Well-Known Member
Allright, so about the main question, when should I start flowering?
It's week 5 and a half since I put the seed in soil, it's 13" tall.
Should I start flowering now? Will it grow much higher throughout flowering stage?
You can go 12/12 from day one if you want, so 5 weeks is fine. You definitely need to up your lighting though or your yield will not be that good.


I can't do any better with my equipment on this grow, but the next one will be better.

and about the yield, any approximate idea on what will it be if I start flowering tomorow?


Allright, if noone has an idea about the yields, how about the 24hours of darkness before switching to 12/12 lights?