Zimmerman bond revoked


Well-Known Member
Do you have a reason why Zimmerman tried to mislead the court about the money he received from the website. I guess he was not wrong in doing that either..:confused: Claiming broke when you talking in code to your wife about money you have in your account. Yeah right on the reserve judgment shit. I hope you don't think you fooling anyone.
Yeah, lying=murder.


Well-Known Member
Get real, harrekin has always been an UncleButt cheerleader.
Are you for fucking real?!

Im pretty sure the only things we agree on are:
1. Trolling noobs (like you) is fun
2. Treadmills are excellent stress relief and an excellent activity to engage in.

Apart from that, Uncle Ben is a Elitist Zionistic Jew-Banker and I'm a ginger alcoholic potato.

Beats being a butthurt noob retard tho ;)


Well-Known Member
Facts you present, while true, do not prove who assaulted who. One can still be neutral based on factual evidence presented so far. If you want to include falsified evidence presented by NBC (ABC?) then it is a different story. Why would a major network falsify video and audio tape? This should be a criminal offense, regardless of whose side you're on.
since you are completely unaware of the facts of the case (you even had to ask who serino was and other details), i will inform you once again: it doesn't matter who assaulted who first. not in the least. the prosecution went for murder 2 full well knowing that no one knows how the final altercation started.

what matters is "was this self defense?". considering all of zimm's options that night, chasing an unarmed kid around multiple times while concealed carrying a gun is the one that least fits with "self defense".

zimm was on offense, douche. manslaughter at best.


Well-Known Member
Are you for fucking real?!

Im pretty sure the only things we agree on are:
1. Trolling noobs (like you) is fun
2. Treadmills are excellent stress relief and an excellent activity to engage in.

Apart from that, Uncle Ben is a Elitist Zionistic Jew-Banker and I'm a ginger alcoholic potato.

Beats being a butthurt noob retard tho ;)
omfg that was funny.

treadmills are an excellent form of exercise.


Well-Known Member
At the point that Zimmerman did not return to his truck is when I put the blame squarely on his shoulders. Zimmerman Followed Trayvon. Got out his truck to do so after calling 911. Was told not needed to do it. Still did it...and you sit and say he has no blame..GTFO... At what point do you defend Trayvon. Hell he just wanted to talk on the phone and eat skittles (maybe smoke a little weed ) and drink some tea. Zimmermans word is dogshit...he keeps proving it everyday.
Claiming he's guilty of murder because he didn't go back to his truck (if he wasn't actually returning to it at the time) is kind of a reach, don't you think?


Well-Known Member
dude he is one of those that pretend they are on the fence, when in reality they want to see Zimmerman get away with killing Trayvon. No matter what evidence surface against Zimmerman they will always find an excuse for their woman beating, unemployed, loser hero.
It,s obvious you're not on the fence. But only a jury opinion matters.


Well-Known Member
Claiming he's guilty of murder because he didn't go back to his truck (if he wasn't actually returning to it at the time) is kind of a reach, don't you think?
it means he was not acting in self defense, he was acting on offense.

defense means standing your ground. offense means following an unarmed innocent kid around with your gun.


Well-Known Member
Most prosecutors overcharge to get the plea-out...The jury can even convict of a lesser charge like manslaughter. The prosecutor did the right thing.
Not true, in some states the jury can not convict of a lesser charge. I believe Florida is one of those states, but I may be wrong.


Well-Known Member
what zimm did to martin is on par with me seeing a kid in a hoodie on the road behind my greenhouse, chasing him down multiple times after he runs away, and shooting him dead if he dares try to fight back against me.

it's almost exactly the same scenario. would i deserve to walk if i did that?


Well-Known Member
ok if you are 50/50 on who started the attack...what percentage do you put on Zimmerman for following in the first place. This could have been avoided by Zimmerman does he not get 100% blame on that...hmmmm so by account Zimm is 150% to blame
That's silly, Martin could have avoided it by staying home, so he is 300% to blame?


Well-Known Member
OFF TOPIC RIU FIX YOU NEW POSTS EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS! Since the last update, I have been getting multiple new post notices to old posts. I got over 8 today, and some topics no longer even exist. Most were repeats from the hacked topic. This repeat notification is ruining the site as most I get are now bogus. I even mentioned this via the site contact link with no response.
Site contact takes a while, sometimes a long while.


Well-Known Member
To some, being stalked by someone you don't know, for no reason, especially if they have an agressive posture would be grounds for one to defend themselves. So you are stolling down the street, some guy starts to follow you in a suspicious and aggressive manner, you duck behind a corner, he passes you confront him he shoots you and it's self defense? Let's also not forget, Trayvon Martin, regardless of his size was still considered a child in the eyes of the law. So Z was stalking a child in the dark with a gun in his pants. Who was out looking for trouble that night? I'll tell you if you got caught doing that in my city, you would be arrested. You know Trayvon Martins death will hopefully also be the death of these BS laws. Maybe it will be known as the Trayvon Law.
What do you mean by "agressive posture"? "he passes you confront him" seems to indicate Martin was the aggressor.


Well-Known Member
My understanding is that they have a special hearing to determine if SYG applies, and if so there is no crime. They have not scheduled such a hearing yet, so SYG probably won't even come into play. I don't think it will be part of the trial without the special hearing.
Sure it will. Just because the court hasn't had a hearing on it doesn't mean its not a valid defense.


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman has been proven to be a liar time and again, yet you claim his account of what happened is truthful? How could you possibly distinguish between the two? Bear in mind 240 pages ago in the Trayvon Martin thread I was taking the same stance as you, until it became abundently clear that he's a pathological liar. Just wondering the logic?
I didn't say his account was truthful, but the physical evidence does support it. Time and time again is just once so far. I believe you always accused Zimmerman. See my sig


Well-Known Member
I didn't say his account was truthful, but the physical evidence does support it. Time and time again is just once so far. I believe you always accused Zimmerman. See my sig
No I basically said he's an asshole for following and shooting someone.

I also said I think he'll get away with it.

Not taking sides cept the one that disagrees with murder.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by "agressive posture"? "he passes you confront him" seems to indicate Martin was the aggressor.
Have you ever seen someone who is being followed by the "authorities", the people following generally display an aggresive posture. You know they have that look that they mean business.


Well-Known Member
Zimmerman didn't "catch" Martin.

what were his intentions in following him then, Z has said he believed M was a perp, so when you are trying to keep someone from getting away with something your are trying to______________ them.

M certainly didn't get away from the scene even though Z stated he was running away. If he was running away, Z had to ______________ up, before he could ________ him.

A. Catch
B. Kill
C. Fuck
D. Control


Well-Known Member
I didn't say his account was truthful, but the physical evidence does support it. Time and time again is just once so far. I believe you always accused Zimmerman. See my sig
The physical evidence? This was investigated with the presumption of Martins guilt and Zimmerman the victim, even then the officers said they saw holes in the story. If he would have accidently run M over in his car there have been a more thorough investigation done.