The UK Growers Thread!

brewing up

Well-Known Member

  • [h=2]
    70 a oz of a sister aint that unbeleivable should av just said u where getting it from a family member, i pay me sister a half oz free each harvest for doing me washing lol​

i did say my sis

brewing up

Well-Known Member

  • lol w/eva u carry on chatting shit,,we know how to deal with your sorts​

suck my fucking hairy sloth balls and stop crying boyo


Well-Known Member
Lmfao jeez wot a tool i dont even toke so no i dont pay £200 an o but if i did i still would nt i would nt pay no more than i sell for and thats that. go fuck off to the scottish thread u jockey they ll love u over there haha sister or family your mom dad uncle i could nt give a fuck who it was the price is a joke and so are u know lol shit i need another joint lmfao

brewing up

Well-Known Member

  • Lmfao jeez wot a tool i dont even toke so no i dont pay £200 an o but if i did i still would nt i would nt pay no more than i sell for and thats that. go fuck off to the scottish thread u jockey they ll love u over there haha sister or family your mom dad uncle i could nt give a fuck who it was the price is a joke and so are u know lol shit i need another joint lmfao​

what are you 12? fucking arse hole pigboy


Well-Known Member
Lmfao u sure are a dickhead bruv no jk my weed would put your dick in the dirt and your head to the pillow so do 1 ya fuckin mongol as for shitty deals u obviously know fuck all about husslin ya fuckin prick your tellin me you d grow for profit and do things by the book then sell for a fraction of wot you could get rofl wotever shut the fuck up and get out our thread ya tool its called marketin and you my freind are the royal fucked up divvy

brewing up

Well-Known Member
i dont sell as a living i have a proper job, i might sell to a mate here n there but im no dodgey dealer, everything i grow i smoke myself, unlike this top of the range business man here...,
  • Lmfao u sure are a dickhead bruv no jk my weed would put your dick in the dirt and your head to the pillow so do 1 ya fuckin mongol as for shitty deals u obviously know fuck all about husslin ya fuckin prick your tellin me you d grow for profit and do things by the book then sell for a fraction of wot you could get rofl wotever shut the fuck up and get out our thread ya tool its called marketin and you my freind are the royal fucked up divvy​

pigboy oink oink


Active Member
look here darling i was talkin about you brewer. you come on here talkin shit. we have our own opinions so why don't you fuck off and make like wood.

brewing up

Well-Known Member
ahhhhhhhh u can all fuck off your just pathetic wannabe gangsters thinking your top dog for growing/selling/buying shit weed at stupid prices fucking mugs fuck off


Well-Known Member
i dont sell as a living i have a proper job, i might sell to a mate here n there but im no dodgey dealer, everything i grow i smoke myself, unlike this top of the range business man here...,
  • Lmfao u sure are a dickhead bruv no jk my weed would put your dick in the dirt and your head to the pillow so do 1 ya fuckin mongol as for shitty deals u obviously know fuck all about husslin ya fuckin prick your tellin me you d grow for profit and do things by the book then sell for a fraction of wot you could get rofl wotever shut the fuck up and get out our thread ya tool its called marketin and you my freind are the royal fucked up divvy​
pigboy oink oink
You would nt know a proper job if it hit u on the head u twat lol come on wot do u do for a living ??? Me ive 3 jobs scaffoldin! Cultivating cannabis! And sniffin out knobs that know fuck all about well literally fuck all ya fuckin divvy cunt Lads av a read lmfao


Well-Known Member
Who is Brewing Up and where does he live? I'm bored and I've always wanted to try out my drill on real live kneecaps.
yeh i can don ur cape and nitevision goggles and go get him,,,never see you coming,,,but i wil say this,,talks rather like unlucky,,no having go at her coz im bored but the way it types sounds the same