FlowaMasta'a NEW Jack H x Skunk - 1 Plant 600HPS + UVB Monster Scrog!!!


Well-Known Member
Beautiful! Just beautiful!!!
ha! thanx heaps man! and cheers for the help back there for Mo, i don't know that stuff, i recommended he stay clear because of the strength of it, just to be safe...sounds volatile at those strengths! but like i said i don't know the stuff, i can't see the nutrient companies being aloud to sell pure pottasium nitrate and calcium nitrate and stuff like that and sell it in pure form in a bag....cause i'd say thats what's about in that bag.....with a good handfull of Epsom salts...
I'd give it a go outside perhaps, on a couple of trial plants ;)

My plant is scaring me, i usually can yonder around my house and not think of my plant ALL the time, but this smell is getting to me!, the pineapple is sooo in the air it's not funny, my mrs laughs because when the lights on it smells like warm pineapple pie as you walk down the hallway, but when you open the tent it's like a bunch of cats got in there and sprayed there piss all over the place! IT FUCKIN STINKS! LOL! pineapple skunk here we come ;) I'm really liking this pineapple rush from General Hydro it is really coming out of the plant!, i'm down to about the last 400ml of the stuff! enough to dose her all the way to the end JUST....This is going to be one hell of a funky harvest LOL!! i've added my own little twist to Jack X Skunk, i think the pineapple will shine through and blend together with the skunkiness is the most incredible way!! I just X my fingers it comes through with a good cure!! jack herer x skunk x pineapple :)

Could be the new pineapple express ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey FM - I can smell the pineapple all the way in California!!!

I got some supplies. Need to attack those pesky pests :)



Well-Known Member
good work Mo, when you find one that works stick with it :) i found pyrethrin and garlic spray to be the No1 they hate the garlic smell and the pyrethrin kills on contact and after they suck it from the plant so it keeps infestation numbers down bigtime, very effective outside and i've never had leaf burn from it the day after in hot sun...good thing to remember for, seeing as cannabis is a softwood (tissue) plant, most things organic are mostly safe if safe for edible tomatoes 2 days after picking , safe for me :)


Well-Known Member
Your plant is looking lovely, I also love the Toilet Paper comparison....Good shit bro!

Thanx F.M much appreciated! things seem to be flying along! a couple of heads might foxtail but i think i'll be ok :)

If someone reminds me i'll do it again whenever these things are going to get big quick, all hangin out all over the place!

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
Hi there FM, That plant of yours is looking great mate. My recent go at making hash oil was way better than anything i have made before, thanks for all your info. Just waiting for my three White Rhinos to finish so i can make some good oil from them!

chipper pig


Well-Known Member
Hi there FM, That plant of yours is looking great mate. My recent go at making hash oil was way better than anything i have made before, thanks for all your info. Just waiting for my three White Rhinos to finish so i can make some good oil from them!

chipper pig
good work mate! hope to see a pic of some nice bud honey :)
Fox tails are sexy IMO..
haha i agree, they do have a funky sexy look about them! we'll see what happens, i think it will only be a few colas, the ones receiving the most light, so I'm putting fox tails down to the kind of light they receive, If it was food i think it would be more consistent. I could be waaay off.


Well-Known Member
good work mate! hope to see a pic of some nice bud honey :)

haha i agree, they do have a funky sexy look about them! we'll see what happens, i think it will only be a few colas, the ones receiving the most light, so I'm putting fox tails down to the kind of light they receive, If it was food i think it would be more consistent. I could be waaay off.
I think it might be genetics but like you I am not sure. Anyone have any info on Fox tails?


Well-Known Member
I think it might be genetics but like you I am not sure. Anyone have any info on Fox tails?
You could be right, some strains more prone to it perhaps.... i've tried to find info on it but scientific info is near impossible to find as I'm not even sure if there is a proper word for it!

Just got back from my Tent, and I'm very very excited. Everything is getting coated in resin, could this be because i'm being more careful with my nutrients?? perhaps, i see no nute burn, and this week i've had to top up my res with 25 litres of fresh water, she's drinking like a thirsty camel!! I did add 30ml of only bloom part a+b on the first top up....I'm being very strict about nutrients with this grow.

I can say one thing. This strain kicks ass. Oh and my cameras not bad to.

day 33 Flowering = 61 days old total.



Well-Known Member
You could be right, some strains more prone to it perhaps.... i've tried to find info on it but scientific info is near impossible to find as I'm not even sure if there is a proper word for it!

Just got back from my Tent, and I'm very very excited. Everything is getting coated in resin, could this be because i'm being more careful with my nutrients?? perhaps, i see no nute burn, and this week i've had to top up my res with 25 litres of fresh water, she's drinking like a thirsty camel!! I did add 30ml of only bloom part a+b on the first top up....I'm being very strict about nutrients with this grow.

I can say one thing. This strain kicks ass. Oh and my cameras not bad to.

day 33 Flowering = 61 days old total.

Man, that's really nice. Re-post!

You make me want to shoot my next grow with my real camera.



Well-Known Member
plants are looking sexy as always there flowa :D i just started my next run ... not scrogg unfortunately but trying out some auto flowers :) should e interesting. gonna start a new thread but ill link to my old one hope to see ya around :D

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
good work mate! hope to see a pic of some nice bud honey :)

Hi there Flow, I will take some photos next time for sure. The small lot I made before didnt last to long! Here is a few pic of my current grows, this being my third and fourth grow.DSCF2345.JPGDSCF2346.JPG
PIC of White Rhino, coming into end of week three of flower. The plant in back right corner is way ahead of the other two for some reason?
PICS of my unknown strain, but is a proven producer is pretty tasty smoke. Coming into end of week two of flower.
My cutting holding pen. Have three rhinos and three unknowns taken about a week ago. Plus two rhino cutting left over from last time. Will proberly put them out in the garden somewhere soon.:lol:

Chipper Pig


Active Member
Chipper... are you growing your White Rhino plants from seed? If so, then it is perfectly normal to see a difference in flowering. That would be the plant you want to clone if that is the case most likely!(it will be the more dominant hybrid)

If not, they check for light leaks in a hurry! ;-)

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
Hey Slanty, the rhinos are the first cutting from the original rhino seed I planted from last grow. It is way bigger than the other two. There are three clones in the cutting pen from her! Do imported seeds from cold countries take a few generations to acclimatize to hot W.Aust weather?