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I'm going to look for them tomorrow. They must be somewhere. Otherwise I'll try the potato trick in the meantime. I find the larvae very resilient compared to the flying adults.
No use the gnatrol its fine its made out of the same shit that those mosquito dunks are made out off.. The potato slice thing will work just depends on how big your infestation is. It's the larvae the gnats drop thats hard to get rid of if they are already burrowed deep then you will have to do some sort of flush... If you dont have a heavy/sever infestation then the potato slices should work...Yea i have a small indoor grow so moth balls are out for me. I did buy the gnatrol on ebay for cheap just making sure it was not going to kill my plants before i used it.
In my Organic Gardening class in college a few terms ago, we talked about various plant diseases that are communicable across species and genus lines. the potatoes in the grocery store are absolutely full of disease! check out this link: the various forms of Mosaic virus are the worst. most tobacco, potatoes, tomatoes and other staple crops regularly have these diseases. they have no effect on people that touch or consume them, but we can sometimes act as vectors that allow these diseases to enter our gardens.use nothing follow this and they will be gone in three days. First go get yellow sticky paper at the nursery put it up all over the bases with the little sticks. Than this is the important part. Go get some potatoes from the grocery store cut up little two to three inch strips or squares, of course peel the thing first. Put a couple in each plant bed, pot, hydro container whatever. Switch those out every few hours during light time and give them new ones at bed time. The gnats love the potatoes so they lay their larve on there instead of the soil or whatever medium you are using. The yellow sticky stuff will kill the adults and in less than three days they will be gone along with the larve. Check out the potatoe pieces with your scope you will be amazed.
I can hardly see any flying but when I check under the leaves then there are always larvae near the bottom. I could water with Neem too but I don't think it'd be enough.
Does anyone know the active ingredient in this Gnatrol ?
Dont think i have them real bad yet so i used the yellow sticky cards and going with the gnatrol and i hope this takes care of it.
This is what I do .. I wipe the trunks.. The juveniles cant fly so they crawl up the trunks then when they get wings they start flying and dropping larvae. I also spray a couple of sprays of Fox Farms Dont Bug MeLast week one went up my nose so I might have to agree. The yellow strips here come on rolls with a cable tie as they are meant to be hung up. These will be a good monitor (the old ones are covered in them). I could try to wipe the yellow strip around each trunk (35 +). Summer always present problems but I've had them for a while now.
I would love to get hold of the paste that I could just brush straight on. The yellow strips are 60 cms long on a roll and I have a difficult enough time unrolling them to hang them up. If I tried to cut them up it'd be a joke, I have to scrub my hands after handling as they are so sticky. If I try to wipe the trunks on 5 Litre pots Im worried I'll have lots of accidents get them stuck to the leaves.This is what I do .. I wipe the trunks.. The juveniles cant fly so they crawl up the trunks then when they get wings they start flying and dropping larvae. I also spray a couple of sprays of Fox Farms Dont Bug Me
Yeah you can do whatever you want the trick is to prevent them from crawling up the trunks so let your imagination run wild. I always tell growers " what worked for that person may not work for you" so get creative. Yeah get some latex gloves dont worry about the sticky stuff geting on your leaves happens to me every grow it wont harm the plants.I would love to get hold of the paste that I could just brush straight on. The yellow strips are 60 cms long on a roll and I have a difficult enough time unrolling them to hang them up. If I tried to cut them up it'd be a joke, I have to scrub my hands after handling as they are so sticky. If I try to wipe the trunks on 5 Litre pots Im worried I'll have lots of accidents get them stuck to the leaves.
Can't I make elastic bands of cotton or ribbon or something to wrap around the trunk, soaked in ...??
Yeah you can do whatever you want the trick is to prevent them from crawling up the trunks so let your imagination run wild. I always tell growers " what worked for that person may not work for you" so get creative. Yeah get some latex gloves dont worry about the sticky stuff geting on your leaves happens to me every grow it wont harm the plants.
It might harm me !! These sticky strips are so sticky I could wax my legs with them. Minus the insects of course !! If they touch the leaves they will rip the plant. I have to tie my hair back. Once, one hit me in the face and it nearly took my eye-brows off !!! I sound a bit clumsy now but seriously, they're dangerous. Maybe cut them into strips and wrap them around the trunks.
Im going up to see my girls in a couple of hrs and it will be interesting to see how many have been caught since. I will remove the potato skins carefully but am reluctant to use the microscope x60-x100 as I once saw the eyes of a spider mite and it was gross. I will just assume there are eggs on there.
Looking for Mothballs today as I think this is a great idea.
I can't believe how out of control they got. I have to check my tea as I drink it. "waitor, there's a fly in my ...." Sometimes they spring out of nowhere in the bathroom so I have to bleach the plug holes too.
I had spider mites once and that was so easy by comparison. (I love Neem).
I run a perpetual harvest and have my own clones so it's hard to have a full clear out. Definitely don't want to start from seed again.