Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
Haha i used to love that film not seen in years id chuck a vid up of that song but im on my phone forgot the name........not 1not 2 but 3 banana.....haha


Well-Known Member
Peyote Purple -needs along cure like bubba
but i think im more then happy wit all but yield a very stingy plant
smell taste very much like an incense with a good cure hits hard and heavy while taste is great hard to label but you will like it
reminds you of bubba it is a sister of the one and only bubba kush
very impressed wit all but yield
was supposed to purple mines did not just tips of sum of the calyexes


Well-Known Member
Hey D, sorry I couldnt make over to you but I will be out there again probably at the end of summer when I have more time. I didnt want to drive the 22' truck anymore. I was sick of it after 4 days of driving. If I dont come at the end of the summer I will be out there Xmas time. Thank you for offering me to come and chill, I appreciate that bro!




Well-Known Member
FM-did not know you drove a 22 footer must have been a little bit of a challenge verses a comfortable car

its all good i live in the moment
maybe to work out next time - we will see
and even if not - all still good

you did the crooss country as if it was nutin maybe i should try one day

peace out

RM- yes id say its in the primo group not the top of the list though


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro I drove a 22 foot Penske truck, diesel fuel! Thing wouldnt go over 65mph, it was a bitch! Plus I didnt use the A/C cause that shit drained the fuel. My body is still re-coopin from that trip. Neck and back are sore as fuck still.

I finally had a chance to meet my Dad who was a dead beat in my life. It was good and I forgive him cause he is my Dad but not a Father if you know what I mean. I plan to visit him much more now so I will be coming your way next time for sure bro!

Peace and have a wonderful day D



Well-Known Member
i know exactly whut you mean my father was off and on in my life but was never a father to me he fatherd me and thats it - avery long story -he is gone now and i did all i could for him in his time of need - ill just throw in one piece elementry school is 8 years i went to 6 different elementry schools-had a rough life -but now im in charge


Well-Known Member
an one of the best fathers you could imagine -if i must say so myself - i had the perfect example just do the opposite of whut my father would have done


Well-Known Member
an one of the best fathers you could imagine -if i must say so myself - i had the perfect example just do the opposite of whut my father would have done
Feel you on that bro!!! Real talk, my dad's failures makes me a successful FATHER now! I too went to 8 different public schools and 3 different high schools. Like you now I am in charge! No better feeling in the world then seeing you make your kids happy!


Well-Known Member
Feel you on that bro!!! Real talk, my dad's failures makes me a successful FATHER now! I too went to 8 different public schools and 3 different high schools. Like you now I am in charge! No better feeling in the world then seeing you make your kids happy!
Not only are you two good dad's. But I personally feel that you are both very good mentors, and i look up to both of you for certain qualities that you each have.

BTW just heard this song for the first time. I got a kick out of it.



Well-Known Member
thanks mr Bill i do try to be
an i see myself as a good father

MM weed song cute need to put that in disney land and dis world
as a matter of fact Dis should have one of its resorts just for us weed heads
i can see travelers from around the world cumin to the weed villa for a week an doing Disney Blasted