Too potent pot?

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
polyarcturus:7427066 said:
cool! thanx for the info, as far as home kit thats not exactly what ivmeant but yeah im not buying the kit, i would make the kit, if i knew how. and im sure its not too difficult.

what kind of prices does testing run?shit i would send it out this it is an amazing strain.

im really unsure what to do with this strain( because this is a true keeper) other than to breed it. becuse its really in the wrong hands as im not a true professional with 20 years exp. hope to get there and bring this strain along with me cause its potent.

blueberry and GDp huh? does that make blurple? sounds like some good green!
I think the lab tests are around $75, and very informative.

We're calling it GDB, aka Grand Daddy Blueberry. Yummy.


Well-Known Member
lol just harvested some of the purp again been about 3 month since i had this strain i see why she got sick, very visual i feel like im swimming, or under water or something a bit weird, ran out of weed, it was still drying so had a bit of a dry spell between so im pretty buzzed and my eyes look like i put drops of chlorine on them.


New Member
I think its not really that "some strains" are too strong for some people...Its more that weed itself is too much for some people..and they really shouldn't be smoking it to be honest, keep smokign schwagg, or smoke less. A lot of time its just amateur smokers..I have heard these types of stories a lot...Fact is that weed is just not for everyone. I have been smoking and growing for years..I have been all around the world smoking tons of strains from tons of growers..maybe I am just not sensitive to it (I think that's part of it) but all weed to me is exactly the same as far as the buzz it just varies in strength. This is a major reason I only grow for flavor first and foremost and yield secondly.

Maybe its also partly because of the fact that I have smoked all my life it doesn't have as much effect on me..Don't get me wrong I can get stoned stupid..and I have been through many periods were I don't smoke at all ..but I mean because I started when I was an adolescent, all weed is the same exact buzz to me, maybe just cause I am not sensitive to it in that way, everybody is different. Also probably because I went through a decade phase of hard drugs ~10 years ago I think I am kind a bit numb to the dopamine rush of drugs, any drugs, its not really something pleasant for me just kind of like medicine, sad I know lol...


Well-Known Member
I think its not really that "some strains" are too strong for some people...Its more that weed itself is too much for some people..and they really shouldn't be smoking it to be honest, keep smokign schwagg, or smoke less. A lot of time its just amateur smokers..I have heard these types of stories a lot...Fact is that weed is just not for everyone.
i agree with you completely, some people just judge use of marijuana off one strain too and youll hear opposite reactions like "it made me sleepy" or "i was all paranoid and wired", as we all know the first one smoked an indica and the other a sativa, i myself could tell you i dont like sativas during the night time, its much more of a day time things, and the same thing for indicas, they're much better at night. hybrids get... well, a hybrid effect between these two feelings i believe, so theres many feelings we can get from different strains, some people just cant take some strains, their body just doesnt react well with the balance of THC and CBN/CBD. so yes, some people may think weed isnt for them, but who are they to judge unless theyve smoked every strain, by every means of consumption? i personally started off smoking out of pipes(i was 12, dont judge me lol), i thought weed was so harsh but its effects were totally worth it, i soon was given a vaporizer, that is when i really started to love weed. the same thing happened when i was introduced to bongs, then edibles, then tincture, and more recently, BHO and hash, and so on. theres such a wide spectrum of effects one can get from this marvelous plant and all the forms it can come in, almost none of them the same, all of them effect people in a somewhat different way, so really theres no way to judge if weed is or isnt for you, i personally think theres a strain out there for everyone, they just havent looked far enough, or tried the right means of consumption.


New Member
i agree with you completely, some people just judge use of marijuana off one strain too and youll hear opposite reactions like "it made me sleepy" or "i was all paranoid and wired", as we all know the first one smoked an indica and the other a sativa, i myself could tell you i dont like sativas during the night time, its much more of a day time things, and the same thing for indicas, they're much better at night. hybrids get... well, a hybrid effect between these two feelings i believe, so theres many feelings we can get from different strains, some people just cant take some strains, their body just doesnt react well with the balance of THC and CBN/CBD. so yes, some people may think weed isnt for them, but who are they to judge unless theyve smoked every strain, by every means of consumption? i personally started off smoking out of pipes(i was 12, dont judge me lol), i thought weed was so harsh but its effects were totally worth it, i soon was given a vaporizer, that is when i really started to love weed. the same thing happened when i was introduced to bongs, then edibles, then tincture, and more recently, BHO and hash, and so on. theres such a wide spectrum of effects one can get from this marvelous plant and all the forms it can come in, almost none of them the same, all of them effect people in a somewhat different way, so really theres no way to judge if weed is or isnt for you, i personally think theres a strain out there for everyone, they just havent looked far enough, or tried the right means of consumption.
hehe you didn't read the rest of my post I added in edit so thats why...all weed buzz is exactly the same for me personally...I am just weird thou..I honestly can't distinguish the difference in buzz aside from strength and I am a seasoned grower of thousands of strains and smoker from many growers over decades...I am just completely incapable of doing this.. but yeah everyone is different.

I also think its a bit psycho-semantic really, I mean it could be all 100% psycho-semantic and I am completely right and all weed has the same buzz. Kind of doubt that thou, I will just stick with I am weird, because nobody ever agrees with me on this.

I can tell for different intake methods however...hash feels slightly different and edibles completely different..blunts vs joints vs bong vs vapor also different...


Well-Known Member
hehe you didn't read the rest of my post I added in edit so thats why...all weed buzz is exactly the same for me personally...I am just weird thou..I honestly can't distinguish the difference in buzz aside from strength and I am a seasoned grower of thousands of strains and smoker from many growers over decades...I am just completely incapable of doing this.. but yeah everyone is different.

I also think its a bit psycho-semantic really, I mean it could be all 100% psycho-semantic and I am completely right and all weed has the same buzz. Kind of doubt that thou, I will just stick with I am weird, because nobody ever agrees with me on this.

I can tell for different intake methods however...hash feels slightly different and edibles completely different..blunts vs joints vs bong vs vapor also different...
like i said, itll effect everyone differently, i know people who are just like you, lets not use weird, lets just say outlying factor. its odd really, maybe your cannabinoid receptors are a bit different than the average human. im not sure though, id like to do an experiment with somebody that has the same "condition" if you would say, maybe let them smoke the hardest indica i could find(maybe some landrace afghani indica, herijuana has been the strongest, most couchlocky indica ive smoked honestly) and one of the hardest sativas(super silver haze was probably the most sativa-ish ive smoked) days apart and judge how they feel, its kind of hard to distinguish the type of high you really get though, sometimes we end up smoking too much and even the hardest sativa will put us to sleep, maybe theres a limit to how much CBN/CBD one can really take. as for the different means of consumption, supposedly joints get the least THC, as for CBD/CBN, im not so sure. bongs are said to get a little bit more of the cannabinoids, vapes even more, and edibles just seem to get almost all of it.

i think i saw a video on youtube where a lady was injected with pure THC and pure CBN/CBD, she reacted really oddly to both, i dont quite remember but i think THC made her jittery with a bad comedown while CBN/CBD kind of made her tired, i think one shouldnt be ingested without the other honestly.


Well-Known Member
i dont know i dont "get high" persay like you say deprave it all feels the same to me maybe some slight differences between the upper highs and downer highs, but when i do get high (rare and some fresh purp obviously can do it for me) i can feel the "special effects" more. i bet if you took a slight break you would get some different effects, just saying, your probably like me and just smoke so much your tolerance makes all the weed the same......

as for smoking shwag... i think everybody should upgrade to high grade if not just for thier health but the high and the flavor.


Well-Known Member
i dont know i dont "get high" persay like you say deprave it all feels the same to me maybe some slight differences between the upper highs and downer highs, but when i do get high (rare and some fresh purp obviously can do it for me) i can feel the "special effects" more. i bet if you took a slight break you would get some different effects, just saying, your probably like me and just smoke so much your tolerance makes all the weed the same......

as for smoking shwag... i think everybody should upgrade to high grade if not just for thier health but the high and the flavor.
haha yeah my point exactly with the whole smoking too much of anything will kind of make the high blend together. schwag is horrible, i mean if people are gonna smoke low grade grow smoke ruderalis or something, schwag is usually schwag because its sprayed with pesticides, i really dont wanna know what that does to your lungs.


Well-Known Member
pesicide and shit growing mehods human runoff ect, heavy metals, chemical waste dumps. its bad to smoke shwag
i feel dumb for smoking it when i was so young, i cant believe people can put that shit on the market honestly. all the more reason the government should help regulate it, maybe then the youth of america wouldnt have to start off smoking such harmful plant matter, idc if they arent selling it directly to kids, its prohibition has lead people to getting so desperate that they had to smoke schwag which is slowly killing them, thats probably why you get a headache when you smoke it.


Well-Known Member
they shouldn't dictate what we do to ourselves or put in our bodys and refuse care to obvious addicts. this would increase the quality of street drugs, eliminate addicts as an issue, and seperate the criminals from the common man who needs a break.

but alas the "war on drugs" is big business...

this is the truth they know more money can be made if quality drugs are not.

yeah i cant believe i was smoking that shit either... now days id rther not smoke than smoke shwagg


Well-Known Member
they shouldn't dictate what we do to ourselves or put in our bodys and refuse care to obvious addicts. this would increase the quality of street drugs, eliminate addicts as an issue, and seperate the criminals from the common man who needs a break.

but alas the "war on drugs" is big business...

this is the truth they know more money can be made if quality drugs are not.

yeah i cant believe i was smoking that shit either... now days id rther not smoke than smoke shwagg
i think its the netherlands, but if they have citizens addicted to opiets they offer them the purest shit out there so they dont go on the streets and get tainted shit, im sure that would almost eliminate the black market, not to say there isnt good growers out there selling on the streets but maybe it would keep those schwag dealers from going out to make what little profit that they do, knowing their product isnt nearly up to standard they may try to learn how to grow the right way w/o pesticides, prohibition is putting this money in the hands of criminals, the cartels are fuckin everything up, giving weed a really bad name too.

and for sure, id rather breathe air than smoke schwag, if it was the last thing on earth i wouldnt smoke it, id take a few of the seeds and grow em the way mother nature intended. pesticides cause birth defects too, hope my kids dont have some sort of life threatening birth disorder, fuck it ill just adopt hahaha.


Active Member
I remember many, many years ago smoking a couple hits of weed at a friend's house. About 10 minutes later I turned green and just about puked. No, it wasn't laced. It was just freakin' strong as shit. It was not pleasant.


Well-Known Member
i think its the netherlands, but if they have citizens addicted to opiets they offer them the purest shit out there so they dont go on the streets and get tainted shit, im sure that would almost eliminate the black market, not to say there isnt good growers out there selling on the streets but maybe it would keep those schwag dealers from going out to make what little profit that they do, knowing their product isnt nearly up to standard they may try to learn how to grow the right way w/o pesticides, prohibition is putting this money in the hands of criminals, the cartels are fuckin everything up, giving weed a really bad name too.

and for sure, id rather breathe air than smoke schwag, if it was the last thing on earth i wouldnt smoke it, id take a few of the seeds and grow em the way mother nature intended. pesticides cause birth defects too, hope my kids dont have some sort of life threatening birth disorder, fuck it ill just adopt hahaha.
yeah i dont think it would kill the blcak market, but it would put a massive dent on it, but weed is way different than opiates, not evey one can grow poppys at home(youd need a big backyard) but every one can grow bud. i will dent the blackmarket as far as weed goes but commercial prices at "official" places will be higher than what someone like me would charge so there would still be a good market.

Thats what im on the search holy grail. With some luck 60 years to find it.
good luck man every bodys "grail" is clad differently so to speak hope you find yours!

I've been smoking for decades and I agree with deprave stoned is stoned I can't tell any difference either.

i think we went over this.... TAKE A DAY OFF YA STONER


Well-Known Member
yeah i dont think it would kill the blcak market, but it would put a massive dent on it, but weed is way different than opiates, not evey one can grow poppys at home(youd need a big backyard) but every one can grow bud. i will dent the blackmarket as far as weed goes but commercial prices at "official" places will be higher than what someone like me would charge so there would still be a good market.
i know i was just using the opiates thing as an example but i see you understand my point, the black market will be severely dented, especially those who sell cheaper, low grade product, they will be making virtually no profit so it would probably be uneconomical for them to even try, leaving us with less to no people smoking harmful matter. i guarantee if the government tried to sell weed, it would probably be mass produced and grown without care, not too differently from the schwag we buy, i guarantee it will be covered in crystals but the plant matter itself would be bitter due to salt buildups so the good growers would probably still be making money since they put care into it. would probably be good to make some hash with some government weed though, so people may favor it. will for sure bring down its price although, i think 5-10 dollars a gram would be better honestly, this plant isnt worth that much when we think about it. id charge 10 a g for some well grown organic(some synthetics is fine, not enough to be at all noticeable though) bud that smokes very smooth, 5 for anything less.


Well-Known Member
thats how i be feeling every time i give my customers some... wouldnt be a big deal to me to charge less given i can run SOG efficiently so long as plant numbers werent a problem, not that i really give a fuck, but i do around 50 and do alright, right now my profit margin is out the roof, but im still broke with the way things are right now. but what i mean is if i could run 4-5 flower rooms 50 plants in each SOG 4x4 x2 400w and x2 veg rooms 3x3(whatever fits) and a mother room 3x3 2-4 moms. the profit margin compared to the elec used would be enormous(ea. flowering room would run about 60$ a month and the veg rooms 20-30 ea. and the mother room 20$ maybe) im just saying if they do full out legalization and get rid of these "restrictions" theres gonna be plenty of room for these home growers.