Guys i missed about 3/4 of a day watering my plant. Was about 3 weeks old. I came in to water and she was crispy and nasty... Can i revive a plant after a situation like this? The main stem looks strong and looks like a new sprout out of the top..
you should have repoted a while ago and it looks like you might have had the light too close what are you using for light and how close? have you givin her any nutes cause jiffy pots are a soiless medium you got to figure out what you did wrong so you don't fuck up the next one and get deterd and stop growing and keep paying for some smoke you treat it like any other plant if you can grow vegtables you can grow weed
If she doesnt perk up, those leaves may be a little heavy for her to revive... you can cut them off and the rest of the plant should start to show signs of recovery (shell replace them in no time when healthy)
if thats new growth it looks like you may have escaped the shame of killin a plant.. if and when the new tops establish into leaves/new branches id get rid of the old as they'll waste energy which should be spent on new growth