My First Small operation


Well-Known Member
soil is not my way but I wish you luck... I would say dont feed them anything until they look like they need it, I think we all make that mistake... trust me you wont make them grow faster by giving them nutes befor you should, I say do a good flush and let them do there thing......


Well-Known Member
Summo Updates..

My oldest plants now are 21 days. they are about 3" im going to flower them tomorrow because i dont mind if they short, ill clone them later. The cronic bagseeds are about 11 days old and are almost as tall as my bigger bushier plants, the seem happy and healthy.

the two nute locked plants withered away, i put them down gently (still pissed i killed them)
I germinated 4 more seeds of the same cronic bagseed all 4 had a tap root and were planted today!

I built a cloning beginning veg chamber out of an old desser\
and a flowering chamber from rubbermaids.

Im now running 3 stages i decided
1)-small drawers for 9 days on 24/0
2)-closet corner for 9 days on 18-6 (you can kinda see it behind me in the rubbermaid pic)

3)-Flower in rubbermaid



Well-Known Member
dude i have miricle grow i dnt kno wtf im gonna use now b-cuz im broke as fuck damn damn damn im bout to freak FUCK!-plz help


Well-Known Member
Lookin good man, your set up gettin a little out of control now:) hopefully you get all females im 3-0 on males in my MG soil and set up probably too much light stress.( so disapointing they were like a ft tall:( ). i dont know if its a good idea to have so many stages... why not just use 2 different set up and go from 24/0 to 12/12? so flowing now is a good idea for you, i just put 3 more into flowering myself about the same size as yours (post some pics later) so gl


Well-Known Member
man, you must be a mind reader tryin to grow. Ive been flowering for 2 days, lol i have 3/4 seeds just pushing through soil about an inch

my 2 bagseed 5" plants flowering

and these babies about 14 days yesterday when i took the pics 3-4" they are wayy bigger than the first two i grew, i think they like the fish emultion i gave them on day 10

LOL I have an "apartment inspection" today im not trippin as nothing smells yet. Besides i saw him doing them yesterday he's just changing the furnace filter and looking for leaks.(My growroom is in my walkin closet and im going to be off of work today)
I feel bad because its just one guy and he has to do like 350 in 2 days..:cry:



Well-Known Member
LoL good, atleast your apartment tells you, they just fucking enter my apt and leave a note saying they replaced XXX. I guess there was a clause in my lease that allows them to "enter when ever needed" without my consent.... yea i was quit livid about this after rereading my lease.... thats why you have to read every line of what you sign.

Easy solution was to change my lock:) which is prohibited in the lease but i didn't read it so it doesn't count right....

Just make sure once the smell starts getting strong you have a good carbon scrubber or a good story.......


Well-Known Member
they have the same clause in most leases (in mine) i guess they had probelem with peoples dogs biting they guy when they werent locked up. they sent us a whole 3 page news letter


Well-Known Member
the point of my post was to tell ya to watch the light stress you put on ur plants....switching cycles too many times stress them out i believe and could (has in my case) cause a higher percentage of males......


Well-Known Member
Watered the two oldest plants today with a liter of water and a liter of 1/2 mg bloom nutes. 15-30-15 was extra carfeul when pouring in water to not get any on the leaves.
Yeah the top shelf thing was only gonna be used for sprouting my seeds and rooting clones, but it tripped my breaker when my gf was blowdrying her hair. So I took it apart.
3 of the four seeds have grown about 3/4in tall the last one is still just barely out of the ground and is still half in the seed, we'll see what happens


Well-Known Member
wow today i examined my two oldest plants
the smaller one slapped his balls in my face, so with one mighty swing of my death axe (scissors) I struck that freeloading bastard down!!
the bigger one is showing a few white hairs!!! yay, i just pray i wont turn hermie on me. i see no indication of male growth so hopefully i have my first lovely lady! I'll call her Bridget lol (i would post pics but the quality of my camera would only piss people off ill take some when its bigger and more clear)


Well-Known Member
nice glad to hear of your good fortune, looks like at least one of my 3 i got flowering now is going to be male too.... excited to see some pics..


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic for tryin and anyone else the one im pointing to is for sure a female(again sorry for no up close maybe ill get a digi camera for my 21st birthday motha fuckkin tuesday!!!!)
the other plant is the biggest and also my favorite plant{its a seed from the cronic} I got one more plant flowering but its not sexed yet either, one plant about 3.5" still vegging and three new babies about a week olds here



Well-Known Member
dude are those pictures your plants that your started back at the end of march*????!!!! please tell me there not.... I will have to get a shot on mine, remember me telling you back in early april about them, like first page here... My baby was on 24/0 for 2 weeks then switched out to a 18/6 shes about 3 days short of being 4 weeks and she is massive! i will get you a picture so you can see what i mean, just at work now... but honestly man like a foot tall and bushier than you can believe, i had to add in light around the bottom of the plant cause all of the new under growth.... branches popping out of everywhere, its nuts, and i just start feeding her full strength nutes on 4/24 so she is lovin it..... much love, peace


Well-Known Member
dude are those pictures your plants that your started back at the end of feb????!!!! please tell me there not.... I will have to get a shot on mine, remember me telling you back in early april about them, like first page here... My baby was on 24/0 for 2 weeks then switched out to a 18/6 shes about 3 days short of being 4 weeks and she is massive! i will get you a picture so you can see what i mean, just at work now... but honestly man like a foot tall and bushier than you can believe, i had to add in light around the bottom of the plant cause all of the new under growth.... branches popping out of everywhere, its nuts, and i just start feeding her full strength nutes on 4/24 so she is lovin it..... much love, peace
Wow homie your trippin. 3rd month of the year is MARCH. The first two plants died from Nute shock because i was noob, the female plant sprouted mar 31

the other ones started around april 6. I have also realized to keep them about 20in i need to flower around the 5inch mark. The chronic seeds ive yet to sex got a total of 16 day veg at 18/6 (the first 3-4 days were 24/0 but i switched my set-up) until i move from this place my growth space is really limited..
Awesome to hear about your plant and would love to see some pics


Well-Known Member
dont let haters get ya down, how big are your pots? they look a little small try a 5 gallon the growth difference will be unreal.