An expert eye, please


Hi all,
My latest girl is not looking too well, having looked at a couple of the plant problem guides, i'm thinking it's a magnesium or zinc problem, but would welcome a more definite diagnosis if poss.
I'm in BioBizz AllMix and have only been giving her 1ml/l of BioGrow ph'd down to 6.0 (although i have raised that to 6.5 slowly in the last few days)

Any help would be appreciated

Picture 006.jpgPicture 003.jpgPicture 005.jpg


Well-Known Member
They look dark. I think the nutes are locked out due to the PH range being to low. I would wait a few days and go even higher with the PH to 6.8 - 7.0, water only, to help neutralise the soil. It could be acidic, especially if u've been feeding everytime. Any idea of EC of ur water or feed? Mg is not absorbed at 6.5, or P plus others.

I've had something similar with a Mother Plant this week, I raised the Ph to 6.6 and it looks much better in a matter of days.

The first pic looks like a totally different plant.


Thanks, the first pic was taken under the lights, my bad.
No, i don't know the EC of water or feed.
I was always told to add nutes to my water and then adjust to ph6.0, is this too low then? You're saying it should be up to 6.8 - 7.0?


Well-Known Member
Normally in soil, the aim is PH 6.5 - 7.0. This is where nearly all nutes are absorbed. Sometimes I start a little lower in Veg but as the ferts are acidic it is much better to go higher. PH 5.8-6.2 is for hydro. Many nutes ar not absorbed at PH 6.0 so they will get locked into the soil and turn acidic as they are not used.

Your best best now is to just water a few times with run-off to help clear things, at the correct PH. Make sure the pot feels light between watering. They will look better in a week and then you can go back to 1/4 strength nutes, then 1/2 etc


Well-Known Member
wow yeah 6.0 is too low. You are locking things out that low in soil. As a rule of thumb try to stay in between 6.5-7.0 a point higher or lower either way shouldn't cause any harm but ideally they are able to absorb all nutrients within this range in soil. I always start with distilled water at 7.0 add nutes then ph it to 7. The ph of that water lowers as it runs through the soil keeping it stable. Fix the ph issue and you will see your problem resolved. Don't feed everytime you water. Try every other watering or every 3rd watering. Less is better. Its always easier to deal with a deficiency rather than too much fertilizer lowering the ph and locking out nutrients causing you to have to flush.


Thank you both so much for your time and advice. It's a constant learning curve and this site has been a great help.




Well-Known Member
The best thing I found about that site is how fast u can get a response. Of course u need a camera. If I need my grow friends to do a home visit it could take days to get them round as we're not living right next to eachother. This is the best way to find out fast and of course u can look at other plants too.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, the first pic was taken under the lights, my bad.
No, i don't know the EC of water or feed.
I was always told to add nutes to my water and then adjust to ph6.0, is this too low then? You're saying it should be up to 6.8 - 7.0?
Yeah add your nutes to your water, check PH / adjust PH 6.3-7.0 , then add your additives they wont/shouldnt change your PH.