Whats the highest temps can go!!!!


Active Member
Im wondering whats the highest tempatures can go to grow a plant.
Now im asking whats the highest tempatures not whats the right tempatures. Please
just answer my questions i always get som assholes saying go with 70-80 i know that.
I would like to know whats the highest i have a friend who lives in a very hot place were tempatures
go up too the 3 digits and he grows great buds like that but ofcourse outdoor is diffrent
im growing indoors and my tempatures always go to 90-100!
Thanks! :}


Active Member
entirely strain dependent is the answer. some strains the higher temps will not bother them, others will slow growth and curl leaf tips. so, it depends... but yeah on strains that can handle 100 degree i would try to always keep under 85 with 75 being closer to ideal


Active Member
hey in aus and have had plants withstand summer temps outdoors of 45c + so thats about 115 or something in f - only for maybe a day or two at a time at most - also sativa strain dominants tend to do better in the heat ive found, probably something
to do with strain origins but also smaller leaf area exposed is generally a good thing for extreme weather conditions - ohh yeah and also growing outdoor plants you can get away with more than indoor because outside its usually only at extreme temps for maybe a few hours in any 24 hr period - where as if your room is running hot its probably hot all the time and gonna fry your ladies ....


The higher the ambient CO2 the higher your temp can be without stressing your plant. It's generally accepted that you don't want to see temps greater than 85 degrees F in an indoor grow. The concern about this that most people don't think about is that as your grow room temp increases so does your soil temp. Remember that as your soil temp approaches 85 degrees F the root ball can become unhealthy. I'm not saying that a room temp of 85 results in a soil temp of 85 degrees, just that if the soil gets that warm root rot and root diseases are more likely to occur.


Well-Known Member
Always kind of wondered the same thing and noticed it's definitely strain dependent. Some handle a lot heat better than others. Environment always seems to be the key when it comes to good solid growing with consistent temps. That being said I have a question: I got a Lumatek 600 watt and running on 400watt due to the fact that my canopy can reach 95F at 600watts while my root base is around 75-77F, will this be ok or better running at 400watts with canopy 82F and floor 73F?


Well-Known Member
Always kind of wondered the same thing and noticed it's definitely strain dependent. Some handle a lot heat better than others. Environment always seems to be the key when it comes to good solid growing with consistent temps. That being said I have a question: I got a Lumatek 600 watt and running on 400watt due to the fact that my canopy can reach 95F at 600watts while my root base is around 75-77F, will this be ok or better running at 400watts with canopy 82F and floor 73F?
yes thats better than 95F lots of my grow buddy's are turning down their ballasts from 1000W to 600W to fight the heat here in AZ.


Well-Known Member
yes thats better than 95F lots of my grow buddy's are turning down their ballasts from 1000W to 600W to fight the heat here in AZ.
That's what I kind of figured, thanks! Get sick of battling the AZ heat i'm sure. I keep my thermostat in my house at 75F vented to attic but still some heat problems here and there.


Well-Known Member
Hey another AZ guy in here. Im Az also and prop 203 compliant. A grow buddy of nice is having a hard time with the heat right now as well. Outside plants are doing fine but the clone/veg area in the garage is not going so well due to the 95+ temps.


Active Member
Well i heard roots should be kept warm anyways my last grow wich was my first grow. From start to finish my temps were about 100-110 degrees it went all the way but towards the end it dried dramaticly my all my leafs basicly shook off. I was growing with 12 23w cfls. Reason I'm wondering is because I myself am also starting to grow with a 400w and temps in my room don't ever go under 80 degrees so its harder to keep temps down. My a/c sucks working on getting it fixed and to make it worse its a closet grow :(.
How high do temps go on a 400whps with 1 online fan 4" mycloset grow is gonna be 3ft wide 1.1/2 ft depth and 5ft length? Any estimations before I set it up?


Well-Known Member
I tried a closet grow with a 400W and temps got to 100 quickly even with the door cracked and a fan going. My reflector was no air cooled though so that will make a big difference.


Active Member
Well yea I'm basically gonna have too grow with temps around 85-95 because that's the lowest I can keep it and thats only some hours when the a/c is on I just got a new a/c yesturday so that helped a little.


As temperatures approach and exceed 86 degrees a plants stomata (the pores on the leaves), will begin to close up. What this means for the plant is air exchange is hindered or halted, and so photosynthesis isn't taking placed at the rate it should be.

Air conditioning or CO[SUB]2[/SUB] enrichment are virtually the only two solutions, if having an air cooled reflector and a high powered fan isn't cutting it.