lol! What does him being a "sex offender" have to do with anything? Does that somehow mean his information is incorrect? Go ask subcool if his super soil is organic. I bet he will tell you that he cannot say whether it's organic or not. Let me let you in on a little secret; Epsom Salts are NOT ORGANIC! I realize that it is considered an organic amendmant by many organic farmers, but it is not. There are other elements of super soil that aren't organic. That and using bagged soils as the base for the super soil. He is saying that you don't really know what they are putting into those bags. Some of the elements may not be organic. Look, I could care less about all of that. He brings up some valid points. And did you know that if you got caught jerking it in public that you'd be considered a "sex offender"? There are a lot of charges that meet the "sex offender" criteria that aren't necessarily rapes or violent crimes against someone else. I have no idea what he allegedly did though, sooooo...........