first time grow


Active Member
this is my first grow 2 outside grapefruit ,2 white widow x big bud , 2 skunk special ,2cheese bomb , 1 caramelo SDC10100.jpgSDC10106.jpgSDC10101.jpgSDC10102.jpgSDC10103.jpgSDC10104.jpgSDC10105.jpgtheese girls are 60 days old today since seed .. can anyone give me any help ... what should I do ..just leave them or should i be topping, pulling leaves , are they even as big as they should be or should they be bigger ? what is a 60 day old outside plant supposed to look like ?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
they all look good, healthy and green, dnt pluck any leaves off, if u want u can tie them down to bush them out some, but they look rele good for ur first grow


Active Member
yeah they look great i would go ahead and top or fim what ever you like to do you could even do some lst if you want them to bush out more


Active Member
hey thanks by tie them down do you mean bend them over ? and as its only the end of june I'm sure i have like another month of veg growth I'm in the north east ? and does moving my plants throughout the day for max sun help or hurt them or once again should i stop being a newb and leave the girls alone


Active Member
if you can move them to get better sun why not do it just try not smashing them around and yes bend the top as far over as you can


Active Member
when the side shoots grow out a bit you should think about topping those then you will really have a huge bush


i got my first out door grow on, i dont know what they are as i just used the seeds from the weed i bought , they might me mails for all i know but i got 9 plants on the go,

So am looking any any good tips, thats why i joined this site , i will post a pitcher


yes its all this rain we had, i only whater them with feed. i think i could do with a green house. but like i said it my first grow and it hasn't coasted me any thing so if they flower it will be a bones.
I could do with any tips on how to grow out doors if any one can help ;-)


Well-Known Member
hey thanks by tie them down do you mean bend them over ? and as its only the end of june I'm sure i have like another month of veg growth I'm in the north east ? and does moving my plants throughout the day for max sun help or hurt them or once again should i stop being a newb and leave the girls alone
yea tie down, bend over, LST what ever u may call it, but yea, they dnt need nearly as much attention as ur gonna want to give them ur first grow, u could move them with the sun but if it were me, id just try and pick a spot with the best direct sun i can, and any shade will just cool em down on hot days


Active Member
SDC10107.jpgSDC10113.jpgSDC10114.jpgSDC10115.jpgSDC10116.jpgSDC10117.jpgSDC10108.jpgSDC10109.jpgSDC10110.jpgSDC10111.jpgSDC10112.jpgso these are the girls now at 65 days old ..I still have another month of veg .. so should i transplant them one more time or are those pots big enough ?
yea tie down, bend over, LST what ever u may call it, but yea, they dnt need nearly as much attention as ur gonna want to give them ur first grow, u could move them with the sun but if it were me, id just try and pick a spot with the best direct sun i can, and any shade will just cool em down on hot days