Nutrient Problem - Please help!

tits mcgee

Active Member
I'm about 5/6 weeks into a guerilla grow with 2 plants, northern lights and cheese. I started them off in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and didn't add any nutrients for the first 5 weeks.
At week 5, I added (to one gallon of water):
3/4tsp big bloom
1/2tsp tiger bloom
I should also state that the 1 gallon of water was split between the 2 plants, so they both got about 1/2 of the above formula.
I balanced the ph level using baking soda, to the level of about 6.5 or so. I used ph drops to measure the ph level. I did everything that everyone has said to do about the nutrients; start them out at quarter strength and do it minimally. Can anyone explain what went wrong? I followed the feeding charts exactly and balanced the ph. Were they just not ready for nutrients yet?


Well-Known Member
Dude it doesn't really sound like u know what a gorilla grow is esp. if ur talkin bout FFOF soil, and ph levels, that sounds like an indoor grow to me. Not only that but y r u using a high phosphorous nute during veg. The names kinda say it for emselves Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom. If its just that u don't have the grow big I'd still hold off on the tiger bloom, u can probably make due with an inexpensive basic plant food that is high in N I've even used a cheapo MG liquid plant food nute for veg in the past. Then use the Grow big or MG or w/e mixed with the BB just like u were doin b4. And becareful if its a true gorilla project it sounds like ur goin around there alot, be aware of ur surroundings if ppl notice u goin there everyday, try to set sumptin up so u can tell if someone else has been around ur grow site, and u have to be willing to walk away from it and never go back if u think its been found by cops or if ur lucky rippers.


Well-Known Member
Your plants need watered!

Right now!

Nutrient issues? No way to tell past the damage from underwatering.

Give them a gallon each, at least. If you're growing them outdoors, they may need a gallon a day or more.


Well-Known Member
I would make it rain on that one...pretty much I drag whatever plant into the shower and just turn it on for a few minutes, when the plant looks all droopy I turn off the shower and then I sprinkle a bit of High N bat guano around the top of the soil, and then I turn the shower back on again for just a few...and then back to the lights...I know you are outdoors, so you don't need a shower, just a sprayer with a gentle spray setting...anyway let the soil get totally super saturated, and then add some nitrogen nutes...then a little more water...then leave it alone.

tits mcgee

Active Member
Damn, this is crazy. 5 days ago, they looked fantastic. This much damage can be done in 5 days from not watering? It's rained twice so I didn't think watering would be an issue, as it hasn't been in the past couple weeks. These are pictures from 5 days ago, when I added the nutrients:

Will definitely go out and water tonight with some clean water. On the nutrients, should I continue with the feeding schedule included with the FF nutes? I have the full FF trio, so any help would be greatly appreciated. It really fucking sucks to go out there and see them like this :( they were doing so great a week ago.


Well-Known Member
yea crazy .. I have allmost the same problem .. just not so much .. how did you let it come to this ?

I was very surprized how much water my use in flowering !!! a gallon a day/seccon day ..

tits mcgee

Active Member
It's only been 6 days now since they were watered! I'm going out to water tonight with at least 1 gallon each. I knew they used a lot of water as they got bigger, but that's crazy haha.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Didnt look at the pics but I can tell you to drop the baking soda. Its a bad thing to use on plants. The sodium it contains alone will cause you a whole host of problems......

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
And after looking at the pics everyone is correct, they are thirsty. You also need to get them some more Nitrogen. Fish Emulsion would compliment you Tiger Bloom nicely, like a tablespoon of FE per gallon.......

tits mcgee

Active Member
Didnt look at the pics but I can tell you to drop the baking soda. Its a bad thing to use on plants. The sodium it contains alone will cause you a whole host of problems......
Will do. Is there an alternative to buying a ph up solution?

I'm going to water with clean water tonight; should I start back with the nutrients or give them some time to hopefully recover a little bit? Also, should I cut/clip off all the yellowing leaves? I forgot to mention that the tops of the plants still look very green and healthy, just not nearly as bushy as they were.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Will do. Is there an alternative to buying a ph up solution?

I'm going to water with clean water tonight; should I start back with the nutrients or give them some time to hopefully recover a little bit? Also, should I cut/clip off all the yellowing leaves? I forgot to mention that the tops of the plants still look very green and healthy, just not nearly as bushy as they were.
Your growing in soil no need to pH your feedings. They soil dictates pH, not the irrigation water.......

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Absolutely positive. No matter what the pH of the solution is it will buffer to the mediums pH within a half hour or so no matter what its pH was when applied. pHing solutions are for hydro growers, not dirt baggers. pH adjusters are really not designed for use in soil. And the over use of them in soil can actually introduce elements into your medium, building up, causing more harm than good. You must be using RO water to have get such a drop when ferts are added too it. Try using your tap water, it will help buffer the pH when nutes are added much better than RO water.....

tits mcgee

Active Member
Absolutely positive. No matter what the pH of the solution is it will buffer to the mediums pH within a half hour or so no matter what its pH was when applied. pHing solutions are for hydro growers, not dirt baggers. pH adjusters are really not designed for use in soil. And the over use of them in soil can actually introduce elements into your medium, building up, causing more harm than good. You must be using RO water to have get such a drop when ferts are added too it. Try using your tap water, it will help buffer the pH when nutes are added much better than RO water.....
Gotcha, thanks for the information. I used distilled water for the nutrients - it was in a 1 gallon container, so not just run off water, (I assume that's what RO means?). I'm going to water with pure water tonight, and then again in another couple days. Should I try and continue the nutrients then or give them a couple clean waterings first?

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Gotcha, thanks for the information. I used distilled water for the nutrients - it was in a 1 gallon container, so not just run off water, (I assume that's what RO means?). I'm going to water with pure water tonight, and then again in another couple days. Should I try and continue the nutrients then or give them a couple clean waterings first?
Give them a good drink of water, then the next day feed them. Thats what I would do. Dont forget to get some Fish Emulsion or other source of Nitrogen. They are still very much vegging and the Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom neither have enough Nitrogen for a vegging plant.

tits mcgee

Active Member
Give them a good drink of water, then the next day feed them. Thats what I would do. Dont forget to get some Fish Emulsion or other source of Nitrogen. They are still very much vegging and the Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom neither have enough Nitrogen for a vegging plant.
Last night, I used the week's nuted water (1 gallon) between the 2 plants, then gave them both their own fresh gallon of water, so 1.5 gallons each to flush them a bit.

Picking up some fish emulsion today. Going to go back out tomorrow night and rewater with fresh water + fish emulsion. Sound like a plan?