FlowaMasta'a NEW Jack H x Skunk - 1 Plant 600HPS + UVB Monster Scrog!!!


Well-Known Member
I like the progression. Damn you flower fast. Guess that's why they call you the flowamasta. Bravo.
You rock Gas! cheers man , i'm just as shocked as you

That is a sonic speed flowering strain!!! Thats a great strain to cross with!!!
She's making me very happy! The dude that originally started these 2 strains here strated my first original skunk grow, then he found Jack Herer from a good friend of his and together they bred this unique x. It has taken me some time to gain info on this 'family tree' The original skunk i grew from this guy was incredible alone, and ive had mates tell me nothing has come close since, and i really miss it now, the skunky smell it gave off was badass it stank out your bedroom no matter how well you think you sealed it up (dried) The skunk has slowly faded out somewhere, it still comes up now and then between a few of my mates, but it rarely comes out the same stench as what mine did. This dude wanted something new with that sativa head buzz (like me smoking indica nonstop) so apperently this new Jack he got hold of is more sativa sided which he guesses the buzz side of things, and the skunk gives the strong flavour and instant lung hit. I have noticed smoking my mentors Jack x the high lasts alot longer. But he didnt reach peak potency in my opinion, as he had 2 plants growing at different stages, and 2 different strains with the 1 res. Not something i would do personally.
I can already see my colas have an awesome appeal to them, spiky leaves, deep dark colours, sparkling resin. To me this is right up there with what i first seen in this other dudes grow. This is what i was after. I got another baby lined up for next grow :)
I was happy to hand over 2 Hungie for 1 baby, next time i won't have to though ;) i know of a milf.


Well-Known Member
Bloody awesome as always flowie ... Cant wait to see how big they get in the end
ha Thanx supa! i've backed my nutes right off now, going just over half strength base, and 3/4 strength additives ( swell , silica , Pineapple Rush ) That's it, i have removed Dr.Repair , Zyme , b1 boost as these are nitrogen based, and this is the first grow i have ever done this, it is completely my own personal opinion learning what a plant needs at certain stages, i feel i have enough experience to test this theory, I think it's too far along now for any deficiencies, as long as she gets some base food and some sugar, i think she'll be fine. I'm trying to get her to use up the food she has stored in the leaves. 1 thing i noticed with all my grows how green the leaves still are towards the end ( i think due to cycos feed schedule ) as to why i removed these nitrogen nutes. Trying to determine difference in taste/after flavour that sort of thing, not that its ever been a bad thing. I just like to learn what does what and i believe the only way to find out is try it out.....


Well-Known Member
Hey MegaFlowaMasta,

What nutes and additives do you use and when do you use them - if I may ask?
I am getting those yellow leaves in my buds and I read it can be from not enough sugar. I added some more nectar to see if this helps. How much silica do you use and how often? I am not getting any yellow bottom leaves so I do not think I need any more N yet. She is getting 0-10-10 bloom and 0-0-1 FruitNfusion nectar. I also gave here some Sensi Grow B for some micros and minerals to se if this works better than the CalMag or JungleJuice Micro. I will add some silica tomorrow (it always raises my pH).

ppm is 540
pH is 5.1 (read sativas like 5.1 to 5.8)



Well-Known Member
Hey MegaFlowaMasta,

What nutes and additives do you use and when do you use them - if I may ask?
I am getting those yellow leaves in my buds and I read it can be from not enough sugar. I added some more nectar to see if this helps. How much silica do you use and how often? I am not getting any yellow bottom leaves so I do not think I need any more N yet. She is getting 0-10-10 bloom and 0-0-1 FruitNfusion nectar. I also gave here some Sensi Grow B for some micros and minerals to se if this works better than the CalMag or JungleJuice Micro. I will add some silica tomorrow (it always raises my pH).

ppm is 540
pH is 5.1 (read sativas like 5.1 to 5.8)

as stated in the above post is what i'm using at the moment, however with your current indoor, i would be adding a little nitrogen in the mix, just to help those leaves along, you still have a long way to go yet...yes silica will raise ph as it has sodium and yes it is good for flowering to add a little extra, but watch ph, a good strong silica will up the ph substantially. Adding a grow supplement is not a path i would take as it contains amino acids and vitamins essential for growth, not flowering. A good bloom formula should contain all the micro nutrients you need, more aditives are not always a necessity. A good rule of thumb i have learnt is find something that has it all :) additives are like a bonus, if the food aint enough then they are skimping on their manufacturing if you ask me. They just want to make $
I just want to make :weed:


Well-Known Member
also Mo, where did you hear sativas like lower PH?? that sounds bogus to me, that is acidic, and not recommended. i would stick with 5.8-6-4 no matter what ;) The leaves won't go green again :( but you can help them stop yellowing so quickly. This will dampen the yield quite substantially im afraid , but no foul the outdoor plants are looking great!
keep it up Mo, the Sativa has a strong heart! she's fighting to stay alive, and she wants to reward you with some bud :) just hold off, keep feeding as Slanty would, Jin and Slanty have good advice for you. You will be smoking bud in weeks to come


Well-Known Member
I have been surfing the web trying to find some info about the Malawi soil conditions. I want to see if I can mimick those conditions.

Everything in Hawaii grows great and tastes better because of the volcanic soil. All of my tropical plants like iron and acid because the lava is full of iron and the rain around volcanoes is usually very acidic and sulfurous. Actually perlite is so great because it is volcanic. I am trying to figure out how to make my own Hawaiian volcanic soil. I wonder if I can crush volcanic rock? Is there heavy metals in that stuff?

I wish I had a Malawi guru I could talk to about growing a killer indoor plant...


Well-Known Member
Does Sativa have different requirements than Indica or Hybrids? Who is the Sativa master? DJ Short?


Well-Known Member
I have been surfing the web trying to find some info about the Malawi soil conditions. I want to see if I can mimick those conditions.

Everything in Hawaii grows great and tastes better because of the volcanic soil. All of my tropical plants like iron and acid because the lava is full of iron and the rain around volcanoes is usually very acidic and sulfurous. Actually perlite is so great because it is volcanic. I am trying to figure out how to make my own Hawaiian volcanic soil. I wonder if I can crush volcanic rock? Is there heavy metals in that stuff?

I wish I had a Malawi guru I could talk to about growing a killer indoor plant...
Does Sativa have different requirements than Indica or Hybrids? Who is the Sativa master? DJ Short?
I personally think the idea is to cheat mother nature to create the ultimate, yes mother nature grows some insanely potent erb, I think true taste and character come from the resin itself, the way it burns or something.....i'm no expert but talking about cruhing up rocks and mineral, that sounds like a cool idea, but impossible to measure properly, and who knows what your really adding or doing...
This is the basis of what perlite goes through to become the source we need...after heating to extreme temperature the volcanic glass expands and becomes porous. It is completely neutral. (chemically inert)

I've tasted some of the best erb grown in perlite alone, I truly don't believe that the elements in soil make it taste better everytime. Yes soil erb taste different but not always better vice versa, I personally put it down to quality of end product / health / resin content that makes the flavour, ive seen it too many times to come to this conclusion and seen soo many different setups and grows, i love them all, i just think synthesizing can be just as good if not better because the rootzone is more controlled. The best best erb i've ever smoked was hydro hands down. The most potent goes both ways with strains.


Well-Known Member
This is why I like hydro
Beautiful Slanty!

How long did you veg and what strain is she?

What is the first day of Winter like FlowaMasta? I know your buds have frost on them... :)


Active Member
Beautiful Slanty!

How long did you veg and what strain is she?

What is the first day of Winter like FlowaMasta? I know your buds have frost on them... :)
Not sure on total veg time. Lost count because of the root issues. I just waited until I had a good structure down below before I flipped.

As for strain? Which one? LOL