To all green states. especially colorado Please read!!


Active Member
OK i dont know if this is where this post should go but i just wanna give my 2 cents. I personally do not reside in a green state but would like for my state to become one within the next 10 million freaking years. But there is much hostility due to the lack of respect for rules and regulations in the already established "green states". We would all like to see marijuana become legal for recreational use as well as medicinal but disobeying the set grow laws and limits arent gonna help this to happen. There are alot of people doing commercial grows in the legal states but doing this is pretty much slapping the government in the face. By no means am i in agreeance of our terrible government but what we must understand is that they are the ones who say what goes and what dosent. When they give us an inch and we take a mile by disregarding the regulations whether they be just or not it only heightens the bad rep we growers and blowers already have and just gives the government in states where it is still illegal a good argueing point against legalizing marijuana. If they say not to grow visibly in your backyard or where the public has access to it then dont. If they say not to grow more than the legal amount then dont, and if by following the guidelines and being intelligent about the situation instead of blatantly disregarding the said limits we may eventually take the argueing point away from our senators and congressman and put the queen in our hands. With colorado being center stage for what will happen in the rest of the states and commercial growers/disregardful legal growers giving the law a leg to stand on in the fight to keep it illegal it isnt looking good. i personally dont smoke because of work but my wife suffers from pancriatic cancer and its life threatening. Therefore im forced to supply her medical needs at any means nessicary because without her medicine the pain is unbearable plus its thought to kill the cancer. There are people who reside in states where this is still illegal but need this medicine and if it were legal they wouldent have to be in fear of jail or prison for simply supplying themselfs with their medicine. Please guys if you are one of the people that are in blatant disregard of the laws in your state and you know you are then please stop. follow your guidelines and then maybe not only will we get the chance to have access to medicinal cannabis you might get a leg to stand on in the arguement that the said regulations are unjust instead of just looking like the mean bad immoral drug dealers that they say you are. like my dad always said, "you get more flys with honey then you do with vinegar". lets be intelligent about this.


Well-Known Member
every medical patient that i have known has done their growing responsibly..
good luck telling the sellers to only grow within limits - they don't care one way or the other..
i am not sure that more people growing more will not help the laws change.. if it was just one guy going over the limit then what need do we have to legalize further?
i want pot to become legal so that those 40,000,000 americans who already choose to smoke/grow are within the law from day one no matter how much they grow!


Active Member
im on your side dont get my post misconstrued but what im saying is that the government never had to legalize it in the first place. They made just as much money for it being illegal as they do by taxing it i promise. All im saying is that growing beyong your limit makes us look bad and its happening i promise
every medical patient that i have known has done their growing responsibly..
good luck telling the sellers to only grow within limits - they don't care one way or the other..
i am not sure that more people growing more will not help the laws change.. if it was just one guy going over the limit then what need do we have to legalize further?
i want pot to become legal so that those 40,000,000 americans who already choose to smoke/grow are within the law from day one no matter how much they grow!
My only negative about your post is you contradict yourself, imo, when you say growers should grow within their legal limits but yet you do something that is illegal to help your wife. These growers feel what they are doing is right the same as we all feel what your doing for your wife is right. Cause I do, so please dont twist the point. My points is you are frowning on the very people who are helping you get meds for your wife. But your right. Ha! I respect the guerrilla, but I am not that guy I am by the book.


Active Member
I am morally obligated to help my wife, and i as well respect the guerilla, but doing an illegal commercial grow for means of self benefit and nothing more isnt a moral obligation, not that its immoral either it just fucks it up for everyone else who hasnt gotten the chance yet.


Well-Known Member
61% support for regulation in CO! way to go!
wake up and snap to it CA! take a bong load to clear your mind and lets at least match wits with CO..!


Well-Known Member
im on your side dont get my post misconstrued but what im saying is that the government never had to legalize it in the first place. They made just as much money for it being illegal as they do by taxing it i promise. All im saying is that growing beyong your limit makes us look bad and its happening i promise
So is illegally growing it because you want to supply your wife. It makes us all look bad when we have people like you illegally growing weed because you want to give it to your wife. Please stop making everyone look bad and cease growing immediately. Have you considered being lawful and moving to a nation where it is legal and you can freely do so? Stop being greedy and not spending the money to do what is write.

Seriosuly though, it is very hypocritical of you to demand others comply within the law when you yourself are not complying with it and openly admit it.


Well-Known Member
i feel that soon it will be used as your "cash crop" soon enough when you have atleast 25 out ouf 50 states turn the almighty green mean cash machine (in the goverments eyes of course) you will see these states start flipping like nothing after seeing those 25 states doing great as they are now


Well-Known Member
legal or not here in colorado they flashbang first and ask questions later. I for one am fucking tired of it.


Well-Known Member
I am morally obligated to help my wife, and i as well respect the guerilla, but doing an illegal commercial grow for means of self benefit and nothing more isnt a moral obligation, not that its immoral either it just fucks it up for everyone else who hasnt gotten the chance yet.
How do you know their profits from selling their illegal grows isn't going to better their familys? Just because you can grow your wife's medicine doesn't mean they can to. Maybe their kid is dying from leukemia or something and the only way to make decent money is to grow and sell it.

Btw you're a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
and dudes right, telling people in another place to set an example while you sit back and break the law elsewhere IS being a hypocrite. Tell you what, you stop breaking the law and I will too.


Well-Known Member
cash croppers have good reasons some people wan't to raise their kids and not work for minumum wage or welfare food stamps why should they go hungry the mexicans will always push their bricks you can't stop it and its better than selling crack and robbing people its a buisness you can go big a few years and buy a ligit buisness


Well-Known Member
cash croppers have good reasons some people wan't to raise their kids and not work for minumum wage or welfare food stamps why should they go hungry the mexicans will always push their bricks you can't stop it and its better than selling crack and robbing people its a buisness you can go big a few years and buy a ligit buisness
Pretty much the truth. I don't smoke or grow, however I plan to move out West where it is semi-legal and then I plan to start. I think that marijuana prohibition is silly and pointless and I know it is a harmless drug as many of my friends are users. But nevertheless I am looking to grow it simply for my own enjoyment as I enjoy working in the garden now, but also as a means to make a buck.

I went to college and I graduated with over a 3.0 GPA. I worked my ass off and was a model student. I was a teachers assistant and made the honor roll a few times. I was involved in various student organizations and was elected in a few to be a representative to some conferences. However it was all pointless. I came out of school in the hopes of becoming a police officer of all things and I was told I will have to wait a few years on that as the department I applied for is not hiring. I looked at graduate school but those have gotten more competitive as more people look for alternatives to a bad job and I wasn't accepted to a few language programs because I don't speak the language (in order to learn Arabic in their graduate program you have to speak it somewhat). It is very frustrating.

So in the end I had no choice but to take a crappy job. I work at a warehouse superstore in their food court. I work 30 hours a week, sometimes more and I get treated like a piece of trash by customers. Management doesn't care and we are shorthanded. Everyday it is something. We can't have any air conditioning as it will screw up our coolers and it is over 80 degrees in the food court kitchen. The hairnets and beard nets get itchy. And I don't make much more than the minimum wage. I'm there because they give benefits to us after 6 months and I need an income. However this income doesn't allow me to pay back my student loans, afford a new car as mine is going to need to be replaced in a year or two, and I can't afford to pay rent. I'm 30 years old and I have to live with you parents, just like a few friends my age as they lost their jobs and nobody is really hiring.

So I decided that I want to make some money and enjoy my work. Growing and selling marijuana is an excellent way to do both and that is why I like the above post. People don't want to be treated like garbage for little money nor do they want to slave away for someone who doesn't care about them as many corporations do. Selling marijuana is an escape and a way to make some money while I look at graduate school and explore possibilities while seeking the life I wanted and was told I would be able to get with a college education. Basically I want what my parents got and what I worked for.


Well-Known Member
ya thats my problem I didn't go to college but I got my ged and I smoke weed so I can't get a good job. I've done every shit job I've worked at fast food,dishwasher,jiffy lube,k-mart, buss boy,grocery store, cook,the local dump, cord wood, and never made much more than miniumum wage and always doing the shit work with little apreciation and barely enough to get by and I got a temper so I have to make money on the street cause when I get yelled at by my boss I'm trying to fight him and then i get fired I just don't like people talking shit if they asked nicely it would be different but there poor stuck in a dead end job with a morgage so their allways pissy. plus I like to do shit being tied down 5 days a week till you make it to 65 if you live that long my dad died of cancer at 40 lifes to short to be somebodys bitch I'm 25 I hope I out live my dad but I'm not going to waste my life away its too short you can die tomorrow I've seen to many freinds die young. so basically if I'm not happy I'll find something I like I'm not trying to get rich quick just do something I like gardening is basically stress free work to me.
I'm not scared of jail and I don't talk to anybody who even soicializes with rats and nobody knows my buisness except my wife. I don't trust anybody really I had a good freind try to where a wire on me for hard drugs once. he always swore he would'nt rat but he got pinched and was looking at about a 5-10 year bid he ratted somebody out for sure as hes still on the street. thats why I don't touch hard shit I would of been looking at a minimum of 10 years if I slipped up. plus I don't like junkies their always trying to pull one over on you and always ready to rat I think thats what that kids problem was he started shooting up around the time he got busted for a domestic and had a qp of weed broken up and a bunch of pills atleast 3 differnt kinds and he was on probation with 3 years over his head can you say rat he didn't do any time.
but weed if you sell to one solid person that don't talk to rats and wouldn't rat plus its just weed you won't do much time but hard drugs are bad and even most of the solid ones will rat cause its a long prison sentence for selling hard drugs
Pretty much the truth. I don't smoke or grow, however I plan to move out West where it is semi-legal and then I plan to start. I think that marijuana prohibition is silly and pointless and I know it is a harmless drug as many of my friends are users. But nevertheless I am looking to grow it simply for my own enjoyment as I enjoy working in the garden now, but also as a means to make a buck.

I went to college and I graduated with over a 3.0 GPA. I worked my ass off and was a model student. I was a teachers assistant and made the honor roll a few times. I was involved in various student organizations and was elected in a few to be a representative to some conferences. However it was all pointless. I came out of school in the hopes of becoming a police officer of all things and I was told I will have to wait a few years on that as the department I applied for is not hiring. I looked at graduate school but those have gotten more competitive as more people look for alternatives to a bad job and I wasn't accepted to a few language programs because I don't speak the language (in order to learn Arabic in their graduate program you have to speak it somewhat). It is very frustrating.

So in the end I had no choice but to take a crappy job. I work at a warehouse superstore in their food court. I work 30 hours a week, sometimes more and I get treated like a piece of trash by customers. Management doesn't care and we are shorthanded. Everyday it is something. We can't have any air conditioning as it will screw up our coolers and it is over 80 degrees in the food court kitchen. The hairnets and beard nets get itchy. And I don't make much more than the minimum wage. I'm there because they give benefits to us after 6 months and I need an income. However this income doesn't allow me to pay back my student loans, afford a new car as mine is going to need to be replaced in a year or two, and I can't afford to pay rent. I'm 30 years old and I have to live with you parents, just like a few friends my age as they lost their jobs and nobody is really hiring.

So I decided that I want to make some money and enjoy my work. Growing and selling marijuana is an excellent way to do both and that is why I like the above post. People don't want to be treated like garbage for little money nor do they want to slave away for someone who doesn't care about them as many corporations do. Selling marijuana is an escape and a way to make some money while I look at graduate school and explore possibilities while seeking the life I wanted and was told I would be able to get with a college education. Basically I want what my parents got and what I worked for.