Is my set up killing my plants?


I know I need pics and will get some tonight but....... I've got 4 sensi seed super skunk autos that are about 2 weeks in, they seem small and the lower leaves started to go bright yellow but now new leaves are yellowing too..... Now, I presumed that was because I over nuted them far too early and took it as read that it was my fault... I've also got three critical rapido (barneys) that are a bit younger (about 9-10 days old) that have only ever had water, no nutes at all, and these are now showing signs of yellowing at the end of their leaves.

My tents 100 x 100 x 200, I've got a 400w light, extraction fan and an oscillating fan - my extraction fan sucks my tents sides in loads, could I not have enough air in my tent??


Well-Known Member
:-( hows the heat in there? id add more air regardless.. other then that your grow seems word


I need to get a thermometer in there but I really don't think it's the heat. What do you mean "your grow seems word?"

Whats the best way to get more air in there? Guess I've gotta spend more money..........


for seed and clones i would keep water with nutrients no more than 250ppm, after 10 days or so you can move it up to 500, 550, 600ppm. As for your 10 days old plant they are starting to turn yellow due to no nutrients. Your extraction fan is causing negative pressure which is good, but make sure you keep giving that plant fresh air and there is a good entrance for that air to come in from. Don't keep you 400W MH or HPS to close, place your hand equal to the plants tip. You don't want it to be hot, better if u had a thermometer to check the temp instead of your hand.


the first two sorry states are the ones which i think i wrecked myself with over nuting, the third one shows the start of yellow at the end of the leaf (this plant has only ever had water) and the other two look healthy now but again, they have only had water and i'm desperately worried about these three, seeing as i've not nuted them to death.

i've just put a thermometer in and will report temp in an hour or so......

as for watering, i water when they seem dry, every other day-ish........


the thermometers got 2 readings on it (indoors and outdoors?) outdoors is reading 88f and indoors is reading 92f, i've just opened a flap on the tent to bring temp down a bit, dunno what else to do............?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Im thinking it was the nutes more than the heat, 92 is high but most plants can take it once in a while.


Im thinking it was the nutes more than the heat, 92 is high but most plants can take it once in a while.
With my very limited knowledge I would agree but the plant in pic three has only ever had water and it seems to be going the same way as the ones I've over nuted??

Thanks for your input, I'm worried about my plants!


Well-Known Member
92F indoors for most strains is bad. I'm sure there's a few more durable strains out there that were originally grown in hot climates, but chances are you're not growing one of those. If your hit 92F every now and then it's ok, but if it's the constant temp for 12+ hours that's not ok.


Active Member
I have a similar setup. you WANT the sides to suck in. This is creating a negative pressure (keeps the smell in the tent). I have included a pic of mine to show you how I set it up. If your temps are 92f you aren't venting the heat properly. As you can see in mine, the carbon filter is connected to the 400w light and that is piped to an exhaust fan of 285 cfm which vents out through the top. The air is sucked into the carbon filter, pulled across the light, and out through the top. I have a 65 cfm inline fan bringing in fresh air at the bottom and a little 6" oss fan (not shown) that blows across the canopy. I have also included a chart on the light distances based on wattage. Hope this helps. :)

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Thanks for the replies guys..... Just checked after having a couple of zips open overnight and it's still running at 92f. I reckon my lights 18+ inches away from the plants..........

Ill get a pic of my fan/filter set up tonight. So, ideally I need another fan bringing air in as well as the one taking air out? The kit I was sold was sold as a complete kit, nothing else needed.......?


pics of set up inside tent:

the hot air inside tent is extracted the side of the tent, up and over the top and out of an open window:



Well-Known Member
so you got nothing at all cooling down that 400 watt lamp... look up a diy cool tube man... your heat is outta control, on the other hand lol maybe its time to start tanning! cool tube that beast
then you also dont gotta worry about having to make it back to the tent on time to open the flap then make it on time to close the flag everyday.


Well-Known Member
Soil only? If so when they get bigger and you move them to bigger pots, say 5gallons I would either get some coco pete and soil and some perlite. Mix the coco pete 50% and soil 50% then throw some perlite in to help move water out of the medium. Your temps should never be higher then 81f. Yes as stated they can hit 90's and it will not hurt them, it can also hit 40's and will not hurt them. Ideal growing temp 72-75 for any plant. I would get at the minimum a 6" inline fan sold at most hydro stores or even home depot if have one near and put it in one of the holes and have it suck heat out of the tent.