Well-Known Member
The other one didn't leave with your harvest, did she? lol.
how did you like the killerskunk? how did it stack up to some of your favorites?Had to have it.
Underground Originals No Name.
I grew out the killer skunk. I had to smell that plant every time I was near it. Was going to repurchase a pack and someone on riu, claimed that the blues was taken a step further so I should try that first. So I went with No Name, and Smile, and got a 5-pack of blues coming for safe measure.
Here is the info on the smile:
Underground Originals Smile is an indica dominant. Smile was created for people who dont have a lot of head room and would like to get an idea of what a sativa high is like. Every bit of feedback confirms the sativa spirit is dominant in this cross. The great thing about Smile is that it is not a couchlock, everyone that has smoked the bud says it puts a big old smile on their face every time they have a puff of it. This cross has a really nicely balanced and quite complex energetic up high. One tester commented that it should be called prozac from a seed, as it does what prozac ought to do. Smile is a good sog type with little side branching.
Cannabis seeds Flower in 8 to 9 weeks, plants stretch very slowly for about 6 weeks, not quite doubling in height at crop time. So Smile flowered at 12 inches most will go to 22 to 23 inches. Smile responds very well in increased psycho activity if there is some metal halide light when flowering.
This will be part of a 1-2 punch with Jilly Bean. lmao.
Absolutely addicted to the smell of the plant. lol. The smoke wasn't as strong as I wanted, but damn close. I am trying their Smile, No Name, and blues did you like the killerskunk? how did it stack up to some of your favorites?
I sure will. Not much info on them that I have found.ok cool, thanks. let me know how the smile and no name turns out for you.
I have tried some of the elephant stomper and I am positive it is dank. lol. Really looking forward to harvesting these.sounds like some dank
I had to mention harvesting elephants eh abe. I did not know that elephants were smart animals, I did however know that humans were ignorant. lol. Elephants are some of the smartest animals on the planet it's F'in sad that they are being wiped out by ignorant humans. 