Elephant Stomper!

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
Had to have it.

Underground Originals No Name.

I grew out the killer skunk. I had to smell that plant every time I was near it. Was going to repurchase a pack and someone on riu, claimed that the blues was taken a step further so I should try that first. So I went with No Name, and Smile, and got a 5-pack of blues coming for safe measure.

Here is the info on the smile:
Underground Originals Smile is an indica dominant. Smile was created for people who don’t have a lot of head room and would like to get an idea of what a sativa high is like. Every bit of feedback confirms the sativa spirit is dominant in this cross. The great thing about Smile is that it is not a couchlock, everyone that has smoked the bud says it puts a big old smile on their face every time they have a puff of it. This cross has a really nicely balanced and quite complex energetic up high. One tester commented that it should be called prozac from a seed, as it does what prozac ought to do. Smile is a good sog type with little side branching.
Cannabis seeds Flower in 8 to 9 weeks, plants stretch very slowly for about 6 weeks, not quite doubling in height at crop time. So Smile flowered at 12 inches most will go to 22 to 23 inches. Smile responds very well in increased psycho activity if there is some metal halide light when flowering.

This will be part of a 1-2 punch with Jilly Bean. lmao.
how did you like the killerskunk? how did it stack up to some of your favorites?

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
 Elephants are some of the smartest animals on the planet it's F'in sad that they are being wiped out by ignorant humans. 


Well-Known Member
 Elephants are some of the smartest animals on the planet it's F'in sad that they are being wiped out by ignorant humans. 
I had to mention harvesting elephants eh abe. I did not know that elephants were smart animals, I did however know that humans were ignorant. lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man Glad - they all look nice man.

I'm amazed that the cotyledons got so messed up on that one and it grew a node anyway.

I do the same thing sometimes. Pick off the bean cover.
It's a stupid human trick I think. :-P


Well-Known Member
I am surprised myself. I was gonna pitch it and figured what the hell, I'll give it a few days. It must have heard me cuz it is trying like hell.


Well-Known Member
All ten of these are looking great. These are a little tall and weak yet. I have them under a new Quantum Bad Boy 8-bulb T-5 light now.

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Well-Known Member
K. So in my signature I have a journal for OG Ghost Train Haze #1. In there yesterday I put a small explanation of why I have sucked the last few weeks. I apologize to anyone following along. I hope to have things together long before I am smoking on these. lol. In the square pots are the 4 - purple Marty's. I have had these under a 8 bulb t5. Now honestly I just through out like ten-twelve plants yesterday, cuz of 100% me. Now these were in beer cups longer than they should have been. Most look good, a few look a little fucked up. One thing I noticed with these next to the others is that these are a much weaker green color. Since I transplanted them last night I will water again today with water and then tomorrow I will use some neptunes harvest fish guts. The other round buckets are the 3 elephant stompers and 3 purple elelphant stompers.

Now being in 10 bigger pots they are no longer under my t5 eh. They are under 1000w raptor with hortilux mh blue bulb. Later today I will put my rainforest into bud so these will sit better under the 1000. I shouldn't have a problem getting the deep beautiful green color back. One more thing is that I used super soil. When I was high as fuck when I transplanted them. Well I caught myself taking soil out of one pot to fill the next, to like top off. Well I realized that on a few I may have mixed in the super soil. long story short one of the regular elephant stompers may start looking a little hot. 6612 031.jpg6612 032.jpg6612 033.jpg

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Well-Known Member
There they are. What the fuck. lol. I think those two stragler pics are Purple Marty #2 and Elephant stomper #1


Well-Known Member
Well I like the node spacing that the Purple Marty and Purple Elephant Stomper picked up from the PT-13 cross.
And the big fan leaves.

PT-13 is (Pine Tar x Purple Rhino) x G-13 BX2. The mom is a beautiful purple that turns halfway through flower.
The thinking on my crosses with it is to impart that coloring into the others.

The thing about the purple mom is she was always finicky when I ran clones of her.
She does not like a lot of nutes - ever it seems.
And she liked it cooler and a little distance from the HID lighting.

I sure would like to see that purple turn up in those man - wish I had room to do some now.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been feeding regularly at all. Some plants look like shit, these look much better. The purple marty look best, of the smaller veg plants. Them liking less nutes make sense. I should have a mini split set up in time to set the temps way down to aid in the purple.

I am going to run the best of these three again and then another Hazeman when these are done. And I will do a much better job.


Well-Known Member
Man you don't have to tell me about building your grow room while growing.
If I had it to do over again: I wouldn't. hehe

Drywall dust and all that other shit just hammers the plants; but what are you going to do?
I am damn happy you are growing them, and I am not worried about the smoke quality because it's there.
I want to see what they look like mostly.
Thanks Bro.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
2/3 Purple Elephant Stomper
1/3 Elephant Stomper
Possibly and hopefully 3/4 Purple Marty.

Almost screwed myself. I have been checking the Purple Martys for sex, the Elephants sexed much sooner!!
The Biggest Purple Marty is def. female that is cool shit. Another was def. male and is dead. The other two are looking female, but I am not for sure yet. Few more days on those, but I am thinking I am good to go.

Looks like I can get a few Larry Smurf going.