When do you get a soul??


Well-Known Member
Seems like Christians long ago, turned from the idea of free will. It has become, especially among the evangelical, a fate based religion. Like Islam.

So, a religion defines 'god" out of whole cloth, will kill and burn, so sure of "right". And yet there is always this abdication of any understanding, at all.

"Mysterious ways" , "Inasha Aallah", is the same as "luck" and "roll the dice." Christians pray for good luck, for boons from god. Why, because the Church used to sell them. And in the same fashion, there are also prayers for bad luck to smoot and smite others.

Meant to happen? That's what the Boo Hoo Hudist, say about everything. Karma, fate.
The saying is "Insha Allah" which means if god is willing. And there are no prayers for bad luck? Wtf?


Well-Known Member
"You" are a soul.
This physical reality is an illusion, the veil of maya.
Not one single piece of matter is actually "real", it has all been created for a purpose beyond your understanding
"You" the "soul" are being tested by the "ultimate creator"
He is attempting to categorize himself, which you are apart of
In order to do this, he must test the soul without the soul knowing it is being tested.
That test is called life. Every person you meet, every opportunity you arrive at has already been predestined, what hasnt been is how you will respond.

Been reading a lot of Krishna writings lately.

EDIT: so to address the OP's question directly, You dont "get" a soul, you are one. You have always been and will always be. Just like matter cannot be created or destroyed, nor can your eternal soul. Maybe it can get locked away in some abysmal dimension where you dont experience anything for 100000000 years, but it can also just as easily be confined to a human body, or a plant, or maybe even a sea slug

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
"You" are a soul.
This physical reality is an illusion, the veil of maya.
Not one single piece of matter is actually "real", it has all been created for a purpose beyond your understanding
"You" the "soul" are being tested by the "ultimate creator"
He is attempting to categorize himself, which you are apart of
In order to do this, he must test the soul without the soul knowing it is being tested.
That test is called life. Every person you meet, every opportunity you arrive at has already been predestined, what hasnt been is how you will respond.

Been reading a lot of Krishna writings lately.

EDIT: so to address the OP's question directly, You dont "get" a soul, you are one. You have always been and will always be. Just like matter cannot be created or destroyed, nor can your eternal soul. Maybe it can get locked away in some abysmal dimension where you dont experience anything for 100000000 years, but it can also just as easily be confined to a human body, or a plant, or maybe even a sea slug
I agree with pretty much everything you said. IMO I think we have more freedom when it comes to destiny. I think destiny brings us to certain opportunities and situations and its up to us what direction to take, not every situation and opportunity. Thats the only thing I half-disagree on.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
"You" are a soul.
This physical reality is an illusion, the veil of maya.
Not one single piece of matter is actually "real", it has all been created for a purpose beyond your understanding
"You" the "soul" are being tested by the "ultimate creator"
He is attempting to categorize himself, which you are apart of
In order to do this, he must test the soul without the soul knowing it is being tested.
That test is called life. Every person you meet, every opportunity you arrive at has already been predestined, what hasnt been is how you will respond.

Been reading a lot of Krishna writings lately.

EDIT: so to address the OP's question directly, You dont "get" a soul, you are one. You have always been and will always be. Just like matter cannot be created or destroyed, nor can your eternal soul. Maybe it can get locked away in some abysmal dimension where you dont experience anything for 100000000 years, but it can also just as easily be confined to a human body, or a plant, or maybe even a sea slug
What is the point of this test? How do you pass, how do you fail. What happens when you pass, what happens when you fail. Do you have any evidence for these claims?


Well-Known Member
I agree with pretty much everything you said. IMO I think we have more freedom when it comes to destiny. I think destiny brings us to certain opportunities and situations and its up to us what direction to take, not every situation and opportunity. Thats the only thing I half-disagree on.
I see what you're saying, kind of like an ant farm; the ants have some predefined paths already but they can shift the sand around and make paths that maybe previously werent there?

The only reason I stand behind predestination at all is because of the laws of physics.
Everything (all matter, light, sound, anything etc) was concentrated at one time in one super dense, super hot point, which then exploded (aka the big bang). The big bang is just a glorified explosion, and explosions follow the laws of physics just like anything else. To ME that means everything that ever has, or ever will exist, has already been mapped out in the sort of "ballistics" explosion analysis of the big bang. In other words any physical occurrence is simply the result of physics falling into place.

This doesnt take into account things like quarks and quirks, which dont really follow any currently written physical laws. I like to believe what i believe because it explains things in a way I can understand, doesnt break any outstanding physical laws, and because it fits my world view. Same reason(s) anyone believes in anything else (i would hope :P)

What is the point of this test? How do you pass, how do you fail. What happens when you pass, what happens when you fail. Do you have any evidence for these claims?
There isnt really a "point" to the test, its a cycle. Do the morally righteous thing, and reject physical distractions. Be rewarded by having your soul transcended to a "higher" physical reality. Live like an animal, devoting your life strictly to physical gratification, and you will remain trapped in a cycle of lowly physical beings, never allowed to reach the "truth" of "ultimate reality". So its not really pass or fail, more like learn or be forced to repeat. And also, I have absolutely no evidence for these claims what so ever. This is just a hodgepodge belief system i tote around for myself, its kind of a conglomerate of hinduism, shintoism, and 21st century quantum theory.


Ursus marijanus
I see what you're saying, kind of like an ant farm; the ants have some predefined paths already but they can shift the sand around and make paths that maybe previously werent there?

The only reason I stand behind predestination at all is because of the laws of physics.
Everything (all matter, light, sound, anything etc) was concentrated at one time in one super dense, super hot point, which then exploded (aka the big bang). The big bang is just a glorified explosion, and explosions follow the laws of physics just like anything else. To ME that means everything that ever has, or ever will exist, has already been mapped out in the sort of "ballistics" explosion analysis of the big bang. In other words any physical occurrence is simply the result of physics falling into place.

This doesnt take into account things like quarks and quirks, which dont really follow any currently written physical laws. I like to believe what i believe because it explains things in a way I can understand, doesnt break any outstanding physical laws, and because it fits my world view. Same reason(s) anyone believes in anything else (i would hope :P)
The mathematics of chaotic processes ("chaos theory") are the fly in that jar of ointment. cn


Well-Known Member
What is the point of this test? How do you pass, how do you fail. What happens when you pass, what happens when you fail. Do you have any evidence for these claims?
STOP with your evidence shit!! There are some things in life that cant be proved! Deal with it! If not please stop commenting, because we will never have enough evidence to please ppl as close minded as you!


Well-Known Member
STOP with your evidence shit!! There are some things in life that cant be proved! Deal with it! If not please stop commenting, because we will never have enough evidence to please ppl as close minded as you!
Prove it.

What is the value in believing in something there is no evidence for?


Well-Known Member
STOP with your evidence shit!! There are some things in life that cant be proved! Deal with it! If not please stop commenting, because we will never have enough evidence to please ppl as close minded as you!
So by your standards there could be such a thing as a flying spaghetti monster. And when you die heaven is full of stripper factories and beer volcanoes.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
STOP with your evidence shit!! There are some things in life that cant be proved! Deal with it! If not please stop commenting, because we will never have enough evidence to please ppl as close minded as you!
The word "evidence" will get thrown in our face every time someone tries to discuss spirituality here. Even the "Spirituality Mod" doesnt tolerate discussions about spirituality. The title of this sub forum is quite misleading, isnt it?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I have the most opened mind of anyone Ive ever known, i have more imaginative ideas in my head than reasonable ones, trust me.

I agree with Pad, what is the value in believing in anything if there is nothing to base this belief on but "I believe this idea because i want to believe it, i like it" ?

Being afraid of uncertainty i think is the major factor in all metaphysical thinking.

When you begin to understand the implications of not being able to know weather or not you have a soul, you will begin to understand the psychological insanity and delusion those must undertake to tell themselves they are certain of something that holds no claim to certainty... and probably never will.

"I know!" you tell yourself. "I know I know! I Just know!" you repeat over and over. The truth of this matter is, that you do not know... and this fills you with fear. When making up an answer in order to deal with the fear of not knowing, one must become insane and delusioned, this is the only way one can hide from the fact that he/she is not certain.


Well-Known Member
The word "evidence" will get thrown in our face every time someone tries to discuss spirituality here. Even the "Spirituality Mod" doesnt tolerate discussions about spirituality. The title of this sub forum is quite misleading, isnt it?
I guarantee you can't provide any evidence to back up that claim.


Well-Known Member

  • Define 'soul' without using the word 'like'.

    What is the evidence that supports the existence of souls?

    Where is your soul?

This would be indication of fostering discussion and debate. Asking questions is the heart of communication. It seems you view any questions you do not like as intolerance.


Well-Known Member

  • Define 'soul' without using the word 'like'.

    What is the evidence that supports the existence of souls?

    Where is your soul?

Jesus Christ! How intolerant of me!! How dare I ask someone to define a word or provide evidence for a claim!

Do you know what 'tolerate' means?

I can close any thread, do you know how many I've closed? 4 or 5, know why? Spam.

Know how many times I've closed for any other threads? Zero.

That's tolerance.


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ! How intolerant of me!! How dare I ask someone to define a word or provide evidence for a claim!

Do you know what 'tolerate' means?

I can close any thread, do you know how many I've closed? 4 or 5, know why? Spam.

Know how many times I've closed for any other threads? Zero.

That's tolerance.
Why are you the spirituality mod if your not spiritual? That makes no sense.