resin IS man's best friend


Well-Known Member
I always thought saying resin was funny. Here in TX, when we say resin, we mean the nasty ass tar you have to get off your piece.


Active Member
Yuck resin was what i smoked when i was a teenager. We even use to strain the bong water and smoke the crap that was let over. Yuck i can't believe it, it tasted so nasty i don't know what i was thinking then.


Well-Known Member
I don't have a grow going either... I'm jobless and my unemployment ran out... I have kids and bills to pay... I still gots me some weed even if I am stay high


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm definately a tweaker for weed...If I feel like I'm running low, I go into panic mode and start pawning thing I haven't gotten that low in a few years...haha


Well-Known Member
I don't have a grow going either... I'm jobless and my unemployment ran out... I have kids and bills to pay... I still gots me some weed even if I am stay high
Damn, so what do you do to keep ur weed supply flowing, prostitution? Or does your wife hook you up some money to get you some green?


Well-Known Member
Damn, so what do you do to keep ur weed supply flowing, prostitution?
Hustle, man! Get a gas can and hit up some gas stations, tell people your car broke down. If they give you cash, cool! If they give you gas, turn around and sell it to someone for 3/4 the price...Just explain to them that you're hustling, and it'll benefit both of ya.

P.S.-Might have to hit up a few gas stations after you get kicked out of the previous


Well-Known Member
Damn, so what do you do to keep ur weed supply flowing, prostitution? Or does your wife hook you up some money to get you some green?
I don't know man when there is a will there is a way... I haven't been dry in years... I'm just way fucking lucky that way... I can't gamble worth a shit but I can always get smoke... stay high


Well-Known Member
"this game is not that fun.. and it's worth an eighth".
Haha...yeah right...more like

"I don't need video games without weed, gotta have the weed...Let's see, you'll give me 9 bucks a game? How much for my Xbox, 40 bucks? So a total of 85 bucks? Well, Ok...Don't need 'em if I don't have any weed...Oh, that was STORE CREDIT? You'll give me 52 bucks? Um...Ok...gimme the cash then"


Well-Known Member
Haha...yeah right...more like

"I don't need video games without weed, gotta have the weed...Let's see, you'll give me 9 bucks a game? How much for my Xbox, 40 bucks? So a total of 85 bucks? Well, Ok...Don't need 'em if I don't have any weed...Oh, that was STORE CREDIT? You'll give me 52 bucks? Um...Ok...gimme the cash then"
and all of a sudden you got weed and you're like where the fuck is my xbox/ps3?? fuck I want it back... oh well at least i'm high... stay high


Well-Known Member
I'm not lying bro I just got really good friends that take care of me.... but at least I got weed and I'm not scraping bowls... stay high