First Grow under the Texas sun.

Alter Ego

Active Member
Disclaimer: Starting late in the season, constant 95-100 F temps, 70-90% humidity, using small pots, root bounding, stunting, stressing, over/under feeding/watering and *first* grow = Tiny ass plants :o. Go easy on me.

PR#1: Chopped at day 55. Had no choice. Bud rot was setting in and more rain was on the way. After drying for 3 days, final weight came in at 4.7 grams... lol. Sorry, forgot to take pics but I rolled up a J with all the sugar leaves and trimmings and man I tell you...WOS Pakistan Ryder is one hell of a stoney Indica. My god....I was sitting like a vegetable for 2 hours watching Looney Tunes without even flinching. Felt great to smoke my own fruit. I will never buy from a dealer again. :)

PR#2 @ day 40: This PR aka "Freak" has lived a healthy life for the most part but she is still small. It's all good though.

Strawberry Blue #1 @ day 59: My best plant thus far. After the transplant she grew quite a bit then I split this girl right down the middle :p. I then did some slight defoliation for sunlight penetration and tried to do a ghetto LST method on her. I realize that I probably won't yield much so I am trying to promote branching/multiple bud sites. Looks like a buch of small branches are starting to grow out of the stem. How does it look to you?

Strawberry Blue #2 @ day 40: She looks good and has doubled in size since the last update. I am not sure what to do with her at this point so I am following the LIFTA rule with her.

Kilimanjaro @ day 23: My tiny African Sativa baby. She has thin Sativa leaves from the start! I only have a good month or so of vegetative growth time left. I know she wont yield much of anything but I will happy if she just grows and produces anything. I am not a hard man to please.

As always, thanks for looking!


Well-Known Member
Check out the Nugbuckets Lab thread. He does that split thing to an amazing degree!

Your girls are looking great!

Alter Ego

Active Member
Check out the Nugbuckets Lab thread. He does that split thing to an amazing degree!

Your girls are looking great!
Man I was nervous when I started to spread her legs................................I had to chop away a lot of the "bush" to get some sunlight up in there. ;-)

No but in all seriousness, I pulled her till she was rigid and I'll keep pulling her wider as the gets used to growing that way. What was surprising is how much those tiny little branches are developing now. I have high hopes for this plant!

In other news. I am thinking about starting a Newbie Breeding Project. I am in the process of germinating 1 Holy Smokes Seeds Mulanje Gold 100% landrace Sativa. I am actually hoping for a boy so I can get some pollen off of him and will pollinate 1 tiny bud site on each female plant. Mulanje Gold X Strawberry Blue and Mulanje Gold x Kilimanjaro sound soooooo interesting.

If the plant turns out to be female...then great! More bud for me! Point is, she is specifically an experiment and will pull her before she releases her pollen in the air...I hope. :eyesmoke:


New Member
looks great. I split one recently trying to tie her to the side of the pot on both branches and accidently she got torn.. ripped right down the middle. i ended up taping her up and when that spot healed it was stronger than ever. the branches are now full 'o bud. so i def believe in LST lol. they look great btw. maybe should have called my techinique HST haha.

Alter Ego

Active Member
Yikes batman!! I'm glad i didnt split her till she ripped? I keep checking the tension and its pretty solid. I just hope the wind doest rip her apart.

Where did you notice the most bud developement? Like the stem, new branches. I am hoping for 4 main colas.


Well-Known Member
Did you check out Nugbuckets Lab thread? It is amazing stuff - he really prunes and bends his girls and gets amazing results - 8 full colas, 16 full colas. I am still reading his thread. He has one before it where he really shows in detail the whole mainlining procedure. You gotta check it out!

Alter Ego

Active Member
I read all 16 pages on Nugbuckets thread. He is fucking nuts! (in a good way) I seem to have 14 grow shoots shooting straight up into the air so maybe I'm on the right track. His setup is soooo nice. I wish I had a greenhouse like he did.


Well-Known Member
Did you you follow the link to his new thread? You can see how his babies turn out. I am still reading it and I am on page 28 of 64!

Well-Known Member
Hey just stopped by to say I am subbed! I want to see what happens to the other Pakistan Ryder, because I am myself growing a pakistan ryder and she just started to bud, she is like a little bush haha.

heres a pic, I am using fox farm nutrients.

she is about 14 inches tall and 9-10 inches wide.

Alter Ego

Active Member
Hey just stopped by to say I am subbed! I want to see what happens to the other Pakistan Ryder, because I am myself growing a pakistan ryder and she just started to bud, she is like a little bush haha.

heres a pic, I am using fox farm nutrients.

View attachment 2225598
she is about 14 inches tall and 9-10 inches wide.
Wow, that is fantastic! Did you start her in a good size pot? Mine was stunted and root bound and I ran out of veg time. The 1st PR I chopped and sampled was a super strong stoney smoke. It will put your ass out! No sports, no outdoor activities, nada...Tv on and zone out...really Indica high imo. Save all your fan leaves and sugar leaves, chop them up real fine and dry em for 2-3 days and it makes reallllllllly strong potent smokeables for joints or for edibles. I rolled a fat ass J with some of it and I was gone for 2 plus hours. It is on par or better than the stuff on the streets, that is for sure. You will not be disappointed.

Well-Known Member
Wow, that is fantastic! Did you start her in a good size pot? Mine was stunted and root bound and I ran out of veg time. The 1st PR I chopped and sampled was a super strong stoney smoke. It will put your ass out! No sports, no outdoor activities, nada...Tv on and zone out...really Indica high imo. Save all your fan leaves and sugar leaves, chop them up real fine and dry em for 2-3 days and it makes reallllllllly strong potent smokeables for joints or for edibles. I rolled a fat ass J with some of it and I was gone for 2 plus hours. It is on par or better than the stuff on the streets, that is for sure. You will not be disappointed.
I started her in a 2 quart pot (cloth pots, so there is no chance the roots get rootbound because they have so much oxygen) and then I move it to a 5 gallon cloth bucket. She was a runt, I ended up topping her and bam, the sides shot out and she turned into a mini bush.

I topped the one of my lowryders and this did not happen.

Alter Ego

Active Member
Damn dude, you are brave topping autos. Some say thats a big no-no. You are going to have a nice yield with a killer smoke. I was reading your thread about you throwing/giving plants away....i say you keep them and grow it out. Could turn out some fire.

Alter Ego

Active Member
I guess it's time for a small update even with all the rain I'v been getting lately. Been laggin' with my journal...I met this girl at my cousins wedding and have been busy chasin' her sooooo......ya know, lol.

I gave my Pakistan Ryder away to a friend of mine who wanted to get into growing so that's gone.

Strawberry Blue 1: LST def helped. I counted over 10 bud sites.

Strawberry Blue 2: This this is about 2 feet tall now and has fat 9 finger fan leaves.

Kilimanjaro: Really sativa growth structure. She's chugging along just fine.

Yup, down to 3 plants...actually, there is a 4th plant but that's a top secret experiment at the moment. I will share when the time is right.

Either way, thanks for looking. Stay high friends!


Alter Ego

Active Member
Well, here we go. Looks like all 3 of my girls are finally in flower for sure. I have been busy with life in general and the plants have had their share of ups and down while I was away from GC. I lost a lot of fan leaves on all my plants since I had a unknowingly used a bad barrel of rain water...had tons of dead mosquitos and algae growing in there. I guess the seal broke...*sign*

They still recovering from my *constant* mistakes......

Lmk what I should be doing guys. I know my plants look like prickly sticks, so pointers would help! Still having fun though!

Alright, I'll STFU and throw some pics up...even though the morning humidity messes with my picture quality.

SB #1 (LST), flwr wk 1: Lost a lot of leaves due to my mistakes but is recovering slowing. For the LST, I basically split her and stretched each individual branch out as they grew. I see lots of bud sites...but this plant has alway been a slow grower honestly...

I think thats pretty intense.

SB #2, flwr wk 2: This one has really surprised me....yes i know she looks a little yellow here and there but she is also recovering. She was the first to go into flower and is already quite frosty in early flower. I hope rot doesn't get she has buds everywhere....

Kilimanjaro, flwr wk 1: She is over watered.....her soil doesn't have a lot of perlite so it happens easily. She looks promising though. She definitely smells like spicy lemons and strong cardomon!!! Very exotic. Very Sativa in growth, smell and was the last to start flowering.

Love this pic...

Anyway, there it is, they are still alive!!! As always, thanks for looking!