Sorry guys this is one topic that I have to agree with UB and the "liburels" for the most part and even I don't believe in taxes at all but corporate tax something I have always been leary about especially for the fact that trickle down theory is a bunch of bullshit and one of the main parts of the Republican's game. I wish people would wake up to what lying corrupt scumbags the republican's are playing off all your hearts and minds. If you see the Democrat guise then its time you recognize the Republican.
I think if we have taxes everyone should pay the same, I don't think the rich should pay more, but I also don't think anyone should have to pay any income tax period. I don't agree that making the rich pay less improves the economy or jobs, I also don't agree that making them pay more does that either, perhaps by enabling consumers it could but that is just more incentive to cheat or whatever. All taxes should be equal for every PERSON. Corporate Taxes, as far as giant mega corporations...part of me whats to say Fuck them, they are corrupt as all hell, tbh fukin Pfizer and JP morgan we should take all their fucking money and fucking dismantle these blood sucking parasites on humanity, free market be damned these evil fuckers do not count. Seriously if corporations are people then these cocksuckers need to be on trial and get life behind bars. Shit Pfizer has essentially murdered billions.
Free Market Philosophy and The Republican guise of "Trickle Down" ...seriously has you people defending these parasites..think about that..Your defending absolute parasites...and here we go again...Divide and fucking easy to split us in two..
These are not people, these are not just succusfull businesses, They are not doing anything but sucking our life force, you are defending them.... Please really really think about this...Think about pfizer, goldman sachs, bigmacs, wal-mart, Monsanto...think what they are doing to us. They do not benefit us whatsoever, they are literally killing us and taking our jobs. Fucking Literally killing us and taking our jobs.....this can't be emphasized enough. But again, make them pay more money? What the fuck do they care..they shit money...but I am sorry this has absolutely nothing to do with JOB CREATORS LOL AND FACTORIES GOING OVERSEAS GTFO THIS IS A LIE! THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH JOBS! THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH US, THEY DO NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT US! THEY ARE SELLING YOU ALL LIES! (On both sides)