
Let's say i buy 2 feminized seeds from 4 different strains (White Rhino, Jack Herer, Great White Shark, G13 Haze), turn half into hermies and pollinate the females, would my females produce hermie seeds?

Also, if i kept them into the same room, would it create some kind of White Rhino x Jack Herer x Great White Shark x G13 Haze strain?


Active Member
Yes you would produce hermie and female seeds. Which isn't best cause most breeders want male and female seeds. Use regular seeds and f1 strains to make a stable non hermied strain. It's ideal to pollinate with a male but if your doing this for personal use, or for fun, you can make a mother plant to clone off of and have your own strain.
Yes you would produce hermie and female seeds. Which isn't best cause most breeders want male and female seeds. Use regular seeds and f1 strains to make a stable non hermied strain. It's ideal to pollinate with a male but if your doing this for personal use, or for fun, you can make a mother plant to clone off of and have your own strain.
I'm not doing this to create a new strain, I'm doing it to not have to pay hundreds in seeds every harvest.

I don't have the money to start a cloning operation so I'm trying to figure something out to get seeds from my plants.


Well-Known Member
You don't have to have much money to start a cloning operation. Get a bag of rapid rooters and a jar of rooting hormone. You can get a free bottle of rooting gel from xnutrients. Cut small clones from the bottoms of your plants or just keep a mother. Place the clones in the rapid rooters in a shallow tray. I mix a little rooting hormone in water, and pour it in the bottom. They root within a week on a North windowsill.
You don't have to have much money to start a cloning operation. Get a bag of rapid rooters and a jar of rooting hormone. You can get a free bottle of rooting gel from xnutrients. Cut small clones from the bottoms of your plants or just keep a mother. Place the clones in the rapid rooters in a shallow tray. I mix a little rooting hormone in water, and pour it in the bottom. They root within a week on a North windowsill.
So mother plants are optional?

I thought you had to have a mother plant because taking leaves off a young 2months old vegetating plant stress it too much and can lead to it's death.

If i don't have to have an extra room + another HID lamp for the mother plants and can simply take 1-2 leaves off my regular plants for cloning it changes everything.

Dank Raptor

Active Member
Mother plants are not required unless your running a nursery. Generation cloning works and does not affect the quality of forthcoming generations as long as you take healthy cuts from healthy plants. I have a strain that is on its 16th generation with no decrease in quality or yield.
Mother plants are not required unless your running a nursery. Generation cloning works and does not affect the quality of forthcoming generations as long as you take healthy cuts from healthy plants. I have a strain that is on its 16th generation with no decrease in quality or yield.
Last thing, would it be possible to take cuttings and clone them later?

If so, what would be the best environment to store them in?

Edit : I think i found my answer, it says in my book : Hold cut clones in a glass of water until you are ready to dip in hormone and plant.

I doubt it would last very long in there tho, I'm talking about months if not years of conservation.


Active Member
Get a batch of regular seeds. Pollinate the males and females of the same strain, wa-la you have f2 seeds. Unless you buy off nirvana those are already f2. (hense why they're cheaper.) The F2 seeds are less stable but you will be able to produce hundreds easily. This will take longer than cloning but you could also sell the seeds and wouldnt have to wait for your mother to regrow. If you pollinate a f2 male and f2 female of that strain you will get f3 seeds. These will be much less stable and will get more unstable the further you go, f4, f5, f6 etc. I've personally never dealt with anything below f2.

You should use clonex gel and rockwool cubes for cloning if thats what you choose to do, keep them under a humidity dome or in a high humidity area.

P.s. cloning is very inexpensive.

Hope this helped.
