hermi... what to do with IT???


Well-Known Member
got a hermi 3 weeks into bloom and was wondering what to expect its buds to be like? will they do the trick? will the seeds be all female? took it out of main room and was thinking of finishing it in a tent by itself. using ebb and flow method.


Well-Known Member
i seperated it. its not worth keeping even for seeds for someone that has trouble getting seeds?


now that is is isolated,

i would say plant it outside somewhere if your climate suits, cant do any harm. its nice to do that as opposed to just binning it.

edit: somewhere secluded, edge of water if possible, you could return in a few months / years to investigate 8)


Well-Known Member
if you let it make seeds you are creating future generations of hermies. Those traits get passed down - that's why (good) breeders don't use hermies to breed.


Well-Known Member
Well, IMO, a hermied plant is not trash. Move it away from your girl and let it finish.

Yes, you will have seedy buds, but I seem to remember growing up on seedy buds and I was still getting high. And that was years ago. So finish the plant, dry it and cure it and keep it around for emergencys/dry spells. Is it Med grade? Of course not. Is it something you would share with your peeps to demonstrate your exceptional growing ability? Of course not. Will it get you stoned? Course.


Well-Known Member
thanks greenlikemoney. i want the expirence of going all the way with it so i wont have to ask this question again.


Well-Known Member
Every minute of our lives can be a learning experience if we just take the time to observe nature. Glad to hear you are growing it out. 3 months from now, a noob will post a question about hermies and YOU can give him a "real life observation" of what happened. Knowledge is POWER !!!!!!


sometimes a female thats turns hermie will only put out 20 to 30 seeds so if you have space keep her going learn from it how many bannanas does she have ?just dont pass pollen to your ladys when they open but it good to learn why she hermie in first place did you stress her


Well-Known Member
I myself would grab a machete chop the lady boy down bring it outside dump some gasoline on it and watch it burn so that its seeds will be erased from the earth so it won't be able to ruin any future crops
got a hermi 3 weeks into bloom and was wondering what to expect its buds to be like? will they do the trick? will the seeds be all female? took it out of main room and was thinking of finishing it in a tent by itself. using ebb and flow method.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't have to ruin a crop, just move it away from the girls, isolate it from the girls, don't let it pollinate the girls.

Or "grab a machete chop the lady boy down bring it outside dump some gasoline on it and watch it burn so that its seeds will be erased from the earth".

What if the first MJ plant on earth was a male? And the only way that one plant survived was to hermie itself. Aren't you glad it did?


Well-Known Member
Well, IMO, a hermied plant is not trash. Move it away from your girl and let it finish.

Yes, you will have seedy buds, but I seem to remember growing up on seedy buds and I was still getting high. And that was years ago. So finish the plant, dry it and cure it and keep it around for emergencys/dry spells. Is it Med grade? Of course not. Is it something you would share with your peeps to demonstrate your exceptional growing ability? Of course not. Will it get you stoned? Course.
Not a question of will it be potent but it will pollinate the room if left too long!! /then all are seedy!!Genetics whivh are inferior can be used but with care not to let any pollen escape!!!


Well-Known Member
That's why I said "move/isolate" it.

I never kill any plant ( tomatoes, peppers, flowers, aloes etc etc ) until it is sooo dead I can learn nothing from it.

But that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Leaving a hermie IMO is just leaving the chance for you to accidentally contaminate your grow room. Pollen travels. Unless you have a huge grow area you only have so many plants you can grow. In limited space gardens, weak plants are just vectors for disease and wasted yield.