Product reviews


New Member
I don't know about you but Iv'e spent hundreds on bunk hardware and gimmicks .If your a grower I'm sure you don't want to waste time and money not mention your health on something that doesn't work. So lets post the products that screwed us over and bitch about them.


New Member
My first bitch is bx promix with mycorrhizal fungi. It does grow some good bud and it tastes great but so far ive used about 4 bails and my yield has suffered. its great for hydroponics but the problem is the fertilizer salt kills the microbes. so I label this one a gimmick.


New Member
my illuma digital ballast shorted out after 8 months. the fuse blew re-welded back together and burned off the wires. It almost burned the house down.i called to customer service number five times never got any help.


Well-Known Member
Nothing huge, but the CAP PPM-3 will not work within a certain range of digital ballasts.

other than that cant say ive had any problems. I do quite a bit of research before I buy products.


New Member
I bought an oreck air purifier ionizer to get rid of the smell it doesn't work at all and its new. the store wont take it back. the customer service sucks.


Well-Known Member
Sunleaves "waterproof" ppm meter. Spent like 110$ on it, screen malfunctioned without getting wet but was still usable. Got it wet and it fucked up completely. Sent them an email asking them what they could do for me and was told it was just water resistant and that I was basically retarded.


Active Member
My first bitch is bx promix with mycorrhizal fungi. It does grow some good bud and it tastes great but so far ive used about 4 bails and my yield has suffered. its great for hydroponics but the problem is the fertilizer salt kills the microbes. so I label this one a gimmick.
That's pretty absurd. This mix is only as good as what you make of it to begin with. I've amend a shit load of castings, lime and perlite -pretty basic when using any other peat-bases mix when soil growing bud.

Did you bother to amend the mix with anything?

What microbe killing fertilizer salts are talking about?


New Member
technaflora pura-vida is going on this list also the bloom formula is useless without the grow formula. the only way i could get it to work was to mix both together for flowering. they drop your ph to levels that are off the color chart. the grow formula seemed to work good but not worth the price.


New Member
That's pretty absurd. This mix is only as good as what you make of it to begin with. I've amend a shit load of castings, lime and perlite -pretty basic when using any other peat-bases mix when soil growing bud.

Did you bother to amend the mix with anything?

What microbe killing fertilizer salts are talking about?[/QUOTE any fertilizer salts.why do you know of any organic fertilizer salts that feed the microbes? I dont have to use lime soil-less mix has a lower ph than soil so lime is just going to raise it and my water runs over 7 out of the tap. it has enough perlight in it already. If you like the stuff buy it. I had a pallet full of bails I think i have 4 or 5 bails left. one more thing about the promix you cant stake anything down because the soil is so light. and grow bags are not a good idea for this stuff because it rolls the soil away from the edges if you have to move them.


Nutradip tri-meter ($240), the blue one where you calibrate the ph with a screwdriver. Exchanged it twice, and it never calibrated plus it has to be plugged into the wall all the time. Dumped it for a bluelab combo meter, great unit so far takes a lot of abuse.


Active Member
Sounds like someone in here needs a whaa_mburger and a whine_iken, haha :)
I like Roots soil, but got a half a dozen bags and they all had gnat larva :(
Those little fuckers are every where, I bet my carbon scrubber is caked up with dead gnats.


Well-Known Member

I spent $30 on 3 sets of them to water my plants while I was gone. Good thing I tried them out first.
All 6 of the full globes instantly drained their entire contents in the soil. I coulda done that myself and saved $30.

PS -- Good topic idea.



Well-Known Member
I bought an oreck air purifier ionizer to get rid of the smell it doesn't work at all and its new. the store wont take it back. the customer service sucks.
Those things won't even do what they're sold for- cleaning household air. Expecting them to cover up the smell of a grow (even just one plant) is expecting too much.


New Member
Those things won't even do what they're sold for- cleaning household air. Expecting them to cover up the smell of a grow (even just one plant) is expecting too much.
I have an ionic pro that works real good it smells like ozone so I figured the oreck would help but I was wrong.