The Seed Collectors Thread


New Member
Another thing about the Seagreen.. you would think if it had adverse reactions to the plants they would herm. I don't have a single nanner. Just an observation.. but then again I don't see a benefit and I'm thinking back to that article Rev wrote about too much Humic Acid being a bad thing. Wondering if I should discontinue the use of it, or do a side by side to see if I notice a fucking thing. Idk. That's the thing about additives., most are worthless and unless conducting an experiment using side by side documented trial.. you'll never know if you're pouring money down the drain every time you use them.

I'm using Flora Micro, Flora Bloom, Beastie Bloomz, Liquid Koolbloom, Bud Candy, and Seagreen as of late. I'm getting decent allright results besides the A11's. I think the A11 might go the more I think about it because it's so high maintenance.


Well-Known Member
The Seed Depot, anyone know what the June promo code is? I deleted my e-mail and cant remember, any help would be cool, thanks


Well-Known Member
I had to go to the Post Office to pick up my sannie order and I got the Mt Hood Huckleberry freebies but I only recieved one order of CR instead of two. This is the second time in a row the same thing has happened sicne having to sign for your beans


Active Member
I realy have a problem with ordering seeds lol it's getting bad! Even though I said I wouldn't buy tga gear after his rant
I have space dawgs going now And it looks like straight fire! I'm gna order a couple more from hemp depot and get some freebies out of it
can u guys recc a good strain of his that gives energy but won't make me paranoid?


New Member
do you remember why the Rev noted this?

what's his reasoning?

"Some mellow chelation happens when you use molasses in a true living organic tea: again, all good at those levels. But whenever you pour on the chelation acids, especially ascorbic acid (vitamin c), humic acid, and fulvic acid, you do some serious harm to the microbial bio-equilibrium of your living container mix by killing many bacteria throughout"

"When you use a regular regiment of highly chelated liquid organic nutrients, in containers, I call that "Soup Style" organics growing. If you try and use that philosophy of force feeding (chelating) the plants using organic acids like humic, fulvic, and ascorbic acids, in a living container soil mix, you will severely damage the whole bio-equilibrium and destroy all the supernatural qualities your livings soil mix would otherwise be capable of."

"When you are growing true living organics style using a living soil mix in your containers, then you DO NOT (emphasis the author's) want to use any heavily chelated liquid organic nutrients on that soil mix, ever, not even once.

"I hear about this problem...the plants seem to starve and yields hurt fairly badly. You are either adding raw phosphorous, or you are killing your microlife with straight chelated liquid nutrient additions..."

"I don't think HPS bulbs work very well with a living soil mix and cannabis when it comes to growing, and especially late flowering. What you are looking for here is a mini version of natural sunlight in your growing lamps, however, since that isn't possible yet, I have found Eye Blue Metal Halide spectrum to be the closest. And it works awesome for flowering; and growing too, when using a living soil mix like true living organics preaches. If you feel the need to use a HPS light, get one that is more balanced with enhanced blue spectrum elements".


Well-Known Member
Kinda want that 10% off gig at Seed Depot, anyone know the code? Dont know why JB changes the fucking thing every month, just to fuck with us probably, LOL!


Well-Known Member
I love a 1000 watt MH in my bud room, it is in the center of 4 1000 watt HPS, kinda like the 5 on a dice.

I think it gives the room a better spectrum than just straight HPS?

Fuck, who knows, LOL!


New Member
...I have space dawgs going now And it looks like straight fire! I'm gna order a couple more from hemp depot and get some freebies out of it can u guys recc a good strain of his that gives energy but won't make me paranoid?
Apollo 13Bx and Spacedawg <-- those

Everything else = They're all coming to get you...!!


lol well maybe that's not entirely true. Agent Orange was pretty in the middle... but the heavy hitters, JTR, JCII, SQ, Chernobyl not so much anti anxiety... but very potent and smell like heaven.


Well-Known Member
Not sure why I am even thinking about the next genetics I want to crack open... but, here is what I have narrowed down to choose from. any suggestions?


Goji OG(full pack)
Dank Sinatra(full pack)
La Pure Kush(full pack)
Apollo 11(full pack)
snow leopard (full pack)
tigers milk ( waiting from tude)

GrapeStomper OG(2 full packs)

blue fin(full pack)
old time moonshine (full pack)

Sannie shop-
chocolate rain (2full pack)
killing fields F3 (full pack)

Dairy queen(full 5 pack)
space bomb(full 5 pack)
jack the ripper(full 5 pack)
jilly bean(full 10pack)
querkle(full 5pack)
Chernobyl(2full 5pack)


New Member
kudos batman! interesting read. where did you get that? are those comments related to the book the Rev is writing?

dont agree with all his assertions w/o some proof (of his acidic claim especially) but something speaks to me in that excerpt.

maybe its the less humics/fulvics position. seems better to me as well. oddly with both in the nute stash , i've steered away cause they fuck up long term PH stability & slime up my ebb/flow rezzies.

nevertheless, liquid karma (which we both love) is acidic w/ a ph of 3.5 (ish) and surely falls into the rev's "don't use" category. i do note that he doesn't say not not to use... lol ...just not "pour on" lots.

im still using LK by the way ;-)

the blue light comment... is ...well ...on point imo.

i run two hps & two mh in flower myself. little blue light make dem nugz tight.

wish i could afford those horti blues.