full of purple
Well-Known Member
So what do these products do and are they worth the investment?
Gravity is a phosphorus, kelp, vit B1 blend. It is reputed to be a very strong product that can cause nuke. If you use it be careful. Kelp is one of the fastest, hardiest plants on earth - read in 'naturally occuring growth hormones'. Gravity is designed to harden and put weight on the flowers at the end of the flowering cycle. I cannot speak for the B1, as I do not use that, but I do add kelp to my finishing formula (1/2T phosporus, 1/2t guano, 1/8t kelp, 1/8t molasses, 1 drop silicon per half gallon, aerate 24-hrs, add 1 drop humic acid, feed). a. nodosum is cold water Norwiegan (hopefully) harvested kelp. Find a quality source and add 1/4 teaspoon per gallon. I only make 1/2 gal of solution at a time so my measurements are reduced (T=tablespoon, t=teaspoon). Currently, I use General Organics Bio Weed kelp, Narure's Nectar Phosphorus, Happy Frog Bat Guano. With aeration, the dosage needs to be reduced. And if you are using beneficials, any extra P is gonna burn, since fungus tends to transport phosphorus exceedingly well.So what do these products do and are they worth the investment?