Good evening, Rollitup. I would appreciate the opportunity to respectfully respond to a few of the concerns outlined in this thread. By no means am I here to sway anyone/persuade anyone to attend,,,however it appears there are a few misunderstandings about the Kush Expo.
First, I would like to say there are various types of Medical Marijuana shows in California. Yes, some are very serious about focusing directly and solely on the Medicine and it's benefits. The Kush Expo is geared towards an educational and fun all around weekend.
Second, regarding the medication being provided at the Expo. Truthfully, that is entirely out of our hands. The Anaheim City Council does not allow for the sale or distribution of medication at the Expo. Simply put, they don't feel the Convention Center is permitted to act as a giant dispensary, which it certainly is not. There is no benefit to us prohibiting it. There are not a lot of Venues that do permit medicine sales on site, but those that do already have Expos taking place in them. We do encourage the Dispensaries to utilize the shuttle buses. This allows you to be taken to a legitimate location where plenty of freebies are provided. I don't know which Dispensaries were visited by the person who commented on their experience, but I can tell you with certainty that some of the Dispensaries are *very generous* in their giveaways.
Third, this is the 4th Kush Expo at the Anaheim Convention Center.
Fourth, the Ladies in bikini's are simply one part of the Expo. Did you know we provide free booths to almost any Activist group? NORML, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Judge Jim Gray who is running for Vice President and is all for the proper regulation of Marijuana, Robert Platshorn AKA Bobby Tuna, and many more have had tables and been encouraged to speak at our previous Expos. We provide a great speaking area, and the seats stay filled almost the entire time. We do not schedule any events on stage while the Speakers are on so to focus the attention on them and their causes. We have received great feedback on our effort to support and promote Activist causes and for our educational speaking area. We do not have our speaking schedule finalized yet, but we are very excited about it, and encourage every person who attends to take in as much time in this area of the Expo as possible. I would like to state who we have lined up to speak in July, but due to the hectic schedules of our prospective Speakers some may or not be able to attend.
Fifth, regarding the Kush Cup, the Winners are selected solely by the quality of their medication. We have 3 Judges who will be personally testing all of the medication and providing a review of why they chose it. As well, we are having all entries analyzed by The Werc Shop, which is a highly reputable testing lab, well known in the industry. The results from The Werc Shop will be presented at the Expo for everyone's review.
Sixth, regarding Del Taco,,,we list them on our website simply because we really do love their food. It is one of the few places that is open, nearby, and fast, after the Expo. After operating the Expo all day, we are hungry and tired and a bunch of killer tacos hits the spot. The logo on our site is simply us showing them love. We even have photos on our Facebook page from last years late night dinner Photo evidence!
If you had a bad experience with a Vendor, just know while we do get some repeat Vendors, we definitly get applications from mostly new Vendors at each Expo.
We have many give aways planned for July. We have arrangements with our Sponsors to provide all kinds of free glass, Smoke Buddys (great product if you haven't tried one yet), and more. So far on our Facebook page we have given away free tickets to the Expo and will be having more.
Our online tickets right now are only $15.34 with the ticket processor fee.
As many have mentioned, the smoking section is a popular part of the Expo. The vibe felt in the presence of so many other like minded and cool people while enjoying the greatest medicine on Earth is both beautiful and unique, and something everyone should experience. As well, there will be a few companies in there offering to allow people to sample their products such as vaporizers and glass. Nothing pushy or in your face, this area is for you.
I sincerely thank you all for allowing me to respond. I hope that I may have cleared up some aspects of the Expo. We really do work hard to make it a great weekend for everyone. We wouldn't be holding our 4th Expo in Anaheim if we haven't received such strong positive feedback. At the Expo, we have the front and center booth when you walk in. I encourage any and all to stop by and say hi, we will have some freebies there, and discuss with us what points of the Expo you enjoyed and/or did not enjoy.
Again, thank you for allowing me to respond.