Is it legal in canada?


Active Member
I'm confused, people on these forums keep mentioning going to canada to buy seeds. Is mj legal in canada? Is it legal to grow? What are the laws in Ontario. Can I grow and not worry in Ontario?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Its illegal in candan to sell and grow marijuana and seds there..but the government tends to overlook it and there are even seed shops there now that are illegal but pretty much overlooked the same way as if you get caught with weed or grow ops the penalties are light.Most large growers may loose thier plants and equiptment and get fined unless they were stealing power.


Well-Known Member
In Canada we're pretty civilized about pot.. If you got caught with a pound, you'd probably not even serve a day in prison...I knew a guy who was caught with 500 plants, he got 5 months, but that was because he had been busted 4 times before....Shoot once I got really high and was argueing with my girlfriend and ran head - on into a police van..when they pulled me out I fell down...super stoned. THey searched my car and found.. 5g's morphine, 2 syringes and 50 hits of phenobarbs.
I spent the night in jail, and that was all........CANADA the land of the twistys


Well-Known Member
That being said... Harper is trying his best to be a good " Bushy " Bush what a waste of good skin....He breaks more U.S. and International laws than most drug trafficers...My U.S. friends, you have it rough :(


Well-Known Member
whatevs, i can't wait for the conservatives to lose power, and the liberals to take over and decrim/legalize, like they tried to


Well-Known Member
Well, I doubt our next president will be a conservative, just too much anti-Bush hate for me to see that happening. However, I doubt someone like Hilary is going to legalize. Obama sounds pretty decent though. I guess we will see.


Well-Known Member
ya the only way i see the u.s. legalizing is if canada legalized first, kinda like a trial


Well-Known Member
It will never happen in the states. Even when it happens here there's no way the religious right would allow it. They'd stop it cold....Here we don't have the fanatics running the country..
I'm not taking shot's at the US. It's just fact. You guys are run by special intrest & lobby groups. Ya we got them here, but as a slight influence, not to the amount as your nra, religious right and the such.....Look at your supreme court which is now picked not for legal prowess but political belief's....Roberts..for example....
Damn shame


Well-Known Member
It will never happen in the states. Even when it happens here there's no way the religious right would allow it. They'd stop it cold....Here we don't have the fanatics running the country..
I'm not taking shot's at the US. It's just fact. You guys are run by special intrest & lobby groups. Ya we got them here, but as a slight influence, not to the amount as your nra, religious right and the such.....Look at your supreme court which is now picked not for legal prowess but political belief's....Roberts..for example....
Damn shame
reppin QC huh? im from there


Active Member
canadas sick man on 4 20 this tons of people go up to the parlement building in ottawa and smoke right there and no one does shit....


Active Member
If you have no criminal record and little "contact" with Canadian police, getting busted would be an inconvenience. Its almost certain you would not be given a criminal record for under 10 plants because they don't want to make an otherwise productive, tax paying citizen into an unemployable ex-con who doesn't contribute anymore. You would loose your equipment though :cry:

Most weed in Canada grows in BC. The economy for pot there is the second largest income source in the province, rite behind forestry. Thats billions that would be lost if they truly enforced major grow ops let alone your closet or shed.

Penalties are much stiffer

Canada recognizes the cost of investigation, court, police wages etc isn't worth the end result. For most people in here this is all for personal use and maybe a bit extra. Buy growing your own your bypassing one of the true problems we have today which is organized crime. Gangsters make money on the criminalization of marijuana.

By growing your own you contain your source, and you aren't harming anyone. You bypass violent criminals for your smoke. The government has began to recognize this in the past 10 years. Thats why charges are rare.

Any police officer in my city that walks into the department after busting Joe Blow for 8 plants will get laughed at, if not disciplined. Unless your very obvious about your grow, it costs a ton of money to get you for anything at all.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yes we will have another republican conservative for president next.We learned what a democrate does to our country when let in thier.Thank clinton for the high gas prices for tearing down 8 of our oil refineries so now we can not even refine the needed demanded crude.Billy ruined our military so it took a ton to get it up to bare minimal again and come on no liberal will get weed legalized as its up to the houses to vote it in and that wont happen.We definatly dont want crazy Hilary in there and Obama well he has no clue about reality of politics..I like Canadas policies though wish we could adopt thier weed views in politics


Well-Known Member
I don't think America will ever legalize weed sure some states will adopt their own policy such as California but as far as lifting the federal ban on it, nope feds are never gonna give up the failed drug war.


Active Member
Yes we will have another republican conservative for president next.We learned what a democrate does to our country when let in thier.Thank clinton for the high gas prices for tearing down 8 of our oil refineries so now we can not even refine the needed demanded crude.Billy ruined our military so it took a ton to get it up to bare minimal again and come on no liberal will get weed legalized as its up to the houses to vote it in and that wont happen.We definatly dont want crazy Hilary in there and Obama well he has no clue about reality of politics..I like Canadas policies though wish we could adopt thier weed views in politics
I think this accurately sums up a Bush supporter.

Please spell check or nobody will take you seriously. "Needed demended", are you serious? That barely passes as English.

If your blaming Clinton for high gas prices you need to be reminded that the US pays less for fuel than anybody else. That being said prices have gone up for all western countries, not just the US. Maybe blame OPEC, or do you know what that is? It's a group of oil producing countries who are mainly based in the middle east. They decide how much oil to produce, thus, prices.

Guess who George Bush completely alienated and pissed off over the last eight years, rite, the Middle East. Meanwhile he's done nothing to minimize oil consumption in the US, the very reason its expensive. You probibly don't know this but, high demand = increased cost for everybody. And good old oil businessman Bush demands allot of it.

If your president spent less time making enemies and pumping public money into wars, you could afford heath care that rivals anybody in the world and cheap post secondary education (that might have helped you out).

Simple hillbilly answers that simpletons like you understand are counterproductive in the real world. Quit putting your opinion out there because it's uneducated and wrong. You should be offended and saddened they have managed to turn your thinking upside down:roll:
whatevs, i can't wait for the conservatives to lose power, and the liberals to take over and decrim/legalize, like they tried to
.....well now it's pretty much that way, also the first black president is in office and happens to be from the same side of the spectrum as liberals. But no change in criminal charges and mj is just as legal as it was 420-2008. Soo.. Yeah. Real, now aren't cha!