The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Lol, yup, london we were looking at 0.7 for £10. A friend was all chuffed that they had some brick weed that they were selling at 1.0g £10, i smiled and nodded but thgouht fuck you you cheaky cunt. Even here we'll get pissy and agressive if someone tries eve 1.1g for £10. I have sold bits and pieces in the past to cover this or that when absolutely required, if it is to friends then it is whatever they like the look of for however much they feel is a reasonable price, if they take 7g and give me £20, fine. With strangers exo is £10 1.75, £20 is 3.5, an ounce is £160. It is a plant that requires next to ZERO effort to grow, costs mere pounds per ounce to grow, i cannot justify being a greedy piece of shit. All you'll here is "well if they're willing to pay then why not". People make me fucking sick. Since when did we stop being friendly compassionate human beings and just turn into greed ridden cunts? :( Guess we have to thank the government policies for this kind of thing, everything about cannabis is just a sham these days, seeds being one of the biggest scams of all.


Well-Known Member
fuck paying them prices mate thats why i decided to grow my own. you cant blame them for charging it if people pay it tho. i am tempted to go and get some at the mo cos my neck is playing up.
have any of you been watching that american weed on natgeo?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
fuck paying them prices mate thats why i decided to grow my own. you cant blame them for charging it if people pay it tho. i am tempted to go and get some at the mo cos my neck is playing up.
have any of you been watching that american weed on natgeo?
No, i can't "blame" them, but i can certainly call them out for the greedy pieces of shit that they are :) I'd have absolutely no issue seeing them carted away by the police, fuck, we need some kind of robin hood mad man, goes around arrowing the fuck out of anyone who tries to take the piss with prices and weights. That'd make them think twice about selling 1g £10 bags. I wonder if i could find someone like that on SR, some mental assasin dude to go around striking fear into the heart of greedy cunts. would do the world no end of good :)


Well-Known Member
haha id love to see that. robin hood would run out of arrows well before he made a dent in the dealers. i dont think its the dealers that charge £10 a gs fault. i know some small time dealers that have to pay £200+ an oz and only make about £20 to get a free smoke themselves. its more the middle man i think is making the biggest profit out of it all. the only way to bring the prices down is if every smoker stopped paying the prices, then it would have to come down

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
While what you say is certainly true, i know plenty of dealers who pay sweet fuck all for their weed. A year or so back i used to have a few dealers let alone growers who would sell homegrown for £100-120 an ounce till the growers got busted. Dealer or grower though, anyone who tries for todays prices is a cunt in my book and i'll have nothing to do with them. Take super silly billy as an example, sure he is a ncie guy, but if he tried to have me for £300 an ounce for dog, i'd be heavily tempted to knock his front teeth out just to put a point across. This is just modern life though, there is no longer any thought of simply getting by and being happy, life is about excess, everything and anything has become about maximum profit. It is a rather depressing sight.

As you rightly say though, it is also partly the buyers fault for being a useless bunch of cunts. We've even gotten past the notion of refusing weed based on it's quality, well the majority have at least. gone are the days where someone would get given their 8th and say fuck you that's underweight and wet, wtf! My friend alas is rather like that, he'll just buy "because it's weed". He owed me some money so i said hey, just rbing me some weed and we'll have a smoke, he said he'#d get some off his housemate who was selling to pay rent, i told him to fuck right off and ust give me the cash. I'll occasionally be made the fool when utterly desperate such as a weekend arrives and i'd promised i'd ave weed, but no, if it's a shitty deal or of inferior quality i'd just rather buy some tasy food and a case of beer fuck you.. (i will not lie, i've received stuff from forum members and i've had to sit there wondering if they've even heard of the concept of trimming..)


Well-Known Member
Ha ha ttts on one big time, looks like I'm a total cunt then in ur eyes, I don't give a fuck, silly cunts pay the prices so fuckin take it off them that's my view, ain't goina sit bantering about it cos I'm sick too fuck hearing some guys winge on about prices, don't fucking pay them and shut the fuck up, nuf said


Well-Known Member
i had some stuff off a mate a week or 2 ago that was full of leaf. he was asking me how it was harsher than the stuff i gave him being as his was a clone of mine. but i happily smoked it and got a good head off it too. i havent smoked healily since my bubblegum ran out a few weeks ago, so it was nice to have something. i cant wait for these to finish, i can see me having tasters off it in about 4 weeks lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
This might take longer than i thought :( Positive side being i'm gonna have legs like a damned mountain goat by the end of the day what with this up and down a ladder every 5 seconds lark. Maybe i should just put a duvet on the floor and just throw everything down :D