Harvest Day!! Kannabia Big Band Auto.


Active Member
lol wtf. auto? oooo goddddddddd impressive..

what soil u use? like wtf is ur secret bro. the most i pulled off an auto was 62gs. i dont think im in ur ballpark thought i was above avg. sick shit bro


Active Member
I started these the beginning of march in hydro and they just kept vegging and vegging. Topped them, super cropped them and they just got too tall for my tent. I was gonna toss them but the weather got warmer and I stuck them in 3 gallon pots and outdoors they went.

The only reason they got so big is that they vegged for so long. They are autos for sure since its the longest day of the year here. About 16 hours of light.

No secret here on this grow. They just vegged way too long for an auto. I have one more that needs about another week to finish up giving me a total of four.

Should have a nice yield.


Well-Known Member
Hmm..usually autos veg for like 2-3 weeks and flower for 8 and are done..so not really a true auto ..just a fast finisher?


Well-Known Member
If it's finished now it's an auto lol. Photo period plants in the Northern Hemisphere haven't started flowering yet.