The doctors in my family tell me that you can send the bill to the state and write off the loss as a donation. So I guess my family members who are doctors cancel out yours. If your family members don't build loss into htier business model then they are stupid and deserve to fail.If you don't believe me regarding the doctor issue, that's fine, but it doesn't mean you're correct. It just further proves my point that you don't know any doctors personally.
The doctor in my family continually has taken net-losses on people who just walk into his facility, of whom he cannot decline to service them. Believe it or not, this is what happens. Is it hard to believe that the same immorality is happening to the doctors as it is the patients?
I'm not seeking to justify anything.... In fact the only thing is seek is pummeling with those who justify immorality with immorality. Unfortunately those who think that justifying immorality with immorality, can't or refuse to logically view both sides of the fence in regards to most subjects.
The fact is that healthcare should simply not be a business. Law Enforcement is similar in my opinion. Take for example drug laws, do you think law enforcement agencies will approve of legalization when it costs them the opportunity to repossess cars and to seize moneys which they can use for new toys and recruits?
Turning healthcare into a business is just not ethical in my opinion and I think it is silly to debate that. Should your family member let the person die on the street in front of their medical practice? How would that look to potential customers with a corpse sitting out front? I would not go to a doctor with a corpse out front of his building which died from illness or injury. And don't say that someone should clean it up, your family member should. It is not right to have the taxpayers pay for cleaning services so your family member's business looks better than it is.