Do you not understand the bill? Everyone will be insured. All patients will be profitable to treat now, good for doctors, good for patients. This will create jobs too, as America needs more docs. Insurance companies will have a bonanza. Less people will die from preventable causes.
I understand the bill. The difference is I understand it logically & ethically, while you seem to just understand it from a self-centered view on "morality".
"Everyone will be insured" - sure, at the cost of the haves.
"All patients will be profitable to treat now" - sure, at the cost of the haves.
"Good for doctors" - yes, because they can profit more from the haves.
"Good for the patients" - yes, because the irresponsible & "have-not" patients will benefit at the cost of the haves.
"This will create jobs too" - yes, and their salaries will be paid by the haves.
"America needs more docs" - yes, and the haves will pay their salaries.
"Insurance companies will have a bonanza" - yes, at the cost of the haves.
"Less people will die from preventable causes" - yes, at the cost of the haves.
See a pattern?
America - It's ok to rape and pillage the haves & responsible, if it's in the name of morality for the unlucky, irresponsible, and have-nots. America - when someone doesn't give a fuck about themselves or gets a little unlucky, America will make someone give a fuck about them, and give them some luck by taking it from someone else who has it.
Life isn't "fair", nor should America be in regards to what's stated above.