Congrats America on Obamacare


Active Member
Finally SCOTIS passed obama care.. Now you guys can finally get health care that everyone deserves and not be charged a ridiculous amount.. Im glad to see that SCOTIS isnt totally corrupt..


Active Member
At least people with cancer, and other life threatening ailments, who didnt partake in wreckless acts of animal dominance will be able to get medical treatment instead of dying cause they dont have enough money..


Active Member
And at least 9/11 support firefighters, police officers, and hospital workers, wont die a drowning death on land.. because theres healthcare they can rely on to take care of them


Well-Known Member
This should be in the politics section, but im indifferent about Obamacare. What should happen is that health insurance companies should be shut down and all healthcare should be socialized and payed for by the government like in Canada, France, or the UK.


Well-Known Member
It's not over yet folks. Stay tuned in for more.
It's not a's a TAX.

Hmmmmm...Wonder where they are going to get those taxes? From only the Rich? I don't think so.
Can we say? " MIDDLE CLASS "
Social medicine cost big money. So, don't complain. Just pay the damn taxes.:wall:

Can't wait to see what is next.

The suspense and drama is killing me.:lol:


Active Member
Yes i meant SCOTUS.. Thanks for the correction..

And Obama is about taxing the rich.. Thats one of his main platforms.. The rich should pay more than they do.. obviously everyone will be taxed.. Is saving hundreds of lives a year, that are affected by a corrupt healthcare and insurance system not worht a few extra dollars in taxes.. Give a couple more dollars and help out one of the many sick and dying who are fucked over by insurance companies and hospitals on a daily basis, so they can have the same well being as you do.. Why wouldnt you want to help someone live longer.. Its not like free health cares only for the rich.. At least know if someone gets sick they wont be turned away, because they can't pay for treatment of there dibilitating disease


Active Member
And every civilized country in the world has socialized medicine.. For god sakes, Japan has it, Germany, Austria, United knigdom, Singapore, France, South Korea, Hong Kong, even the United Arab Emirates do, why the fuck shouldnt America, the richest, and greatest country in the world not have it.


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to hear the Republican's bitch and moan about this.... :dunce:

I'm indifferent. People complain about how our taxes go to things like this and welfare when it reality our defense budget dwarfs anything else us citizens pay for...Thanks Dubya


Active Member
Thank you BA.. The defence budget is ridiculous.. Im pretty sure its like 687 Billion dollars.. The educational budget is literaly a 10th of that.. Ridiculous


Well-Known Member
It's not over yet folks. Stay tuned in for more.
It's not a's a TAX.

Hmmmmm...Wonder where they are going to get those taxes? From only the Rich? I don't think so.
Can we say? " MIDDLE CLASS "
Social medicine cost big money. So, don't complain. Just pay the damn taxes.:wall:

Can't wait to see what is next.

The suspense and drama is killing me.:lol:
the "tax" (penalty) has already been announced. we already know what it is.

it's called reading.


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to hear the Republican's bitch and moan about this.... :dunce:

I'm indifferent. People complain about how our taxes go to things like this and welfare when it reality our defense budget dwarfs anything else us citizens pay for...Thanks Dubya
a welfare state is far cheaper than a military state or a police state. and people are taken care of.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure gastanker thinks anyone that uses this healthcare program should be tested for drugs first... stay high


Well-Known Member
This should be in the politics section, but im indifferent about Obamacare. What should happen is that health insurance companies should be shut down and all healthcare should be socialized and payed for by the government like in Canada, France, or the UK.
Yup. When I turned 18 I lost default healthcare and have to wait until I start college again to apply for my exemption certificate. This timeframe of having to pay for the healthcare I need as a young student has made me realize what life must be like for lots of people in the states. My medication and treatment cost so much fucking money... I may need some pretty hardcore downstairs surgery and oral surgery, correction to my spine amongst other things.. DAMN PRESCRIPTION CHARGES!!!!